High end is niche and it seems to follow mostly it's own path and less the daily trends and a lot of what affects the mass market is of little consequence to our sector. Even if they stopped stamping CDs tomorrow there'll be still be an near endless supply out there for purchase so personally I don't see CD players/transports becoming obsolete anytime soon.(...)
Surely. People obsessed with measurements will tell us that our great sounding CD transports, such as the Metronome Calypso, DCS Vivaldi or your top CEC belt spinner have jitter over 100 ps while the DCS ethernet renderer measures less than 10 ps, but many of us will go on preferring the sound quality of our optical electro-mechanical CD spinners.
Although the sound quality of my computer audio is improving with several tweaks the sound of physical media - CD or SACD - still sounds considerably more "natural" than files played using the Roon ethernet server