Yes, it's pretty funny how the file fundamentalists want to convert people here.
I see it as more that we are 'reference' fundamentalists, in that we believe the truth we hear and connect our own dots, until we hear better and then connect the new dots.
6-7 years ago I was a transport/silver disc fundamentalist with people wanting to send me files and me not even caring about it. so I had my son put together a (for that time) nice server and interface to receive files. then 3 years later I got a better server, but still had discs, than another 2 years later got an even better server (CAPSv4) and ditched the discs. and now I have the SGM and even though I've tried discs and might again try discs, I've moved on.
the only question is when you change from discs, not if. since the world is changing whether you like it or not. and at some future point, you will hear files surpass discs, then it won't be a big deal to change. or worth defending anymore.
just my 2 cents.