The end of the CD

One fly in the ceedee ointment is that you cant do any hi rez with it ..16/44 ...thats it
The Baetis with AES/EBU is really good (in Goodwin's systems at least), and that's the future of digital signal transfer to a DAC for optimum sonic quality: files over a dedicated, optimized channel, (...)

AES/EBU is only optimized when you feed the clock through a separate line. Otherwise it is a compromised system ...
AES/EBU is only optimized when you feed the clock through a separate line. Otherwise it is a compromised system ...

Clock slaving is an optimization specific to some manufacturers; here, we are talking about generic digital signal transfer. What I said (dedicated, optimized) covers both. Just because clocks on either side are not in perfect sync is not a problem with AES/EBU but with the clocks. See if you can slave a computer's clock.
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and you have no idea the resulting sonic difference as you haven't tried - its much bigger than cables, sorry to disappoint you.

I'm not talking about cables. You have no clue about the changes in my system, and the changes in resolution that come with them since you haven't heard the evolution of my system. Therefore I'd strongly advise you not to give me armchair advice, if you don't want it to look ridiculous.
One fly in the ceedee ointment is that you cant do any hi rez with it ..16/44 ...thats it

So what? Well implemented 16/44 beats less optimally implemented hi-res any time of the day.
Am intrigued by the next iteration of SGM...gather they are contemplating different versions

Seems the very long running debate on computeraudiophile with regard to # cores vs power draw vs processing speed vs sound quality may be echoing in their product paths..

Whichever path they elect....remain impressed by their power supplies...isolation and on board clocking

Ack -don’t dismiss well crafted USB ....I still can’t get the dcs Vivaldi upsampler using twin clock feed and dual aes/ebu to consistently exceed my servers sound quality...and we’re talking non trivial expense on the cables (chord music...)
The Baetis with AES/EBU is really good (in Goodwin's systems at least), and that's the future of digital signal transfer to a DAC for optimum sonic quality: files over a dedicated, optimized channel, not some noisy and jittery crap like USB or even ethernet. I do see the good transport eventually going the way of the dodo but not immediately (or at least not as long as Esoteric keeps churning out that VRDS beauties), but the bigger problem right now is two-fold: very few affordable and truly high-end transports at the moment and fewer in the future; and the cost of replacement with true high-end music servers with dedicated channels like the Baetis. Which also means, anytime anyone's still talking about USB and Ethernet I can only yawn.

That's how I see it too. The AES/EBU output of the Baetis got my attention.
One fly in the ceedee ointment is that you cant do any hi rez with it ..16/44 ...thats it

Very true Rodney and I wish the standard was DVD audio but even with that limitation I still find the sound of RB CD transport/player preferable compared computers. There are other factors besides file rez which are important for some of us.

But back to the compact disc. Perhaps CDs were never the problem all along? It was the playback equipment never reached the quality that we have today? Same thing can be said about analog playback with regards to the high end TT in recent years. Kronos, AF , etc..

Affirmative on your questions. At least that's how I experience it.
Clock slaving is an optimization specific to some manufacturers; here, we are talking about generic digital signal transfer. What I said (dedicated, optimized) does not exclude that

Sorry, but IMHO we are not addressing "generic digital transfer" when we refer to transferring bits to a DAC. AES-EBU is a synchronous process - my point is just that the clock recovery system is an intrinsic flaw of the system if we do not use the separate clock line to synchronize everything in AES-EBU. Surely, sometimes we love the sound quality caused by technical flaws, as it happens in the Metronome system ... :)

Anyway, although I could not see any reference to a clock system in the Baetis page I see a BNC connector in the back plate. What was the DAC being used at Goodwin´s?
So Al, can I ask you, do you not all feel you’re missing out library on Tidal/Roon? Albums that either you don’t know about, won’t easily find buying music the traditional way?
In my hour online today looking at the Tidal website, I picked up on maybe a couple of dozen albums that I absolutely would not know about otherwise, whose soundclips suggested I’d love to listen to ie would have been lps or cds I would instantly buy in the past.
If one hour dipping into the searches section of Tidal brought about this result, I can only imagine what full Tidal immersion w the additional help of Roon would produce.
So Al, I totally get your irritation in feeling like you’re being told what’s good for you, I’m not a fan of that viewpoint either.
I also get that you’re totally happy w your cdp. I am w mine too.
But it’s dawning on me that it’s indefensible to avoid streaming because of the potential mountain of albums out there you and I have no idea of.
For me the argument now, is not streaming or not streaming. It’s at what level do I invest to based on a reasonable assumption I’ll collate 200-300 albums via Tidal/Roon, at a quality good enough to not necessarily match my tt and cdp, but not be so embarrassed that I choose not to stream.
I do see the good transport eventually going the way of the dodo but not immediately (or at least not as long as Esoteric keeps churning out that VRDS beauties), but the bigger problem right now is two-fold: very few affordable and truly high-end transports at the moment and fewer in the future

That's always been the case Tasos and nothing has changed from the start. True top transports always have and will cost a lot of money, the bargains are 2nd tier units, still rare but 80%+ of the top tier sound usually at a fraction of the cost.

I'm not talking about cables. You have no clue about the changes in my system, and the changes in resolution that come with them since you haven't heard the evolution of my system. Therefore I'd strongly advise you not to give me armchair advice, if you don't want it to look ridiculous.

Al, you do this regularly. I mean, you've told us a CDP always sounds better than streaming. You've told us 16.44 always sounds as good as hi res. You've told us MQA can't sound good. So go fish.

Quite frankly your closed-mindedness about anything outside a silver disc is mesmerizing in 2017. If you'd tried a server in your room, at least that's something for us to respect your opinion on this thread. Instead you call us naive names as MikeL pointed out.
So Al, can I ask you, do you not all feel you’re missing out library on Tidal/Roon? Albums that either you don’t know about, won’t easily find buying music the traditional way?
In my hour online today looking at the Tidal website, I picked up on maybe a couple of dozen albums that I absolutely would not know about otherwise, whose soundclips suggested I’d love to listen to ie would have been lps or cds I would instantly buy in the past.
If one hour dipping into the searches section of Tidal brought about this result, I can only imagine what full Tidal immersion w the additional help of Roon would produce.
So Al, I totally get your irritation in feeling like you’re being told what’s good for you, I’m not a fan of that viewpoint either.
I also get that you’re totally happy w your cdp. I am w mine too.
But it’s dawning on me that it’s indefensible to avoid streaming because of the potential mountain of albums out there you and I have no idea of.
For me the argument now, is not streaming or not streaming. It’s at what level do I invest to based on a reasonable assumption I’ll collate 200-300 albums via Tidal/Roon, at a quality good enough to not necessarily match my tt and cdp, but not be so embarrassed that I choose not to stream.

What is best for the listener also depends on what kind of listener he is. I don't devour lots of new music every day (even though I know quite a bit of music), but rather listen to certain music many times over until I feel I really understand it (especially classical and jazz, in both cases regular and avantgarde). For example, I have listened countless times to each of the Stockhausen works I wrote about:

If I'd be on a a tireless hunt for new music then streaming would be more attractive to me.

(And of course, I'd be dishonest if I didn't concede that I listen to a lot of music for the sound. This has been true especially lately as I have looked for and tested system upgrades. The life of an audiophile.)
That's always been the case Tasos and nothing has changed from the start. True top transports always have and will cost a lot of money, the bargains are 2nd tier units, still rare but 80%+ of the top tier sound usually at a fraction of the cost.



Since you have experience with CEC, how does the TL3.0 compare with the TL0 you own (or even the TL0X)?
Keith, it may appear that me and Al are in the same club, but I’ve got more special reasons for membership LOL.
I’ll freely admit I’m averse to the growing computer/online pervading of our everyday lives/personal space.
And before you say it, I realise I’m somewhat hypocritical here always posting on WBF.
I’m bitter about the death of the traditional retail model, the extinction of shops on the high street, I really miss visiting record shops (and bookshops etc etc).
I’m really addicted to “slow living”, hence my move to the country, walking, leisurely pub lunches etc.
And so together with my stick in the mud personality, aversion to incorporating a computer/tablet in my most intense hobby, and resistance to have to spend on yet more components when my system is singing as it is, the end result is my comments on this thread, resistance to streaming as of February 2018.
But I’m practicing a bit of self brain surgery in trying to open my mind.

Since you have experience with CEC, how does the TL3.0 compare with the TL0 you own (or even the TL0X)?

There's nothing sonically special about the TL3, I would say on a par with similar or lowered priced Denon unit. TL-0 & TL-1 are the special CEC units everything else is simply good commercial quality.

I was standing in line today at Whole Foods and right on the side of the check out conveyor belt was a Best of Ella Fitzgerald CD and a Tom Petty Greatest Hits CD. Compact Discs are alive and well.

Keith, it may appear that me and Al are in the same club, but I’ve got more special reasons for membership LOL.
I’ll freely admit I’m averse to the growing computer/online pervading of our everyday lives/personal space.
And before you say it, I realise I’m somewhat hypocritical here always posting on WBF.
I’m bitter about the death of the traditional retail model, the extinction of shops on the high street, I really miss visiting record shops (and bookshops etc etc).
I’m really addicted to “slow living”, hence my move to the country, walking, leisurely pub lunches etc.
And so together with my stick in the mud personality, aversion to incorporating a computer/tablet in my most intense hobby, and resistance to have to spend on yet more components when my system is singing as it is, the end result is my comments on this thread, resistance to streaming as of February 2018.
But I’m practicing a bit of self brain surgery in trying to open my mind.

Spirit, simply put you seem open-minded to the idea. Al does not.

I've doubled my library since I started streaming (and I was late to the party). This isn't insignificant. I just bought a streamer/server a week ago - again, I'm late to the party (and sonically to give you a taste I told my dealer I had not had as much fun with digital since my MSB dac landed as the difference was so profound)
Al, that’s fine.
Streaming really isn’t for you.
You have enough Stockhausen on cd for a lifetime, prefer to get to know your collection inside out, and am not too bothered about trawling new releases of anything, and have a cdp that totally satisfies you.
You’re set.
Others are on this endless search for releases on Tidal.
Others are adamant streaming really takes them to the next level.
I don’t fit any of these categories, the fence I’m sitting on isn’t the same fence anyone else sits on one side or the other from.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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