The Grid Protector and the EMI Protector By Scherzinger-In My System and I’m Blown Away

Cost? Can’t find in EU a website showing the price in euros. I’ve sent an email to sales dept of Schnerzinger, still waiting an answer.
$5490.00 USD. Each.
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What is being "...buffered?"

I am open to things not fully understood. But, what I am struggling with is that there are some specifics being thrown about like "...buffering..," while no fundamental concepts of how the things work offered.

I remain open to the device and I look forward to an A|B at Steve's.
With my system being all tubes I’m betting my noticeable improvement might be better than those who are all SS. But honestly I could care less how they work. It’s what they do. They add nothing. It’s what they remove that is mesmerizing. I’ll leave the science to the scientists to ponder. To me it’s all about the listening and a simple A-B test in your system. To truly understand you need to have them unplugged and let the buffering dissipate to really get it. There are noticeable changes by turning off the switches but that’s only a small part of it. The manual suggests out of your system until the next day. That’s why I suggest having them for a while in your system to truly understand

I fully agree! We certainly all would like to know exactly how things work (some even doubt anything they don't get technically explained), and dream about then building things for 5% of the cost ourselves ;-)
But this usually doesn't happen for a ton of reasons. Only one is, that it's proprietary knowledge and that the value of a product isn't just the electronic parts used.

I think a good indicator for how scientifically advanced this technology seems to be, is not only it's sound quality effect, but also the fact, that there seems to be no competition, at least not on this level. Nearly any other technology or concepts in audio with comparable effects are available from several manufacturers after short time, or don't differentiate from other elaborate concepts, but not this. Those who experienced it, are aware, it's not just another of those yearly appearing things we put on a pice of equipment and get a certain effect. This stuff has an effect more than equalling the unfortunately high price. It is so, because we usually pay much more for equipment and mostly get much less essential effect.
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I fully agree! We certainly all would like to know exactly how things work (some even doubt anything they don't get technically explained), and dream about then building things for 5% of the cost ourselves ;-)
But this usually doesn't happen for a ton of reasons. Only one is, that it's proprietary knowledge and that the value of a product isn't just the electronic parts used.

The comments on ASR were of no interest - as @steve williams anticipated. I would still like to understand what is at play here, not because I want to replicate it - but simply out of intellectual curiosity.

EMI/RFI can interfere with our digital systems, even if the frequencies are outside the hearing bandwidth. This is how radio works - signals being "demodulated" and transformed into audible frequencies, that then get amplified.
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The comments on ASR were of no interest - as @steve williams anticipated. I would still like to understand what is at play here, not because I want to replicate it - but simply out of intellectual curiosity.

EMI/RFI can interfere with our digital systems, even if the frequencies are outside the hearing bandwidth. This is how radio works - signals being "demodulated" and transformed into audible frequencies, that then get amplified.
As I understand the buffering effect, it is something these protectors introduce into the house grid via the AC power cables and it dissipates slowly only after the AC is unplugged. .....which brings me to how best to do an A-B_A test on these devices in my home the weekend of Nov 2-3. I think at the very least Saturday evening I will turn off all 3 switches on each device and unplug them both and then register......then probably leave them unplugged until next day and start the session with listening and then to plug the devices back in and listen those coming to my event please remember Saturday is 1000-500 and Sunday is 1000-300 as I wil be taking Lukasz back to LAX to catch an evening flight back to Poland
Can someone please clarify the timeframe for the "on" and "off" effects?
Do I understand correctly that the "on" effect occurs instantly, but the "off" effect from their "buffering" takes time to dissipate?
What, exactly, is being "buffered"?
To understand this device I would be happy to interview the designer of this device for Masters & Makers.
To understand this device I would be happy to interview the designer of this device for Masters & Makers.
It would be much appreciated, thanks Ron!
The on effect is instant but best after 24 hours.

Ron. If only people’s minds would just try them rather than second guessing the what’s and why’s and trust your ears this thread would function just fine.

A masters and makers interview won’t happen. What is it about the word proprietary that you don’t understand
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TBH I have only had all three switched in either alll l or all ll. I have never played with permutations and combinations of either based on Gideons recommendation that tube systems get best effect in the ll position.

My first comments to Gideon was like everyone else….”wtf just happened “ but honestly I could care less about any explanation. For me the only test that mattered was my ears
With my system being all tubes I’m betting my noticeable improvement might be better than those who are all SS. But honestly I could care less how they work. It’s what they do. They add nothing. It’s what they remove that is mesmerizing. I’ll leave the science to the scientists to ponder. To me it’s all about the listening and a simple A-B test in your system. To truly understand yiu need to have them unplugged and let the buffering dissipate to really get it. There are noticeable changes by turning off the switches but that’s only a small part of it. The manual suggests out of your system until the next day. That’s why I suggest having them for a while in your system to truly understand
Steve - Do you still do digital by wireless Orbi routers? Have you heard it in a wired system?
"Sigh," is because this discussion is frustrating to me.

1) Exciting product that at least a few people attest makes noticeable improvements. Great! So far, so good.
2) Some innocuous semi-technical questions are asked that in no way seek to pull the covers off of any secrets. No answers are offered. Instead there is a rather blanket response around 'proprietary' information. This is where things get somewhat frustrating for me. But, so be it - we continue on and try to focus on the sonic improvements without discussing the domain that the device operates in.
4) Information is offered around the device continuing to work even when turned off for some time. Hmm. This seems odd. The device is small. The device has an antenna. Something feels odd to me. But, we carry on!
5) 'Buffering' is offered as further information with respect to the device's sonic contribution after being turned off. When questions are asked about what is being 'buffered', the response is, "What is it about the word proprietary that you don’t understand?" I don't think I need to elaborate on the inherent contradiction here.

So, the above hopefully illustrates why I wrote, "Sigh."
There are some things that just need to be heard Patrick as I feel that is how you get the true understsnding.

I wish I could tell you why or how but I can't. Maybe you can get your answers on ASR as you know how they feel.

Do you ask how your speaker sounds better than other speakers or do you just listen and say, they do without caring why.

Do you ask why some tube sound better in a system or do you just listen and say, they do
Or why do you buy your amp because it has a big boy look rather than auditioning it, but you did. Or why buy new speakers without ever hearing them as some people do because they look good

These are some of the mysteries Patrick. For me. as I stated I just don't care about the how or the why but rather the smile on my face they create when they do

I gave up sighing a long time ago and learned to respect a manufacturers right to say, they do but if I tell you why or how, then I'm just going to have to shoot you as it is my secret. I can tell you now that most manufacturers wont even patent their great products any more for fear that their description of the device t receive the patent is such that it invites copy cats out of the country for which they have no recourse

A few years ago I tried to have you listen to my server which I thought sounded great but you refused as you said you couldn't as it was just a computer. And so also the time I tried to explain to you about tubes in your demo DAC and what to expect with the time necessary to achieve that result. But you didn't .So sometimes I guess if you know why or how in your mind something works, without listening, you might just miss out on some of life's little sonic blisses

Finally with all due respect, your answer to number 5 is a reply that you took completely out of context as it was reply to Ron stating that he would find out by doing a Masters and Makers Interview to which that reply was offered

Ive asked Gideon all of these questions and have received no answers. I respect that. There are many testimonials here from people other than myself who seem to have the same feeling as all users regarding these devices. I wish I knew, but I don't. and I am not losing any sleep over the fact when I sit down and listen

Just my $0.02 of course
If I understand correctly, the device does not remove any RFI or EMI signal from the room specifically. Rather, there is a counter radiation generated that has a sonic benefit which is most likely is due to a psychophysical effect on perception of the counter-generated radiation

Hmmm... I wonder if there any health concerns with these type of devices.

Hmmm... I wonder if there any health concerns with these type of devices.

Assuming it's even the 600mW of a cellular telephone transceiver, unless Steve is listening to music with his ear glued to the device there would not be a health concern, as the inverse square law applies.

But it's not a frivolous point. I virtually never use a cell telephone by holding it up to my ear. In amateur radio land we consider anything around 400 MHz and up to be of concern.

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