The Grid Protector, the EMI Protector and The Allocator By Schnerzinger-In My System and I’m Blown Away

As of last year:
Schnerzinger Grid Protector $5,950
Schnerzinger EMI Protector $5,950
Schnerzinger LAN Protector $6,750
Schnerzinger Multiguard set of four $7,950
Don't know 2024 prices

Thanks everyone for chiming in regarding these really special devices. I've been representing Schnerzinger in North America for more than 10 years, which continually makes me laugh as I'm the least tweaky audiophile I know. Years ago and in order to be convinced initially, I actually had to be dragged by my colleagues in Germany to the Schnerzinger facility in Dortmund for a demo. What I shockingly (in a good way!) experienced that day is what I've been trying to spread to music lovers since; which is the natural flowing purity that Schnerzinger protectors and wiring bring to the table. When asked to describe, I simply say that I don't really have the vocabulary to explain the sound of no sound; Steve apparently does a much better job than me ;)

In my own personal journey, I've always sought out the sense of ease and natural flowing beauty that comes from the midrange of a Quad ESL57 or (going back years) Intonation Terzian, Pawel/Ensemble PA1/Symphonic Line RG5 with Görlich - and later Zellaton of course. It's an unforced quality which permeates the senses, allowing one to ease in to the presentation without the common resistance (I call it resistance but most refer to it as fatigue) between listener and system. Schnerzinger manifests this quality of natural flow in all my clients' systems regardless of equipment/speaker choices - and it's that contribution of natural resolution and resultant immersion that I suspect has made it so well received. So in other words, and as Steve is trying to convey, they really aren't tweaks but indispensable components.

While many have often seen Schnerzinger partner with Zellaton, it has found universal praise with all brands i.e., especially Wilson per Steve, Magico, horns of all stripes and now even Living Voice this week -

Because Schnerzinger offers such an extensive lineup of cabling, protectors, power distribution, grounding etc..., please pm me or at for any questions and in depth explanations.

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Thanks everyone for chiming in regarding these really special devices. I've been representing Schnerzinger in North America for more than 10 years, which continually makes me laugh as I'm the least tweaky audiophile I know. Years ago and in order to be convinced initially, I actually had to be dragged by my colleagues in Germany to the Schnerzinger facility in Dortmund for a demo. What I shockingly (in a good way!) experienced that day is what I've been trying to spread to music lovers since; which is the natural flowing purity that Schnerzinger protectors and wiring bring to the table. When asked to describe, I simply say that I don't really have the vocabulary to explain the sound of no sound; Steve apparently does a much better job than me ;)

In my own personal journey, I've always sought out the sense of ease and natural flowing beauty that comes from the midrange of a Quad ESL57 or (going back years) Intonation Terzian, Pawel/Ensemble PA1/Symphonic Line RG5 with Görlich - and later Zellaton of course. It's an unforced quality which permeates the senses, allowing one to ease in to the presentation without the common resistance (I call it resistance but most refer to it as fatigue) between listener and system. Schnerzinger manifests this quality of natural flow in all my clients' systems regardless of equipment/speaker choices - and it's that contribution of natural resolution and resultant immersion that I suspect has made it so well received. So in other words, and as Steve is trying to convey, they really aren't tweaks but indispensable components.

While many have often seen Schnerzinger partner with Zellaton, it has found universal praise with all brands i.e., especially Wilson per Steve, Magico, horns of all stripes and now even Living Voice this week -

Because Schnerzinger offers such an extensive lineup of cabling, protectors, power distribution, grounding etc..., please pm me or at for any questions and in depth explanations.

Gideon, this is interesting material. To begin, I wonder if Steve would consider moving this to a stand alone thread (in the general discussion section?) rather than post it under the Zellaton umbrella thread to make it easier to find?

More specifically, perhaps you could explain some of the pointers mentioned on the Schnerzinger site. My specific questions are:

The GRID PROTECTOR operates on 3 dedicated circuits:

PHASE - Cleansing of the current carrying lines I guess my confusion is understanding how it operates such that it can distinguish what is occurring on "current carrying lines". Does this refer to the "hot" and "neutral" lines only or does it include the "ground line" (earth ground)?

EARTH - Clears up all protective conductors What exactly is the "protective conductor" in an earth line-the insulation? I'm not familiar with the concept that a wire insulation needs "clearing up". Am I missing something?

INTENSITY - Operational intensity of cleansing- This one's easy. Whatever signal the Grid Protector generates, there's a switch that controls the emission intensity or gain. No problem with that.

If I understand correctly, the device does not remove any RFI or EMI signal from the room specifically. Rather, there is a counter radiation generated that has a sonic benefit which is most likely is due to a psychophysical effect on perception of the counter-generated radiation. Is that a fair statement? I look forward to learning more.
Hi Gideon. I just got FedEX notice that the EMI Protector arrives tomorrow. After being truly astonished by what the Grid protector did in my system, I am so looking forward to hooking this next little box up and hearing the change. Should this be a positive , as we discussed, the next thing I want to demo is the Allocator. You have made me a believer and to read the testimonials here such as that from Mike Malinowski gives me redemption that I am not drinking the Kool Aid. Truly remarkable and hoping the same for the EMI for which I will provide updates here
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Steve, do you notice the same degree of sonic improvements with the grid protector now that you have the battery powered Olympus?
stay tuned for more as I received the EMI Protector yesterday which I just hooked up. We had a power failure yesterday for over 12 hours in 112 degree heat. I am only getting it hooked up now

Bear in mind that these protectors are meant for entire sound system not just the digital side, plus it removes everything else that is coming from the rest of my house
stay tuned for more as I received the EMI Protector yesterday which I just hooked up. We had a power failure yesterday for over 12 hours in 112 degree heat. I am only getting it hooked up now

Bear in mind that these protectors are meant for entire sound system not just the digital side, plus it removes everything else that is coming from the rest of my house
Can't wait to hear what you think!
Just when you feel you've been blown away, along comes the EMI Protector to blow me even more. How could this be possible.? Am I drinking the Kool Aid? I think not !

I received the EMI Protector yesterday and TBH it looks just like the Grid Protector although it felt heavier. It comes with the standard size antenna and one that is big enough for a room that must be the size of a foot ball field.Just like the Grid Protector, set up and installation is under 5 minutes. Unlike the Grid Protector that uses a dedicated AC cable and a wall wart the EMI Protector only uses a wall wart. Both devices have 3 rear switches each having 0 ( off) and 1 and 2 for degrees of greatness. I’m by all admission an audio hog who wants it all so just like the Grid Protector where I had all three in the 1 position for 10 minutes before I quickly and permanently switched all 3 to position two. Hence my report is based on both devices in position 2 for maximum effect. There really is no burn in time even though I let it run for 2 days before posting this …

What I’m prepared to say is that the EMI Protector in combination with the grid protector made a huge leap upward for the better. Here 1 + 1 is not 2 but likely 3 or 4 These are devices that don’t add anything. Rather it is what they remove that produces such an amazing sound.

Nothing is colored and nothing is accentuated. Instead the dynamics, timber and tone is as natural a sound as one can ever imagine The clarity of what I hear be it human voice or instruments is so natural that the sense of presence and an “ I am there” sensation is the first thing that comes to mind. The attack and speed of drum stick on the skins was virtually explosive. The air around the instruments and the vocals was so obvious that it was almost as if the notes were floating in front of me as the decay was so real. Every parameter is improved with the result being ultimate natural flow. It’s as if the EMI picks up where the Grid left off. I have many demo disks which I have used for decades to highlight various things I search out. What was also a WTF moment was the plucking of guitar strings. I’ve never experienced such separation around the strings and a sense of realism. So also was the tone of the piano. To me piano is the most difficult to get right and this was dead on. The keys when struck just floated into the air before dissipating. Finally the feeling of air around everything that I experienced with the Grid Protector was even better with the two combined .

And to prove I wasn’t drinking the Kool Aid the A-B-A test is instant by merely turning all 3 switches from the 2 to the off position as the music is playing. Immediately everything is gone. I haven’t played both separately to determine how much contribution is gleaned from each protector. My sense, albeit a hunch, and untested is that the EMI is the superior of the two however the two together are “ off the grid” ( no pun intended)

My final revelation was the best of all. Ever since I’ve owned the Lamm ML3 amplifier which has 6 very large transformers on each channel and in both home that this gear has resided I’ve had a transformer buzz that I have heretofore been unable to tame by whatever means tried. I’ve learned to accept it as my amplifiers sit between both speakers. This plus the modification that Wilson audio does to the magnet in the tweeter has made this buzz impossible to ameliorate. The buzz would always become audible when i unmuted each channel of my preamp. Today when i unmuted both channels it was suddenly another WTF moment as there was dead silence. I put my ear up to the tweeter and midrange drivers and could just barely hear what previously was quite noticeable. Turn the 3 EMI switches off and the buzz was again easily audible. That to me was the defining moment. There was for my ears nothing more to test

As I said, these protectors add nothing to the sound but rather it is all about what they remove. These protectors are a must try in every system. The rewards are indescribable except to coin a phrase …. everything sounds natural. PRAT also comes to mind. The sense of reality and presence truly is as natural as I’ve ever heard

Again this is not a tweak but rather an essential part of any audible system

Up next and soon to arrive is the Allocator to put the icing on the cake, or so I hope

Stay tuned …….

I have had out of town family visiting for the past week and as a result I have had little time to listen to my system, the last being a week ago shortly after the arrival of the EMI Protector. Ive also just taken delivery of the new LampizatOr Horizon 360 which has had little time to burn in. Having said this and with my wife taking family out for some sight seeing and shopping I found myself alone this morning and suddenly realized it is time for a listen.

I powered the system on and let it warm up while I went down stairs to have breakfast. After an hour it was time to listen. I found a queue still sitting in Roon whichI last listened to almost a week ago. The songs were all mostly demo tracks that I have used for years and am intimately familiar with.

I unmuted the preamp and set the gain to where I always listen and pushed play. I sat there for a while and something just wasn't right. I forwarded to the next song in the queue and pushed play. There again was something that didn't;'seem right. I got up and checked the gain on both right and left channels to check the balance was equal which it was. I played the next song which I use to evaluate the attack of the drum sticks on the drum skin and it seemed OK but I just could not put my finger on what was going on. With Jan all tube system I always worry about tube failure or a dying tube but going through all my tests the tubes were not an issue.

I sat in my listening chair to be certain our cleaning lady had not changed its position as she was here a few days ago and taking measurements, the chair was where it should be

As I sat there thinking about my last listening session and playing the same queue a light went on in my head. I recalled that when a family member wanted to have a listen to the system, I recalled demoing the Grid Protector and EMI Protector and what effect it had on the system. I wanted an independent opinion to be certain I wasn't drinking the Kool Aid so I had played a few tracks and then played the same tracks by turning off all 6 switches on both protectors. My family member who is a music lover noticed immediately the drop off in the SQ and we had sat in the room for 15 minutes talking about it and with it being late, I turned off the system and we went to bed because of the late hour. The system has not been on since.

Could I have forgotten to turn back on the 6 switches on the rear of these 2 Protectors?? :eek:

Well you guessed it......that was the issue. I quickly turned them on and queued up the same few tracks that I had just listened to. It was like being gobsmacked as the magic was back. It is so difficult to explain what these devices do. I have no idea how they work but it is so subtle yet so dramatic as they remove something allows you to hear deeper into the music. There is a clarity which I don't hear when they are turned off. The dynamics and the snap of the drum becomes so much more realistic. The dynamics and ease along with a timbre that just seemed "right". The decay around the notes was as if they floated in the air and disappeared.

I've said before that to my ears, these are not tweaks but truly system changers They add absolutely nothing but it is what they remove that makes the sound so much more natural. You feel closer to the music There is such a sense of "presence" that I was thankful that this Blinded A-B-A test made it clear to me that these are staying as a permanent part of my system. I look forward to demoing the Schnerzinger Allocator which is due to arrive in the next 10 days.

There is an Open House LampizatOr/Taiko event taking place at my home Nov 1-3 and I plan on doing this A-B-A test for those present
Yes and latest at the end when you have and will turn off a few more of those devices and/or exchange that cabling, you will not understand anymore how/to what anyone with whatever expensive normal setup listens to. And at shows, what the HW manufacturing industry is about, as they don’t even get close to this experience, independent of cost and yearly $$ updates of gear.

I certainly do still hear that some great speakers, amps etc may do this and that better, but it’s on a different hemisphere, more a technical one. This here is, as you say, a natural, presence, enveloping, ambience, palpable, permeable, realism focused hemisphere, which is perceived way more essential for the kick we’re all after. Valid to this extent at least from a certain general grade of setup quality that doesn’t have to cost many 100k.
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Yes and latest at the end when you have and will turn off a few more of those devices and/or exchange that cabling, you will not understand anymore how/to what anyone with whatever expensive normal setup listens to. And at shows, what the HW manufacturing industry is about, as they don’t even get close to this experience, independent of cost and yearly $$ updates of gear.

I certainly do still hear that some great speakers, amps etc may do this and that better, but it’s on a different hemisphere, more a technical one. This here is, as you say, a natural, presence, enveloping, ambience, palpable, permeable, realism focused hemisphere, which is perceived way more essential for the kick we’re all after. Valid to this extent at least from a certain general grade of setup quality that doesn’t have to cost many 100k.
Glad to read that Im not alone in this experience. This is not the Kool Aid but something that needs to be experienced to understand
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The Grid protector and EMI protector by Schnerzinger are must have devices when you have a true high end system. As Steve Williams I was not convinced untill I had these devices in my system. Expensive (in Europe) but worth every penny. Last year there Scherzinger introduced a device for your ethernet: the LAN protector. Wow. Amazing. When you have a streamer the LAN protector is the way to go.
It's proprietary AFAIK. I have no idea how these things work but as I and other users in this thread have posted, once you hear what they do, they become an essential part of one's audio system.

I will have the Allocator in a few weeks as well
Hi Steve,

thanks for sharing. Back to the Grid Protector: where has the fixed cable been connected? A socket of the same circuit of the system, a power conditioner/distributor? If it matters at all.
While the wall warty, if I’m not wrong, should be plugged into a different circuit socket. Isn’t it?

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