Tom knows not to take that bait. It leads down a road upon which, regardless of what he has heard, it will not be good enough. With one poster here, it will eventually come to you must have heard his system, in his room, or your listening experience is inadequate to legitimize your opinion.
Meanwhile, the entire pro audio (you know, the people who make the recordings?) world pauses, turns off the near field monitors and slips on headphones - closed, often not terribly expensive headphones, to listen in for that small thing they thought they heard through speakers.
Among the audio aware, only high end audiophiles even doubt what headphones excell at.
Tom had a choice how strongly to state his case.
he choose to add 'there is no contest IMO' to his claim. preferences are one thing, unequivocal 'truths' another. if he is now simply retreating to preference then he should just say so, or tell us what 'good' headphones are 'very resolving of detail' compared to what 'good' speakers. or he can ignore my request.
I'm sensitive to this particular issue since I went deeply into this exact question since I was very curious about the answer to this question. you and I have communicated about this in the past. I wondered if headphones could tell me things that my speakers could not. I approached the subject with an open mind and checkbook and spent a couple of years to find the answer. the answer was no;....... 'good'.......even very good headphones could not compete with high end speakers, and even extremely good headphones could not quite compete with top level speakers. I can name names if I need to. do a search and read my comments if you like.
when people make comments regarding headphones that exalt them to some untouchable status it hits a nerve with me; since it's a 'trueism' that is simply wrong.
if tom wants to really investigate this question, put the work in like I did, and then tell us about it then fine.....he can tell us that 'there is no contest'. or if someone has done the work to investigate and come to a different conclusion than me then tell us about it. I'm open to learning something new from other's work.
what most pro audio guys think about fidelity means nothing to me. their tools are many times wanting. their tools do the job they need to get done well enough for them. listen to the 'crap' they often produce for evidence. and headphones being more revealing than typical pro monitors is not much to brag about.
headphones do allow you to listen in a different way, and that can work as the right tool in certain situations. but as far as ultimate resolution, that's another question.
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