The Half Life of Expectation Bias

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I see this thread is still active - has it reached it's half life yet?
I see this thread is still active - has it reached it's half life yet?

In case you haven't noticed, this thread is no longer about expectation bias. It has morphed into a discussion about headphones vs. speakers and Tom the Buzzkill trying to convince everyone that there have been no advances in stereo gear for at least 20 years.
In case you haven't noticed, this thread is no longer about expectation bias. It has morphed into a discussion about headphones vs. speakers and Tom the Buzzkill trying to convince everyone that there have been no advances in stereo gear for at least 20 years.

Yea, the change in emissions didn't escape my notice but it's still emitting energy :)
In case you haven't noticed, this thread is no longer about expectation bias. It has morphed into a discussion about headphones vs. speakers and Tom the Buzzkill trying to convince everyone that there have been no advances in stereo gear for at least 20 years.

I personally preferred the music part of it...but hey I understand no one here can stay with the subject...any subject.
I personally preferred the music part of it...but hey I understand no one here can stay with the subject...any subject.

Yeah, we all have ADD. Pass the Ritalin.
In summary, expectation bias has a half life. At some point in time, expectation bias turns into ‘reality’ bias. If in fact the new piece of gear proves itself to you over the long haul to be superior to what it replaced, your expectation bias was well-founded. If the new purchase turns out to be a major disappointment, that becomes your new reality. Expectation bias doesn’t have infinite time to remain as an expectation. The expectation will turn into some sort of reality for you.

I agree mep. With the death of brick and mortar audio, the time we spend in the purgatory between expectation and reality bias is prolonged due to the schizophrenic nature of cyberspace and the roulette it produces.
I personally preferred the music part of it...but hey I understand no one here can stay with the subject...any subject.

Was this an example of discussing the discussion rather than the topic :)
Sorry the irony appealed to me, and yes I am digressing even more myself now doh :)
i've quickly deleted 3-4 posts already from this thread, and not hit send on a half dozen others.:eek:

discretion is sometimes a challenge. you want to say it, but think better of it.

Sometimes it feels good to type something and then hit cancel before you post it. Sometimes you just can't help yourself even when you know better.
In case you haven't noticed, this thread is no longer about expectation bias. It has morphed into a discussion about headphones vs. speakers and Tom the Buzzkill trying to convince everyone that there have been no advances in stereo gear for at least 20 years.

With all due respect and I think I plead ignorant, who is Tom the Buzzkill?

i've quickly deleted 3-4 posts already from this thread, and not hit send on a half dozen others.:eek:

discretion is sometimes a challenge. you want to say it, but think better of it.

For all those times you thought it but decided not to say it... "it's the thought that counts". ;)

Seriously, I have always appreciated your optimistic willingness to share your experiences, which broaden the view for nearly every one of us, even though you're often rewarded with criticism.
For all those times you thought it but decided not to say it... "it's the thought that counts". ;)

Seriously, I have always appreciated your optimistic willingness to share your experiences, which broaden the view for nearly every one of us, even though you're often rewarded with criticism.

thanks Duke.:)

I hope to see you at Newport.
With all due respect and I think I plead ignorant, who is Tom the Buzzkill?


It's the same guy who said there hasn't been any advances in audio for the last 20 years.
Well said Mike but sometimes it's good to just say it and see what happens.

Honesty is underrated and under appreciated at times.


I try to make sure I'm contributing to the direction and thinking, and not just venting or putting someone down. I never would post something I would not say to someone's face personally. but if I was speaking to someone personally I would be sensitive to not bury someone (continue hammering to make my point) who is not informed.....I would simply back away. it's that area where I typically don't post. why even go there? they don't get it and are not open to listening.

all I can do is try to be reasonable. and then apologize if I cross the line.

Your humility, integrity, and sensitivity are beyond reproach especially given the fact you likely have one of the best audio systems on the planet.

Besides being the "bench mark" for internet conduct, you are also very reasonable.

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