FWIW, John, I not only completely understand your viewpoint, I also completely agree with it. I've had discussions with Steve concerning how disheartening it is that in this forum there is IMO nowhere near enough discussion about music but an overabundance of discussion about the format of the music or the gear. IIRC, I think you even started a thread about that very topic. There is and ought to be room for both but for a variety of reasons it does not happen. Sad.
There is a risk here, one that has been raised and commented upon by many others more brilliant that me, of elitism.
Perhaps because people read about music in other forums or sources and we come to WBF mainly for debates about audio gear. I subscribe and regularly buy several paper magazines about music, but do not feel competent enough to debate music - my writings would not interest anyone. Although I have located a few fans of Jordi Savall in WBF and we exchanged a few kind posts about his music, or even about Shostakovitch, music has such a diversity and specialization that IMHO does not propitiate deep debates in audio forums - just the very welcome occasional suggestion in music threads.
And yes, the risk of elitism exists. But once someone names a forum What is the Best we must assume it.