Thank you, Jack, for the report on your trip, and for your extremely interesting and passionately-written impressions of Bob’s loudspeakers and turntables and the combinations thereof!
You have to modify the web site. I'd like to give a double thumbs-up "like" to Jack's two recent posts!
Talk about synchronicity I googled "Caddy for Four Amigos" as I was going to offer to caddy for the "Four Amigos" and look what came up on the google result
View attachment 58731
Steve Williams
Steve Williams (caddie)
Steve Williams (caddie) - Wikipedia › wiki › Steve_Williams_(caddie)
Bob, Steve I named my little boy Joaquin Niicolas. Loosely translated from spanish to english....... Jack Nicklaus LOL
Ok cool, I did leave one last vital thing out. (Back at computeer with crappy keyboard)
It is difficult to compare equipment without establishing a baseline. In thiis case this was established with the digital front end comprised of the SGM and the Acquos DAC. While I couldn't compare the digital front end to another digital front end, it did allow for a basis for everythinng else. I did ot detect anything negative or offputting with the digital. That alone is a feat in my experience. It just sounded like music. For the pragmatist, that would be all one really need ask for.
For those who don't have an IT department at home and have the coin, the SGM is a one box, two cable solution worth investigating. Being wired house wide, my only question is, should I take this route, will I be able to access the files in the SGM via Roon from another room that's part of my network?
I am going to switch computers now because this keyboard iis driving me insane
A new keyboard? It could have bought an ExtremeJack, you do know that for what we spent on that white truffle pizza, you could have easily bought a new keyboard, right?
You seem to have known my Dad pretty well, LOL..... his son BobYes, it was me. I worked there part time while in college at Univ Rochester. I banked hours and bought audio gear at accommodation in return, which is how I bought my first ARC SP3a, D76a's and Magneplanar 1U's. But that wasn't the best part of working in the store on State street across from Kodak HQ. Rather, it was watching Paul stand by the door of his shop every day at 5 pm to watch the secretaries exit the building. And guess what. I didn't mind it either. Paul was a good and thoughtful mentor and I will always be indebted to him for my early audio education.