The Upgrade Company

Your memory after 4 years has gone a little foggy. The Reimyo CDP-777 CD player was never even hooked up or played because it's transport had become stuck from the long trek out to your place in it's owners trunk, without being boxed up. It was never played at all. Instead another client of ours lent his player for the afternoon, an upgraded Theta Compli video player, and the same Transparent Opus XLR interconnects you had at the time, in RCA to connect the Compli. The Compli was connected single ended versus your $25,000 EMM LABS CDSD-SE/DAC6e-SE combo run balanced. We all agreed the modest upgraded Theta Compli was being A-B compared at a disadvantage due to it being hooked up via the single ended inputs to your preamp. The Theta Compli fared extremely well in your own words Mike. Fortunately I had made a tape recording of the entire listening session, so all of your comments are now on record. There is no disputing them. In fact you had to go back and forth 4 times to get a good hold on the minor sonic differences. We agreed that the Compli exhibited a blacker background with greater transparency, while the EMM set with it's much higher output levels and balanced connection was more dynamic. We also agreed that the frequency extremes were more pronounced on the Compli: bass was stronger and the top end more pronounced. It can be heard on tape that the soundstage presentation of the EMM set was much more "up-front", "Front row" versus the Compli's more "laid back" number of rows back sonic perspective. You much preferred the "up front/front row" sound of the EMM set. Myself and nearly all of my clients prefer a more balanced laid back musical and lush soundstage. to each his own.

Additionally you can be heard on tape indicating that you "got a sweet deal from Meitner on your EMM set for beta testing and helping them voice it prior to release". It's clear you side with manufacturers, and that's fine.

EMM LABS and others have helped you and I would not expect anything less from you.

With regard to who's since chosen to avoid whom, you stopped by The Upgrade Company's demo room at the 2006 Rocky Mountain Audiofest to say hello to us. That was nice of you to stop by. You sat down and we talked but I did not play anything for you because I was very turned off at your version of events as slanted by you to others. That was the last time I'd ever spoken with you. During our chat at RMAF 2006 you did invite me back out to visit at some point in the future to do some more listening which was nice. I really like your remodeled horse barn listening room, you've spared no expense, it is sweet. You were a very gracious host that afternoon. I would be open to doing another round of comparisons someday with more present to witness. Opinions vary, it's all in fun. The latest EMM gear can be dramatically improved upon even though they're using an Esoteric drive and non-switching power supplies now. The parts selection still contain "For Profit" capacitors etc. and the wiring and signal conductors are still unshielded. EMM deserves credit for improvements however. I would never agree to upgrade yours however. Perhaps Paul Reale would fly up with his EMM set to directly A-B against your latest choice. Now that would be interesting.

I would like to point out that during the 2006 RMAF Show in Denver, one of EMM LABS demo rooms was right next door to ours and when they found out we were displaying both the stock versus upgraded version of their $11,500 (at the time) CDSA-SE side by side, EMM LABS abandoned their demo room entirely, kept the door locked and displayed elsewhere. They were not about to be caught red handed with us pointing out all the cheap parts, lack of shielding etc.
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... Fortunately I had made a tape recording of the entire listening session, ...
For those who did not follow the AVS thread, Mr. S claimed that he had tape recordings of telecons with those customers who expressed dissatisfaction in the thread, made BTW without their knowledge. Assuming that is so, does he record some or all telecons, as well as personal meetings such as that with Mike? We don't know, but prospective customers should be aware of that possibility.
I am on the plane back but I think as soon as I land, I am going to cancel my cable subscription and simply tune into this thread! Secret recordings? Competitors running away with their tail between their legs? It doesn't get better than this :).
Without any finger pointing or name calling I would like to ask David what his background is.
Since Mr. S is being reticent, we can discover at least some details:

Business Profile of:
Mr. David J. Schulte

The Upgrade Company LLC
1222 Walkabout Lane
Harbor Springs, Michigan 49740

Bachelors Degree , Business, Psych, Soc, Science
University Of Michigan

Specialist in high end audio reproduction, 28+ years of direct experience in the field of high end audio.
I am on the plane back but I think as soon as I land, I am going to cancel my cable subscription and simply tune into this thread! Secret recordings? Competitors running away with their tail between their legs? It doesn't get better than this :).

I might as well fess up now. My post asking Paul to remove the cover of his equipment and take a picture of the mods was not entirely innocent :D. I had already read all the threads, including the one that was deleted from Audio Circle due to Schulte's lawsuit threat, the one about the lawsuit threat to Audioholics, the lenghty one at AVS, and one at Audio Asylum as well.

In the AVS thread, the poster and Upgrade Company customer "classba" said he was told by Schulte that removing the cover of his equipment voided the Upgrade Company warranty, but not until after he was asked to remove said cover by Mr. Schulte himself as part of a procedure to troubleshoot a failure that Mr. Schulte had allegedly caused. You can't make this stuff up!

After seeing pictures of the mods, I can see why he wouldn't want people to look at what was done.
"classba" wrote a tesimonial saying his upgraded EMM LABS was dramatically transformed by our upgrades and the very best digital he'd ever heard or owned. His testimonial was emailed to us and can be posted on our website. David even got his friend to mod his CDSA-SE, and he to wrote a glowing testimonial on his own volition after also paying full price for our "Signature Edition" upgrade.

David "classba" even sent us a second CDSA-SE he purchased for our upgrade. Unfortunately David admitted to leaving the top cover off to show his audio friends, which allowed dust debris and a lot of pet hair to become accumluated inside his CDSA until it eventually failed. He then tried soldering on the machine himself per his own admission, and did cause an electrical short per his own admission as well, indicating "I can't solder too well".

At this point this customer had voided his warranty many many times over. If you break it per your own admission, you cover the cost to repair it.
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"classba" ....etc.
An interesting, if one-sided account, but the point was that you claim to have recorded some number of telecons and in-person conversations without the other party's consent. It's an interesting practice.

While you're here, I would hope that you would take time to respond to some of the substantive questions posed in posts #42, 44, and 45/50.
In a message dated 12/29/2008 7:59:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi David,

My mad friend came to listen to the CDSA-SE and was shocked how great it sounded and then asked me to take it to his house for a demo. It sounded even better there and we compared it to a average Townsend Rock turntable with the same song on black plastic ( Eagles Live )... lets just say, the CDSA made the turntable sounded THIN, FLAT and LIFELESS.

We have yet to compare it to his reference Clearaudio master ref. deck but he did say that the CDSA so far is 95-98% performance...wowowowowowoo.

He then got his cash out on the table to temp me to sell it but I refused....he was shocked again by my reaction...

Anyway, I have since located another brand new CDSA-SE for $7000 USD and will sell my unit to him and have it shipped to you to do your magic with the extra 30% improvement.

David, I can buy a new unit from you if you can match $7000 USD which will save me shipping to you. Please let me know.

Kind regards,

In a message dated 12/31/2008 8:20:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi David,

Wishing you a very happy new year...all the best for 2009.

BTW, The CDSA-SE creamed the Clearaudio master ref. turntable.....


In a message dated 12/31/2008 9:09:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi David,

Yes, your modded CDSA slaughtered the Clearaudio turntable so much so that he is thinking of selling it now.

To be very honest, I never really liked Esoteric's signature sound even with the big 5 box combo and I personally want to get away from multi box combos as I do not run a computer based server which need a seperate dac.

What would be very interesting is for you to do your magic to a _______.....

I'm looking forward in sending you my next CDSA-SE to get even more performance now that I physically have 2 x Velodyne DD-18 subs staring at me.....

Have fun with your new toy tomorrow my friend. All the best.

Kind regards,

Subject: Re: CDSA
Date: Thursday, 1 January, 2009, 1:32 AM

Hi David

Happy New Year my new friend...I wish you the very best sounding system, music and friends in 2009!

So it beat the Clearaudio Master was not expecting it to open up that much this soon, it's still not even broken in, I'd say 30% better by the time 300 hours rolls around.

I'm going to make your next CDSA EVEN BETTER :))

I was upgrading an Esoteric P-03 today, I'll know more tomorrow how it sounds in a couple days once it's completed and burning in...I must say the CDSD and DCC-2 are worse then the upgraded P-03/D-03/G-0Rb, but that was the older EMM.

My 2nd top of the line Ski Doo MACH Z 1000 SDi is being delivered tomorrow...last new one in Michigan I could find...170+ Hp on a snowmobile :)) Riding conditions are perfect right'd have a blast!


In a message dated 2/16/2009 7:28:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi David,

Hope you can make my CDSA much better then John's. Please find as promised my review plus a new better photo.

Kind regards,

Subject: Re: CDSA
Date: Tuesday, 30 December, 2008, 4:53 AM

In a message dated 12/29/2008 10:20:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

How sure are you that I will get extra 30% or so performance over my current one since I do not want to spend more money as I will have to add to what I had already spent because of the poor exchange rate as well.

10,000%, absolutely positive

David J. Schulte, President
Upgrade Company LLC

In a message dated 11/16/2009 12:35:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

OK David

Subject: Re: CALL EMM on CDSA
Date: Monday, 16 November, 2009, 17:03

Do not open the top up and tinker with it next time...

The Upgrade Company puts security stickers on every unit we upgrade...

Yours in Music,
David J. Schulte
The Upgrade Company
1222 Walkabout Lane
Harbor Springs, MI 49740

In a message dated 9/10/2009 8:06:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi David,

Did you managed to get hold of Emm's by chance?.


In a message dated 9/29/2009 4:33:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi David,

I'm in Hong Kong at the moment... any news on my player...those people at Emms needs to pull their finger out

"classba" wrote a tesimonial saying his upgraded EMM LABS was dramatically transformed by our upgrades and the very best digital he'd ever heard or owned. His testimonial was emailed to us and can be posted on our website. David even got his friend to mod his CDSA-SE, and he to wrote a glowing testimonial on his own volition after also paying full price for our "Signature Edition" upgrade.
He seemed to have been a satisfied customer right up to the point where a) it took you 3 months to try to repair his gear and not being able to b) being rude to him c) EMM labs saying your modifications to the power supply violated regulatory rules d) the blue goop you put on the parts damaged them.

It is a bit like the people who were very happy with their Ford Explorer until they found out their tires could blow up. I am sure regardless of how much those people liked their car, they no longer liked Ford.

Net, net, you have a customer that is warning everyone to stay away because your warranty apparently is without value.

I am curious. Do you have schematics for the equipment you modify? If not, how do you repair them? And how would one get factory repair after they see what you have done to the gear?
Amir, the video improvements that result from higher cost parts, the installation of shielding and dampening are numerous. Noise levels both percieved and measured, black gradations and black levels improve, color saturation, depth of field, etc. Clients are very surprised as I'm sure you'd be.
I am already surprised! :D

Are these improvements apparent over HDMI connection?
The "blue goop" you refer to damages nothing. It is designed to be applied to circuit boards. In fact David authorized the $100 an ounce blue tourmaline paint you so kindly refer to as blue goop. It's called AVM fliud.

It's really more of an EMI/RFI absorber then a vibration dampening compound. Many HiFi modifiers use this stuff, as well as some high end display manufacturers and at least one MRI manufacturer. AVM is designed to be applied over circuit boards and is non-conductive. We rarely use it anymore unless the customer OK's it. It's not cheap, but it is very effective. Paul Reale's EMM set does not have any in it. We were not using it back then. His set would measure better and sound better with this tourmaline based water soluable paint applied.

There is a black version of this same type of paint used on the outside of stealth aircraft for it's RFI (radar) absorbing properties. This black version is even more effective but restricted for military sale only. Also a lot more expensive.
Well, now I have a science question for you :).

How do you achieve effective RFI shielding with something electrically inert, especially in the thin layers that I saw smeared over cables and PCB? You mention absorbing Radar. Putting aside that radar frequencies (10 to 40 Ghz) are far higher than what is in typical audio equipment, when I look up RAM (radar absorbing material) types, all of them have electrical conductivity:

"Iron ball paint
One of the most commonly known types of RAM is iron ball paint. It contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron or ferrite...."

So that type is conductive.

"Foam absorber
Foam absorber is used as lining of anechoic chambers for electromagnetic radiation measurements[citation needed]. This material typically consists of a fireproofed urethane foam loaded with carbon black.."

Carbon black is conductive:$File/Poster_ENSACO_Electrical_Conductivity.pdf

"Jaumann absorber: A Jaumann absorber or Jaumann layer is a radar absorbent device. When first introduced in 1943, the Jaumann layer consisted of two equally-spaced reflective surfaces and a conductive ground plane. "

So that one is conductive too.

One can think of it as a generalized, multi-layered Salisbury screen as the principles are similar.
You don't say :). Here is the wiki on that:

"The easiest to understand Salisbury screen design consists of three layers: a ground plane which is the metallic surface that needs to be concealed, a lossless dielectric of a precise thickness (a quarter of the wavelength of the radar wave to be absorbed), and a thin lossy screen."

And the definition of "ground plane" for those unfamiliar:

"In electrical engineering, a ground plane is an electrically conductive surface."

And this jewel:

"There are significant disadvantages to the concept which have limited the use of Salisbury screens. One is that the simple Salisbury design above works well only at a single radar frequency, so the enemy need only change its frequency to defeat it. More complicated multilayer Salisbury designs can cover a band of frequencies, but only by increasing the thickness, and the best cover only a fraction of the radar spectrum.

Another problem is the thickness of the screen itself. Radar wavelengths range between 10 cm and 1 mm, thus the thickness of the screen (a quarter-wavelength) must be at least 2.5 cm. [about one inch]"

The frequencies in a typical piece of audio equipment is not at one frequency, has far, far longer wavelength.

As "classba" David said, " I dont care what it looks like inside, I care only about how it sounds"
No doubt. Customers are not engineers so can't have the conversation we are having. I am assuming your improvements are based on engineering and scientific facts and not voodoo. If so, then it should not be hard for you to explain the kind of questions I am asking. WBF members are ideal customers for you. Surely nothing but good comes out of a convincing argument.

Thanks in advance for your replies.
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Amir yes our upgrade dramatically improves the video and audio performance over HDMI. Marantz, Onkyo, Integra and other modestly priced A/V prepro's for example actually surpass the performance of stock expensive prepro's such as the $9000 Classe SSP-800 and $12,000 Mcintosh MX-150 for example. The proprietary & trade secret application of shielding & shielding parts that have never been used by any audio or video manufacturer until we started. There is no manufacturer doing what we're doing, and it produces very large improvements in video as well as audio performance. That's why we can offer a 100% Buy Back Gaurantee. The improvement is so large customers are more then just satisfied. When was the last time you saw a high end manufacturer earn testimonials? Let alone a new testimonial month after month after month.
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EMM is full of beans, we do not modify circuits or design. All parts are installed in their original circuit locations. No wiring or schematic changes. EMM has had an agenda against us ever since we started publicly showing the low cost parts and lack of shielding and dampening, and allowing consumers to hear for themselves how much better the upgraded $11,000-$12,500 CDSA-SE player sounds over their stock "For Profit Built" factory mass produced version. Ed Meitner has not been happy with us at all, he had to abondon his demo room next door to us. Run and hide.
Amir yes our upgrade dramatically improves the video and audio performance over HDMI.
Thanks. Now, help me understand this from one engineer to another.

HDMI carries digital video. The receiver locks to its clock and captures incoming digital samples. To the extent you are getting video and then outputting it on a fixed pixel display (all the display types we use today), there is no possible way to improve the fidelity of the source. Period. Clock and signal variations do not matter for video as long as you are getting the correct picture.

So while I can give you benefit of doubt for audio, I can't for video. If you were making the above claim for analog video that would be one thing. But not digital video over HDMI.

Your turn :).
Since the OP said "Never mind. I just found some info on another site. Won't be doing business withhis guy!!!"

Why wasn't this thread deleted?

It doesn't seem to be serving the mission of What's Best In Audio.
Because the rest of us are interested to understand it for our sake. After all, if the best can be improved yet again, that is important to know.

PS I see that you are using a proxy server to camouflager where you are coming from. We take a dim view off such actions. Will give you the benefit of the doubt for now but not for long if you keep doing that. :)
EMM is full of beans, we do not modify circuits or design. All parts are installed in their original circuit locations. No wiring or schematic changes. EMM has had an agenda against us ever since we started publicly showing the low cost parts and lack of shielding and dampening, and allowing consumers to hear for themselves how much better the upgraded $11,000-$12,500 CDSA-SE player sounds over their stock "For Profit Built" factory mass produced version. Ed Meitner has not been happy with us at all, he had to abondon his demo room next door to us. Run and hide.
No agenda is necessary for their actions. If I buy a BMW, then take it to some place that replaces a bunch of parts and sprays tar all over the engine, I will likely get the same reaction with respect to my Warranty being void. And them not fixing anything unless they get it back to factory spec.

This brings me to a major issue I raised before: since you are not an expert in the design of the machine you are modifying, how on earth do failures get resolved? If the SoC dies in a Blu-ray player, how will you repair it? If you don't, how is the customer going to get it fixed by the original manufacturer? Surely no one will touch that player once they see the mods made to it. The customer will now be in no-man's land. No?
The law regarding the recording of telephone calls vary from state to state. Certainly no one could not complain of being recorded while in the same room.

This thread proves one thing. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
AMIR-This brings me to a major issue I raised before: since you are not an expert in the design of the machine you are modifying, how on earth do failures get resolved? If the SoC dies in a Blu-ray player, how will you repair it? If you don't, how is the customer going to get it fixed by the original manufacturer? Surely no one will touch that player once they see the mods made to it. The customer will now be in no-man's land. No?

This is why I would only mod vintage equipment. It's also difficult to recoup your investment.


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