the VAC Von Schweikert Room


WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
I think it is simportant to disicuss myn assessment of the VAC Von Scnwiekert room as underwhelming.20181102_141537.jpg
The same system at Axpona wasn't very good. Blurred, boomy bass overrode everything. I have no doubt the system can sound great, but it didn't in Chicago.
The same system at Axpona wasn't very good. Blurred, boomy bass overrode everything. I have no doubt the system can sound great, but it didn't in Chicago.

This system at Axpona 2017 was also disappointing. However, I draw no conclusions on the system from this. Many factors can play into that, such as set-up issues, room acoustics and crappy supply of power in those hotel rooms.

My mantra is: If a system sounds great at a show, it is great. If a system sounds bad at a show, this is meaningless as a data point.
This system at Axpona 2017 was also disappointing. However, I draw no conclusions on the system from this. Many factors can play into that, such as set-up issues, room acoustics and crappy supply of power in those hotel rooms.

My mantra is: If a system sounds great at a show, it is great. If a system sounds bad at a show, this is meaningless as a data point.

Agreed, which is why I made the point that I don't doubt it can sound great. What surprised me was the amount of praise heaped on it when it sounded clearly off to me each time I heard it.
Agreed, which is why I made the point that I don't doubt it can sound great. What surprised me was the amount of praise heaped on it when it sounded clearly off to me each time I heard it.

Same at Axpona 2017. Shows the subservient dishonesty of the audio press.
Same at Axpona 2017. Shows the subservient dishonesty of the audio press.
I respect everyone's opinion as to what they experienced from the show. Just because the audio press had a different experience doesn't make them dishonest. I find that a little harsh. People have different preferences or why even have different brands of speakers.
Wasn't this the nub of Peter Wankergate Breuninger's tirade against us? How dare we leave conflicting reviews to disagree with the great man's words of praise.
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Wasn't this the nub of Peter Wankergate Breuninger's tirade against us? How dare we leave conflicting reviews to disagree with the great man's words of praise.
Nothing wrong with differences of opinions. I didn't follow what happen with Peter here on the forum.
Let us talk a little bit about what they did right..
It is not often you would such an amalgamation of equipment from these two great companies/.
The ULTRA 9 and VR44 had their own system. Their was equipment everywhere. They were playing a wide variety of music. It appeared representatives were everywhere to answer questions. The room was cavernous.
Plenty of amplifier power was available. It is amazing how the speaker filled the room with ease.
One problem I thought maybe the speakers were too far apart.. I just did not hear any credible stereo imaging. I think it is important to point out I am holding them to a very high standard. I did get to sit in the sweet spot./
I respect everyone's opinion as to what they experienced from the show. Just because the audio press had a different experience doesn't make them dishonest. I find that a little harsh. People have different preferences or why even have different brands of speakers.
That so begs the question. Assuming you were there , Were you satisfied with the sound, Mr. Swanson?
That so begs the question. Assuming you were there , Were you satisfied with the sound, Mr. Swanson?

Look at his signature Reginald, I'm pretty sure he was there. ;)
But like I said I respect everyone's opinion

I don't respect everyones' opinion, I do however defend their right to state it.. I interpret your answer " very" to meas you were there and liked the sound of your system. I infer then I was hearing what you wanted me to hear. I find that very interesting.
I don't respect everyones' opinion, I do however defend their right to state it.. I interpret your answer " very" to meas you were there and liked the sound of your system. I infer then I was hearing what you wanted me to hear. I find that very interesting.

I was in "the room where it happened". I thought the room sounded great. A big improvement over a similar system I heard the LA audio show a couple of years ago. Gregadd, I guess we disagree on this point but I do respect your opinion and your right to state it.
I described my experience in the VS room as "underwhelming." That was not what I wanted fron two potential icons of the high end industry. I never sad the sound was bad. I hope they would return next year with a similar effort.
It is my opinion which this thread presented for discussio0n. Dissent is encouraged.
My bad.... When I'm underwhelmed with something I don't liked it and consider it bad. Point taken. My experience was different from yours and certainly not "underwhelming."
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When I enter someone's home and listen to his or her system, I always try to get a feel for what the person's goals are.

I do not want to judge the outcome based purely on my personal weighting. I suppose this comes from being in the supply and service side of the industry for more than a dozen years now. While sometimes I am asked over just for fun, most of the time I'm invited over for help in fine tuning for some deficiency or another defined by their specific tastes or needs.

Reginald felt that the center image was not to his liking and fortunately this is one of the easiest things to address. On these particular speakers, which I own, distances and convergence angles are a breeze despite their being large and heavy since they are designed to be used around their specific casters. Looking at the pictures however it is obvious that the goal of the exhibitors was to create a sweet zone rather than a sweet spot. I would do the same in their shoes. If I were to sit 30 to 50 people at a time and have more walking around, I'm shooting for getting balanced coverage and consistent tonality over laser sharp imaging I know I could get in an area of about 3 x3 seats 9 people. This is a business decision and not an aesthetic one. This actually something Leif and I discuss often. At home, I am not as fond of precise image delineation myself as I find it hyper real because most studio recordings are exaggerated in this regard to begin with. I prefer a smoother blending of "shapes" also because with that comes more lifelike motion.

Given my thought process then, I too could easily be underwhelmed if I were to use my personal set of metrics instead of evaluating the display under differing contexts.

At the end of the day, I feel this system can be made to float pretty much anyone's boat including a few hardline fringers. Anyone who has ample space for them, anyhow. It just can't float everyone's boat at the same time. That is no shocker.

I wasn't there so I have no opinion, only a perspective.

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