I realize the data is incomplete but I don't new hotspots on their map.Check out this website and see how the spread has occurred and how many “quiet” regions have now become hot spots.
I think that 20% needing medical attention is significant. We can’t forget about the “flattening the curve” concept. If the infections are spread out over a long period of time that 20% can be treated although some will die. However, if not, many of those will die unnecessarily. It is that aspect which warrants the concern.
Sure, every life matters but we're not getting devastated by this virus. Wonder how different our lives would be if the constant media bombardment at this level with this negativity wasn't there. How many articles do you read about the rate of recovery and the mildness of the sickness vs the number of dead and doom and gloom? I have doctor friends living in Queens and Bronx and they're telling me that there's hardly anyone in line at hospitals to get tested but if your read the news you'd think there are sick people waiting in long lines to get tested but there's not enough to go around.