If you read through this thread you can find quite a few pictures with the copper slabs being used as platforms for my various audio components as well as for mass loading them, including the Tidal LA’s. To the 40 slabs I am currently using I will add another 18: a few of these new copper slabs are going to be placed on top of my LA’s and will replace the smaller copper slabs and (as a consequence) lighter ones I use at this moment for ‘mass’ - each of the Tidal LA’s loudspeakers weighs (a hear under) 500kg - loading them.
As you know I am waiting at the moment for 18 extra pure, untreated copper slabs to arrive in the Netherlands. Currently ‘only’ my Wadax reference server and Wadax reference dac as well as my two Acoustic Revive RTP 4-EU absolute powerstrips are benefitting from three copper slabs used as their platforms. So my Kondo G1000i linestage (PSU as well as its head unit) and the Kondo Gakuoh mk ii poweramps are each standing on two copper slabs. Once the additional 18 copper pieces have arrived here I will change this as follows: each Kondo component will get three copper slabs as its platform. Furthermore I will increase the mass loading of all four units. In order to ‘handle’ this extra weight I have ordered today (another) 12 Hifistay Absolute Point footers with special copper caps. After adding these 12 footers I will be employing 20 of the Hifistay Absolute Point footers (with copper caps) in total in my Tidal LA system. Here is a link to this special footer: https://www.monoandstereo.com/hifistay-absolute-point/
I suppose most (or maybe all?) WBF members think differently, but apparently there are still persons who think that cables in general en pc’s in particular make no (material) sonic difference. In the last couple of weeks I listened in my Tidal LA system to and experimented with four different pc’s and they all sound different. And the differences for the better and worse between them can very easily be picked up; you do not need ‘golden ears’ to hear all these differences, although some of them were marginal casu quo small.
In comparison to my Tidal Audio and Kondo Avocado pc’s I overall preferred the Siltech Triple crown pc’s (they were connected to my wadax reference dac and Wadax reference server). But unlike the experiences of some other WBF members I am still of the opinion that the TC pc has quite a character of its own, although I like what it is doing in my Tidal LA set up.
Last week I replaced the three TC pc’s with the three high quality pc’s I had not heard so far (after the latter had been connected to my cable cooker for four days). And the sonic experiences with these pc’s sort of confirmed my findings with the TC pc’s because these new pc’s are more transparent than the TC pc’s: I hear not only (even) more details with them but all (other) micro information is also ‘laid bare’ more clearly. In addition they are more powerful than the TC pc’s with a deeper, more prominent low end. On the other hand the tonality of the TC pc’s is (in particular in the highs) fuller / warmer - which I like but might it be some sort of coloration? - while they also create a deeper soundstage with a (to my ears anyway) more convincing 3d presentation.
The plan is to do some additional listening experiments, inter alia connecting two TC pc’s or two of these other pc’s to my Kondo Gakuoh mk ii amps. Curious tongind out what this will bring.