Tinnitus Resulting from Covid or Vaccines

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Gee, I knew a few under 70 folks, in shape that died from it. I knew kids a year or 2 older than me that got Polio. My parents rushed me for the shot. I guess you are against that too.
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You can’t seriously post something from infowars as support for any argument. Please.

I knew why I was done with this guy. This just confirms it, indeed.

Just catching up after a great music session with Haydn and Holmboe symphonies.
Not many healthy non-fat people under 70 were having issues. The media created their usual doomsday news bombardment and people who can’t think for themselves panicked. I would say the media climate today is much different than the 1950’s.

Medical community models say the vaccine saved $14M lives. That's pretty significant to me.

What's you definition of "not many"? I am an actuary and viewed the spike in mortality rates for people across all age groups. It was significant.
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Not only didn’t you protect your sons but you also made it more likely that you would get Covid by taking these shots and you did.. These shots also didn’t protect anyone from transferring the virus. So basically they’re worthless and the only thing they can do is harm your body long-term with a spike protein.
Know what it was my choice. I did it for them and would do it again. Time hit the ignore again. Alex Jones is a toad. Now you have zero credibility. Not that it was hard getting to zero.
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Gee, I knew a few under 70 folks, in shape that died from it. I knew kids a year or 2 older than me that got Polio. My parents rushed me for the shot. I guess you are against that too.
Of course, I didn’t say no healthy or younger people were impacted. However, older people with 1 or 2 pre-existing conditions were most severely impacted. I don’t know anything about polio but I do know I was not taking an experimental drug to combat a cold.
Know what it was my choice. I did it for them and would do it again. Time hit the ignore again. Alex Jones is a toad. Now you have zero credibility. Not that it was hard getting to zero.
Go to medical school like I did and get a fellowship in neuroradiolgy. Then you can tell me I’m wrong. In the meantime, if you go to the link, which I posted, it’s not Alex Jones giving the information, it’s a world, renowned scientist..
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Medical community models say the vaccine saved $14M lives. That's pretty significant to me.

What's you definition of "not many"? I am an actuary and viewed the spike in mortality rates for people across all age groups. It was significant.
Of course deaths went up across all age ranges but if you were under 70 and healthy your chances of the cold getting you were slim. If you took the drug anyway because the news was telling you to then that’s your choice.
Of course deaths went up across all age ranges but if you were under 70 and healthy your chances of the cold getting you were slim. If you took the drug anyway because the news was telling you to then that’s your choice.

Doctors were recommending people get vaccinated. That's who I go to for medical direction.

The fact that you are calling it a cold ends my involvement in what I thought could be a discussion with people without an agenda. 7M people do not die from a cold in a 3 year period.
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Of course deaths went up across all age ranges but if you were under 70 and healthy your chances of the cold getting you were slim. If you took the drug anyway because the news was telling you to then that’s your choice.
The so-called mainstream medical community absolutely lied. The shots killed more people than the virus did. Why do you think they were pushing the shots on us? Why do you think they pushed us so hard to take it? I think it’s because it was a depopulation plan which is something the globalists have been working on for the last 40 years. This virus was cooked up in a laboratory, and these shots were ready before the virus was even released. It made the pharmaceutical companies very wealthy at the taxpayers expense, and it caused a tremendous number of injuries and deaths. Many of these injuries will not be seen for a long time since the spike protein can take quite a bit of time to migrate through the body. Also keep in mind that about 50% of the shots that were given were nothing but plain saline and those people won’t have an adverse response obviously. I know several people personally who have been injured from these shots.
Doctors were recommending people get vaccinated. That's who I go to for medical direction.

The fact that you are calling it a cold ends my involvement in what I thought could be a discussion with people without an agenda. 7M people do not die from a cold in a 3 year period.
I am a doctor and I didn’t recommend that anyone take these shots. Let me tell you what happened. The government was threatening to pull physician licenses if they didn’t recommend these products and they were also incentivizing many physicians to give out these shots by giving them payouts, depending upon how many patients they got injected. This was especially true when it came to pediatrics, general, practice, and internal medicine. Also, you should know that hospitals were paid money if the patient was listed as a death by Covid and if they died on a respirator that got over $50,000 for that patient and if they just listed them as a Covid death, they got $13-$15,000 Even if the patient really died from other causes.

By the way, in case you didn’t know, the death rate from COVID-19 without the use of the shots was about half the death rate of the seasonal flu. And no one seems to be upset about all the people who die of the flu. It’s also interesting how in 2020 into 2021, all of a sudden there were no flu cases at all. This was a total scam.
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Go to medical school like I did and get a fellowship in neuroradiolgy. Then you can tell me I’m wrong. In the meantime, if you go to the link, which I posted, it’s not Alex Jones giving the information, it’s a world, renowned scientist..
Okay sure, Dr Kevorkian. You could not even spell Neuroradiology corrent. Now I can spell Biomolecular Chemical Engineering and that is what one of the sons I was protecting earned his PhD in. And yes you are wrong and you are not making any new friends here. So long Dr Kevorkian. BTW if we are going to have a pissing contest I am a MSME and every time you use planes, trains, automobiles, the ISS or the Mars Rover you are using products my team designed and implemented, including the plain bearing in your turntable....
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Doctors were recommending people get vaccinated. That's who I go to for medical direction.

The fact that you are calling it a cold ends my involvement in what I thought could be a discussion with people without an agenda. 7M people do not die from a cold in a 3 year period.
Oh you mean those US doctors who prescribe more drugs than anywhere else on earth? Follow the $$$.

If you are already fragile due to age and 1-2 serious preexisting conditions it doesn’t take much to be tipped over the edge. In some ways it was less severe than a cold. Many people had no idea they were even infected until they took a test.
The so-called mainstream medical community absolutely lied. The shots killed more people than the virus did. Why do you think they were pushing the shots on us? Why do you think they pushed us so hard to take it? I think it’s because it was a depopulation plan which is something the globalists have been working on for the last 40 years.

LOL. Too funny.
The shots killed more people than the virus did.
Please show us the evidence for this assertion.

these shots were ready before the virus was even released.
Please show us the evidence for this assertion.

about 50% of the shots that were given were nothing but plain saline
Please show us the evidence that about 50% of the Moderna shots and about 50% of the Pfizer shots were plain saline.
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The so-called mainstream medical community absolutely lied.

We now know that much of the "information" which was proffered by the mainstream medical community and propagated by the mainstream media as "medical science" proved to be mere guesswork, grossly conservative or outright false.

But lying is a different accusation than well-intentioned guesswork. Please provide evidence that the mainstream medical community knowingly lied.
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USA covid deaths age 0-49 from 2020 until June 2023 - 75,000

USA automobile accident deaths 2020-2023 - 165,000

You guys still driving?
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