Tinnitus Resulting from Covid or Vaccines

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Dave, sorry you are having all these health issues. I had a bout of diverticulitis a year ago which went away quickly and hasn’t returned but in the process of being scanned for it they found a 2 cm kidney stone. I never knew it was there because it was not moving and never would but they recommended I have it removed. So, I did, but it took 2 surgeries, totaling 4 hours to pulverize it. Not a pleasant experience. In a side note, if you are on antibiotics for diverticulitis it is recommended you take a probiotic during that time and after to help restore the good bacteria in your gut. That’s what my GI had me do.
Lithotripsy is like getting hit with a cannon ball in a bath tub
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Just an update... I did find something that has helped. Maybe it can help others...

Quick summary: Since I posted this thread I've had ups and downs. I felt like I was recovering, but then I got diverticulitis. I thought it was food poisoning, but it didn't go away and I had the worst abdominal cramping ever. Went to urgent care, who sent me to the ER, and they did a ct scan and started prepping me for emergency surgery. The surgeon looked at the scan and concluded there wasn't a hole in my intestines yet, so I got a 3-day round of IV antibiotics. This was a huge setback though, it made the long covid issues worse and tachycardia was back in force. Then I got some sort of bug over xmas and was on a downward spiral since. I basically gave up hope that anything could help, but then on a bad day about 10 days ago i was feeling so bad I tried Ivermectin, some new studies seemed like it could help. I could feel it going throughout my body, caused a tingling sensation and unfortunately a moderate headache. I got to sleep, and when I woke up the next morning I felt better than I have since I got diverticulitis. I went for a walk and felt great. The next day I went for a bike ride, and I will generally pay for that with some fatigue. For those who don't know, fatigue is not just being tired, it's much worse. You can't do anything. It's hard to explain if you haven't experienced it. But the day after the bike ride, I was definitely tired... but not fatigued! My Garmin sleep scores and HRV (heart rate variation) has greatly improved since the day after taking Ivermectin.

I have a brand new primary care physician, he's sending me to an infectious disease expert and hopefully I can get a prescription and a plan to help me fully recover. We'll see... Ivermectin didn't return me to normal overnight, but now I feel like i have a chance. Before I felt like I might just have a stroke or heart attack and die eventually. The constant stress on the body just isn't sustainable. Now I feel like there's space for healing.

I still have tinnitus but I feel like it's reducing in frequency and intensity since I took Ivermectin.

I'm sure Ivermectin isn't the answer for everyone, but it may help with some forms of long covid or even chronic fatigue caused by EBV, Epstein Barr virus, and maybe other long term issues cause by infections.

Currently, I'm also trying methylene blue. Maybe it'll help with oxygen utilization. What they've found is the blood gets oxygenated as normal, but returns to the heart with high levels of oxygen, the body can't use for some reason. Possible issues with something blocking mitochondrial function, or damage, not sure we understand this part of the problem yet, but it's likely the root cause of this disaster. I hope over time we can figure this part out. Reduced cardio performance (VO2 Max), poor endurance and recovery from exercise are common to nearly everyone with long covid.
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I’m truly grateful for your posts in this.
I did take in and off a skew of stuff.
Honesty nothing fixes in a totality way.
as I take stimulates to help my ADHD symptoms become varying
very tough to pin down
there are times music is just Annoying seems like music is broken down
then this just goes away
No doubt to me mood and energy levels have a huge effect.
I’ve good for a long time not getting sick
But music is still effected
im sure we are nit alone but since this is audio
it’s not posted about
this past week or more I got a flu like bug
really kicked me down
I’m better but still far from right.
hope you do get better
Dave, I’m praying you find relief and return to, what I have imagined from all your prior posts, your robust and vigorous enjoyment of life. Your posts of cycling in the Colorado Rockies have frequently given me a little envy — ‘cause I’ve spent time in the Colorado mountains and you live in God’s country. I‘ll pray you’re now on the way to full recovery and an end to your symptoms.God bless.
Just saw this; my best wishes for a full recovery, Dave! My wife and brother are still suffering long covid symptoms to varying degrees after several years now, and I know some folk who have had severe reactions to the vaccines, so have some feel of how hard it is to deal with. Not sure where you are living; we got about 6"~8" of snow today on the Palmer Divide, right after I had put the snow thrower back in the shed! Good day to stay inside, shoot the breeze with friends ('net or other), and kick back.

Go Nuggets, go Avs! :)
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Case in point…….long Covid syndrome
It’s not long Covid. It’s the poison bio weapon shots which caused these hearing issues and a ton of autoimmune diseases.
2018 sept I started to feel I’ll. Octal migraines and fatigue multiple times a day.
I went to drs had various tests and scans. All negative. had full Covid symptoms Feb the one with loss of taste but felt fine in a few days. but both symptoms from 2018 persisted for past 2019. I will never know or believe all I read but long term Covid does exist for me. so many things effect us and little is known and now I feel even more is kept away or even just misguided readings
my ears ring but did so before and it varies day to day.
I did read the day before effects today in many factors like food
when ringing is bad it does effect my audio quality but it’s not that I can’t hear but it just makes more sounds not pleasing as much.
I just traded in a sports car early due to it being too loud inside the car lol. I’m getting old fast
A good friend of mine says that " Getting old is not for sissies" :D
I have found eliminating all alcohol and all anti inflamitants like Aleve significantly reduce any high pitch ring I might sense. Deep sleep also relieves it. Shallow restless sleep does not.
I have not found supliments and exercise to impact ringing.

My wife developed acute neurological issues after her covid shot. It has not gone away after years. Comes and goes. Mostly there.

Also, be aware. These issues can also be associated with mold exposure. Also have your nasal passages checked for staff and fungus. Again, those can also.cause major ear issues as the euststion tubes are connected to the sinus.
As far as mold. No where is safe. Deserts are worse as AC can create dew points in the walls. = Mold. NC, SC, GA and other similar locations have severe issues in crawl spaces. During the 80s, code was making people put vapor barrier behind plumbing in kitchens and baths. You can literally push your finger through the plywood and studs that were wrapped in it.

Have a mold specialist check your shop and house.

Also, there are excellent naturopath that are far more knowledgeable and skilled than any MD when it comes to assesessing you as a primary care specialist. They are far more aware to do blood test that look for toxins such as metals (also a big neurological irritant) molds and other not ordinary tests. Check for mercury from fillings or the environment. They can tell whats in your blood. Another big neurological irritant.
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I have had Tinnitus on and off for decades. I also had severe vertigo a decade ago. Now that I finally have amassed my ideal audio system, I developed constant Tinnitus. It nener goes away. Life can be quite cruel as due to lousy health and a move to central Florida, I no longer have my boating vices and sold my place in the Keys. Like I mentioned, getting old is not for sissies and other than my grandkids and my audio obsession, I no longer have many pleasures of life. I also refrain from travelling due to my health. The recent passing of several close friends and relatives brings a realization that we must enjoy what we have while we can.
I saw several ENTs and was directed to a department at Orlando Health which was performing a study on Tinnitus. After numerous tests, they said my hearing was normal and there was nothing they could do to correct the Tinnitus. Their solution was "To ignore it".
I had the Moderna covid vaccines and although I had one early bout with a "flu" which came as negative for covid, I managed to avoid contracting covid until last year. Now I have had it 3 times and the last time, I took Paxlovid to help clear it off.
I have been on Ozempic for diabetes and to lose weight for about 6 months and lost a bit over 30 pounds. My A1C levels are good now. But, it may be in my head, now after I took Paxlovid, it seems like Ozempic doesn't suppress the urge to eat as good as it did before. But it really screws up the digestive process :eek:o_O:rolleyes:.
Even though Ozempic is supposed to improve the effects of AFib, either due to the weight loss or God knows what, my AFib is worse. I have been on Metoprolol and Eliquis for decades, but now added Amioderone (which I really hate to take due to additional side effects) and this improved my AFib.
At the start of the Ozempic process (.5mg, 1.0mg now 2.0mg) it killed any energy or stamina that I had. After the weekly shot, I had NO energy and stayed in bed for one or 2 days after every shot. Now the fatigue has improved somewhat, but still deal with it. I normally take a long nap during the day and this messes with my nightly sleep.
AND....I won't get into my abdominal issues, Sigmoid Resection (sp?), diverticulitis, Octal (Ophmalgic) migrains, etc. as it would take too long.
Anyways, this Tinnitus is a real blow to my listening enjoyment and my wife gets upset when I go "huh?".
But things could be worse....
I have had Tinnitus on and off for decades. I also had severe vertigo a decade ago. Now that I finally have amassed my ideal audio system, I developed constant Tinnitus. It nener goes away. Life can be quite cruel as due to lousy health and a move to central Florida, I no longer have my boating vices and sold my place in the Keys. Like I mentioned, getting old is not for sissies and other than my grandkids and my audio obsession, I no longer have many pleasures of life. I also refrain from travelling due to my health. The recent passing of several close friends and relatives brings a realization that we must enjoy what we have while we can.
I saw several ENTs and was directed to a department at Orlando Health which was performing a study on Tinnitus. After numerous tests, they said my hearing was normal and there was nothing they could do to correct the Tinnitus. Their solution was "To ignore it".
I had the Moderna covid vaccines and although I had one early bout with a "flu" which came as negative for covid, I managed to avoid contracting covid until last year. Now I have had it 3 times and the last time, I took Paxlovid to help clear it off.
I have been on Ozempic for diabetes and to lose weight for about 6 months and lost a bit over 30 pounds. My A1C levels are good now. But, it may be in my head, now after I took Paxlovid, it seems like Ozempic doesn't suppress the urge to eat as good as it did before. But it really screws up the digestive process :eek:o_O:rolleyes:.
Even though Ozempic is supposed to improve the effects of AFib, either due to the weight loss or God knows what, my AFib is worse. I have been on Metoprolol and Eliquis for decades, but now added Amioderone (which I really hate to take due to additional side effects) and this improved my AFib.
At the start of the Ozempic process (.5mg, 1.0mg now 2.0mg) it killed any energy or stamina that I had. After the weekly shot, I had NO energy and stayed in bed for one or 2 days after every shot. Now the fatigue has improved somewhat, but still deal with it. I normally take a long nap during the day and this messes with my nightly sleep.
AND....I won't get into my abdominal issues, Sigmoid Resection (sp?), diverticulitis, Octal (Ophmalgic) migrains, etc. as it would take too long.
Anyways, this Tinnitus is a real blow to my listening enjoyment and my wife gets upset when I go "huh?".
But things could be worse....
The Moderna shot was the worst. The spike protein does irreversible damage to the immune system and causes a plethora of autoimmune reactions including tinnitus, blood clots, strokes, myocarditis, and a lot more.
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Thanks for everyone's input and sharing your experiences, it's very helpful! :)

I still have tinnitus, it comes and goes. In general, it's not as bad as it used to be but there are times when it seems pretty loud. You do get used to it to some degree. I think I may be lucky it's at a very high frequency.

Since the last update I had shoulder surgery from an old injury in 2017, I was doing bench presses (sets of 8 reps, so not too heavy) and on the very last rep on the last set, my rotator cuff tendon fully tore off. It was partially torn from 2017, and the surgeon thinks it was just a matter of time. Then I got the flu about 4 months ago, which was one of the worst flus I've ever had, it brought back the long covid issues and was a massive setback. And about a month ago I was in the ER for what I thought was a return of diverticulitis, but it was something else, they're not sure what, but it's left me with GI issues that somewhat resemble the symptoms of Chron's disease. Probiotics seem to be helping. Around the same time my mom had a GI issue that required surgery, I have to think covid was a factor in both of our GI issues.

I have been recovering from all this gradually, my GI system is getting better, sleep quality is improving, I'm struggling to get cardio and stamina back. It's better than average for my age but far away from being in the top few percent where I was before. I got an emtb (electric mt bike) to compensate, which has been a ton of fun. Just getting back to riding it again after shoulder surgery.

What are spike proteins, and what do they do?

They are on the outer surface of the virus and are the mechanism by which the virus accesses the cell.

Spike protein is also what the MRNA vaccines instruct your body to produce so you can develop an immunity to it. The vaccine is supposed to stay local in the muscle it's injected into, but if it's injected into a blood vessel it can become systemic. It may become systemic anyways. There's some evidence it can do damage in different ways, and there are some people acutely affected by the vaccine.

In my case, I did get the Pfizer vaccine as soon as it was available, but didn't get the covid infection that lead to my current long covid issues until 2 years or so after the vaccination. So in my case I don't think the vaccine had any obvious negative effects and don't believe it is responsible for my long covid symptoms.

In any case, let's not get into a discussion or debate on the vaccine. It can be contentious and political. What's done is done. Let's concentrate on sharing experiences and especially how to recover from lingering covid issues.
Thanks for everyone's input and sharing your experiences, it's very helpful! :)

I still have tinnitus, it comes and goes. In general, it's not as bad as it used to be but there are times when it seems pretty loud. You do get used to it to some degree. I think I may be lucky it's at a very high frequency.

Since the last update I had shoulder surgery from an old injury in 2017, I was doing bench presses (sets of 8 reps, so not too heavy) and on the very last rep on the last set, my rotator cuff tendon fully tore off. It was partially torn from 2017, and the surgeon thinks it was just a matter of time. Then I got the flu about 4 months ago, which was one of the worst flus I've ever had, it brought back the long covid issues and was a massive setback. And about a month ago I was in the ER for what I thought was a return of diverticulitis, but it was something else, they're not sure what, but it's left me with GI issues that somewhat resemble the symptoms of Chron's disease. Probiotics seem to be helping. Around the same time my mom had a GI issue that required surgery, I have to think covid was a factor in both of our GI issues.

I have been recovering from all this gradually, my GI system is getting better, sleep quality is improving, I'm struggling to get cardio and stamina back. It's better than average for my age but far away from being in the top few percent where I was before. I got an emtb (electric mt bike) to compensate, which has been a ton of fun. Just getting back to riding it again after shoulder surgery.

They are on the outer surface of the virus and are the mechanism by which the virus accesses the cell.

Spike protein is also what the MRNA vaccines instruct your body to produce so you can develop an immunity to it. The vaccine is supposed to stay local in the muscle it's injected into, but if it's injected into a blood vessel it can become systemic. It may become systemic anyways. There's some evidence it can do damage in different ways, and there are some people acutely affected by the vaccine.

In my case, I did get the Pfizer vaccine as soon as it was available, but didn't get the covid infection that lead to my current long covid issues until 2 years or so after the vaccination. So in my case I don't think the vaccine had any obvious negative effects and don't believe it is responsible for my long covid symptoms.

In any case, let's not get into a discussion or debate on the vaccine. It can be contentious and political. What's done is done. Let's concentrate on sharing experiences and especially how to recover from lingering covid issues.
As a radiologist who sees cases like yours every day, I can assure you that we’ve seen a tremendous number of adverse reactions and more often than not, these shots are responsible for decreased immune response, and the long term symptoms you mentioned including tinnitus. There are legitimate compounds that can help with detoxification from at least some of the spike proteins if you are interested. Either way, I wish you the best
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Thanks for everyone's input and sharing your experiences, it's very helpful! :)

I still have tinnitus, it comes and goes. In general, it's not as bad as it used to be but there are times when it seems pretty loud. You do get used to it to some degree. I think I may be lucky it's at a very high frequency.

Since the last update I had shoulder surgery from an old injury in 2017, I was doing bench presses (sets of 8 reps, so not too heavy) and on the very last rep on the last set, my rotator cuff tendon fully tore off. It was partially torn from 2017, and the surgeon thinks it was just a matter of time. Then I got the flu about 4 months ago, which was one of the worst flus I've ever had, it brought back the long covid issues and was a massive setback. And about a month ago I was in the ER for what I thought was a return of diverticulitis, but it was something else, they're not sure what, but it's left me with GI issues that somewhat resemble the symptoms of Chron's disease. Probiotics seem to be helping. Around the same time my mom had a GI issue that required surgery, I have to think covid was a factor in both of our GI issues.

I have been recovering from all this gradually, my GI system is getting better, sleep quality is improving, I'm struggling to get cardio and stamina back. It's better than average for my age but far away from being in the top few percent where I was before. I got an emtb (electric mt bike) to compensate, which has been a ton of fun. Just getting back to riding it again after shoulder surgery.

They are on the outer surface of the virus and are the mechanism by which the virus accesses the cell.

Spike protein is also what the MRNA vaccines instruct your body to produce so you can develop an immunity to it. The vaccine is supposed to stay local in the muscle it's injected into, but if it's injected into a blood vessel it can become systemic. It may become systemic anyways. There's some evidence it can do damage in different ways, and there are some people acutely affected by the vaccine.

In my case, I did get the Pfizer vaccine as soon as it was available, but didn't get the covid infection that lead to my current long covid issues until 2 years or so after the vaccination. So in my case I don't think the vaccine had any obvious negative effects and don't believe it is responsible for my long covid symptoms.

In any case, let's not get into a discussion or debate on the vaccine. It can be contentious and political. What's done is done. Let's concentrate on sharing experiences and especially how to recover from lingering covid issues.
Hey Dave wishing you well brother. Incremental improvement is a positive. Sending you some good Mojo...John
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Thanks for everyone's input and sharing your experiences, it's very helpful! :)

I still have tinnitus, it comes and goes. In general, it's not as bad as it used to be but there are times when it seems pretty loud. You do get used to it to some degree. I think I may be lucky it's at a very high frequency.

Since the last update I had shoulder surgery from an old injury in 2017, I was doing bench presses (sets of 8 reps, so not too heavy) and on the very last rep on the last set, my rotator cuff tendon fully tore off. It was partially torn from 2017, and the surgeon thinks it was just a matter of time. Then I got the flu about 4 months ago, which was one of the worst flus I've ever had, it brought back the long covid issues and was a massive setback. And about a month ago I was in the ER for what I thought was a return of diverticulitis, but it was something else, they're not sure what, but it's left me with GI issues that somewhat resemble the symptoms of Chron's disease. Probiotics seem to be helping. Around the same time my mom had a GI issue that required surgery, I have to think covid was a factor in both of our GI issues.

I have been recovering from all this gradually, my GI system is getting better, sleep quality is improving, I'm struggling to get cardio and stamina back. It's better than average for my age but far away from being in the top few percent where I was before. I got an emtb (electric mt bike) to compensate, which has been a ton of fun. Just getting back to riding it again after shoulder surgery.

They are on the outer surface of the virus and are the mechanism by which the virus accesses the cell.

Spike protein is also what the MRNA vaccines instruct your body to produce so you can develop an immunity to it. The vaccine is supposed to stay local in the muscle it's injected into, but if it's injected into a blood vessel it can become systemic. It may become systemic anyways. There's some evidence it can do damage in different ways, and there are some people acutely affected by the vaccine.

In my case, I did get the Pfizer vaccine as soon as it was available, but didn't get the covid infection that lead to my current long covid issues until 2 years or so after the vaccination. So in my case I don't think the vaccine had any obvious negative effects and don't believe it is responsible for my long covid symptoms.

In any case, let's not get into a discussion or debate on the vaccine. It can be contentious and political. What's done is done. Let's concentrate on sharing experiences and especially how to recover from lingering covid issues.

Hi Dave, I am sorry to hear about your recent setbacks, but I am glad you are again on your way to recovery.
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As a radiologist who sees cases like yours every day, I can assure you that we’ve seen a tremendous number of adverse reactions and more often than not, these shots are responsible for decreased immune response, and the long term symptoms you mentioned including tinnitus. There are legitimate compounds that can help with detoxification from at least some of the spike proteins if you are interested. Either way, I wish you the best

Please stop your nonsense disinformation. I have had multiple Moderna shots and had none of the adverse reactions you cite. I did get Covid in late October 2022, but that was after five shots, three of them Moderna. Symptoms were similar to a medium flu and lasted for just 4 days. No long Covid. Without the prior shots I would undoubtedly have had a much more severe illness. Thank God for the tremendous scientific achievement of the vaccines!!

By the way, I am a scientist myself, a biochemist, and I know how those vaccines work. None of the nonsense you proclaim is true. I keep fully up to date with every Covid shot I can get, and had my last one (again Moderna) just a month ago. I am glad I did.

As Dave says, he doesn't think either that his problems after his unfortunate Covid infection are related to the vaccine.
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