I have had Tinnitus on and off for decades. I also had severe vertigo a decade ago. Now that I finally have amassed my ideal audio system, I developed constant Tinnitus. It nener goes away. Life can be quite cruel as due to lousy health and a move to central Florida, I no longer have my boating vices and sold my place in the Keys. Like I mentioned, getting old is not for sissies and other than my grandkids and my audio obsession, I no longer have many pleasures of life. I also refrain from travelling due to my health. The recent passing of several close friends and relatives brings a realization that we must enjoy what we have while we can.
I saw several ENTs and was directed to a department at Orlando Health which was performing a study on Tinnitus. After numerous tests, they said my hearing was normal and there was nothing they could do to correct the Tinnitus. Their solution was "To ignore it".
I had the Moderna covid vaccines and although I had one early bout with a "flu" which came as negative for covid, I managed to avoid contracting covid until last year. Now I have had it 3 times and the last time, I took Paxlovid to help clear it off.
I have been on Ozempic for diabetes and to lose weight for about 6 months and lost a bit over 30 pounds. My A1C levels are good now. But, it may be in my head, now after I took Paxlovid, it seems like Ozempic doesn't suppress the urge to eat as good as it did before. But it really screws up the digestive process

Even though Ozempic is supposed to improve the effects of AFib, either due to the weight loss or God knows what, my AFib is worse. I have been on Metoprolol and Eliquis for decades, but now added Amioderone (which I really hate to take due to additional side effects) and this improved my AFib.
At the start of the Ozempic process (.5mg, 1.0mg now 2.0mg) it killed any energy or stamina that I had. After the weekly shot, I had NO energy and stayed in bed for one or 2 days after every shot. Now the fatigue has improved somewhat, but still deal with it. I normally take a long nap during the day and this messes with my nightly sleep.
AND....I won't get into my abdominal issues, Sigmoid Resection (sp?), diverticulitis, Octal (Ophmalgic) migrains, etc. as it would take too long.
Anyways, this Tinnitus is a real blow to my listening enjoyment and my wife gets upset when I go "huh?".
But things could be worse....