Tinnitus Resulting from Covid or Vaccines

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Please stop your nonsense disinformation. I have had multiple Moderna shots and had none of the adverse reactions you cite. I did get Covid in late October 2022, but that was after five shots, three of them Moderna. Symptoms were similar to a medium flu and lasted for just 4 days. No long Covid. Without the prior shots I would undoubtedly have had a much more severe illness. Thank God for the tremendous scientific achievement of the vaccines!!

By the way, I am a scientist myself, a biochemist, and I know how those vaccines work. None of the nonsense you proclaim is true. I keep fully up to date with every Covid shot I can get, and had my last one (again Moderna) just a month ago. I am glad I did.

As Dave says, he doesn't think either that his problems after his unfortunate Covid infection are related to the vaccine.
Have you ever developed a drug product? If you had, you wouldn’t be so sure about those products.
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Have you ever developed a drug product? If you had, you wouldn’t be so sure about those products.

Oh boy, now all the vaccine deniers come out of the woodworks. Nice going.
I'm glad you're feeling better, Dave!
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Please stop your nonsense disinformation. I have had multiple Moderna shots and had none of the adverse reactions you cite. I did get Covid in late October 2022, but that was after five shots, three of them Moderna. Symptoms were similar to a medium flu and lasted for just 4 days. No long Covid. Without the prior shots I would undoubtedly have had a much more severe illness. Thank God for the tremendous scientific achievement of the vaccines!!

By the way, I am a scientist myself, a biochemist, and I know how those vaccines work. None of the nonsense you proclaim is true. I keep fully up to date with every Covid shot I can get, and had my last one (again Moderna) just a month ago. I am glad I did.

As Dave says, he doesn't think either that his problems after his unfortunate Covid infection are related to the vaccine.
I am speaking strictly scientific and after reviewing thousands of cases in our own practice. The more shots you took, the more your immune system is compromised and the more chance you had of contracting Covid or the seasonal flu for that matter. The so called vaccine has caused strokes and myocarditis in young people that we’ve never seen before. In one study there were over 20 million deaths directly related to these shots and over a billion injuries. The inventor of this technology stated clearly that this should never be used as a vaccine. Besides, it doesn’t stop you from getting Covid and it doesn’t stop you from spreading it, so it doesn’t work.
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I am speaking strictly scientific and after reviewing thousands of cases in our own practice. The more shots you took, the more your immune system is compromised and the more chance you had of contracting Covid or the seasonal flu for that matter. The so called vaccine has caused strokes and myocarditis in young people that we’ve never seen before. In one study there were over 20 million deaths directly related to these shots and over a billion injuries. The inventor of this technology stated clearly that this should never be used as a vaccine. Besides, it doesn’t stop you from getting Covid and it doesn’t stop you from spreading it, so it doesn’t work.

Really, over 20 million deaths and over a billion injuries? Your exaggerations give away your con game.

I'm done here. I have better things to do with my time, like right now starting to listen to some Haydn symphonies. Bye.
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In one study there were over 20 million deaths directly related to these shots and over a billion injuries.
Would you please post for us the link to this study so we can all see it?
Would you please post for us the link to this study so we can all see it?
Google has censored the original link. I will find something and post it
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I am speaking strictly scientific and after reviewing thousands of cases in our own practice. The more shots you took, the more your immune system is compromised and the more chance you had of contracting Covid or the seasonal flu for that matter. The so called vaccine has caused strokes and myocarditis in young people that we’ve never seen before. In one study there were over 20 million deaths directly related to these shots and over a billion injuries. The inventor of this technology stated clearly that this should never be used as a vaccine. Besides, it doesn’t stop you from getting Covid and it doesn’t stop you from spreading it, so it doesn’t work.

I believe in personal choice, not mandates. The more accurate information the better for the individual to do what he or she thinks is best, given the risk factors.
Would you please post for us the link to this study so we can all see it?
I am still looking for the original studies which google has blocked the links to.. Here is something in the meantime:

A peer-reviewed study published last Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V.
I am still looking for the original studies which google has blocked the links to.. Here is something in the meantime:

A peer-reviewed study published last Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V.
Wow. I hate mandates, however I did get the vax and had COVID 3 times. Reason was I had my sons coming home from college and they are both autoimmune compromised and I did not want to take a chance. I am just not one to put stock into anything from that site. I am sure there is data out their on the interweb. No tinnitus here, tendinitis and arm pump from racing motorcycles and playing to much golf and tennis.
You can’t seriously post something from infowars as support for any argument. Please.
Taking an experimental drug because of the panic the media generated probably wasn’t the best idea.

I think people were pretty panicked too. A lot of people were dying.

Unless it saved lives. People rushed to get the polio vaccine, also “experimental” at the time and it saved lives.
Wow. I hate mandates, however I did get the vax and had COVID 3 times. Reason was I had my sons coming home from college and they are both autoimmune compromised and I did not want to take a chance. I am just not one to put stock into anything from that site. I am sure there is data out their on the interweb. No tinnitus here, tendinitis and arm pump from racing motorcycles and playing to much golf and tennis.
Not only didn’t you protect your sons but you also made it more likely that you would get Covid by taking these shots and you did.. These shots also didn’t protect anyone from transferring the virus. So basically they’re worthless and the only thing they can do is harm your body long-term with a spike protein.
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I think people were pretty panicked too. A lot of people were dying.

Unless it saved lives. People rushed to get the polio vaccine, also “experimental” at the time and it saved lives.
Not many healthy non-fat people under 70 were having issues. The media created their usual doomsday news bombardment and people who can’t think for themselves panicked. I would say the media climate today is much different than the 1950’s.
I think people were pretty panicked too. A lot of people were dying.

Unless it saved lives. People rushed to get the polio vaccine, also “experimental” at the time and it saved lives.
Actually the polio “vaccine” gave a lot of people polio. It was a very bad idea. In general, it’s best to avoid all or most vaccines..
Taking an experimental drug because of the panic the media generated probably wasn’t the best idea.
That’s exactly correct. Anytime anything is pushed on you as hard as the shots were, it is definitely not for your own good. Personally, I can’t imagine why anyone would take an experimental shot which was not properly tested or vetted. I want to see scientific proof before I expose my body to something that cannot be undone. Plus, I do not trust the government at all.
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