Totaldac D1-Driver, the (pre)amplifier driver

I am not in the habit of starting threads unless I feel a product is of significant enough importance to do so. The Totaldac D1-Driver is such a product. The official product description states D1-Driver, the amplifier driver. I have deliberately added (pre) in the thread title.

The Totaldac website description reads:
The d1-driver is an analog driver. It is usually connected to the output of the DAC.
It is an answer to the endless question "is it better with or without preamp?".
The strength of preamps is there active stage more than their volume control. The active stage helps driving the power amp.

It was designed for directly driving a power (or integrated amplifier!) using the built in Totaldac digital volume control:
Its drive capability allows the d1-driver to improve the sound of a DAC, improving bass control, articulation, presence, soundstage and life. It has been tested when connected between a DAC and a power amplifier (transistor or tube), but also between a DAC and an integrated amplifier. The d1-driver has no volume control because it relies on the DAC volume control.

Around 6 weeks ago we travelled to Slovenia to deliver a SGM Extreme server to Matej Isak for a review. I ended up leaving being deeply impressed by the liveliness and dynamic range of Matej's reference system. Upon asking Matej told me something about the importance of proper gain matching. I did not give it much further thought until we visited forum member Mike Lavigne a few weeks later where he played a few tape cuts with a similarly shocking display of brute force dynamic range. Every since returning I have been searching for explanations for this particular phenomenon. Until I received a pair of Totaldac D1 drivers from Vincent last Friday.

I need to add a bit of history context to this now as I was not unfamiliar with the D1-driver. I have tested an older version before, the current D1-driver is in its second generation now. At that time I was impressed by its dynamic range and transparency, but found it lacking in refinement and micro detail rendering compared to my AudioNet Stern (Euro 35.000) preamplifier. If I remember correctly my commentary to Vincent was "a diamond in the rough". It also did not manage to match the Stern's sound staging abilities, upon which Vincent commented I would probably need a pair to get there. I shipped it back and did not give it much further thought, therefor the penny did not drop until Vincent told me he had a MK2 version of which he was confident it would solve my "issues" and if I would be interested in trying a pair of them. This turned out to be a totally different ballgame. Not only does it manage to match the Stern's sound staging abilities, refinement and micro detailing, it has also improved upon its previous strengths with even better dynamics, and an "Iron grip" control over the lower registers which sounds like it has doubled the already high damping factor of my AudioNet Heisenberg power amplifiers. It has incredible control and slam, at first I thought it was lacking low end extension, but after some back and forth switching it is just much better defined and controlled turning a mass of "1 tone bass" into a variation of cues and pitches. It does give me the eagerly desired dynamic range I found my system lacking of after hearing Matej's digital and Mike's tape. Therefor I consider it to be a substantial product worthy of its own thread.

Using both the Stern and D1 drivers in a DAC - Driver - Preamp configuration does preserve most of these qualities with just a slight decrease in overall transparency, clarity and a loss of ultimate "control". Inserting the Stern creates a slightly more distant, slightly more laid back perspective, where just the drivers give you a closer more direct perspective.

Matej Isak has reviewed the D1-direct and D1 driver here, worth a close read:

I will copy a few relevant snippets:




To summarize, this is a product to seriously consider, not just to combine with a Totaldac DAC, and not only to replace a preamplifier. But consider trying it with any brand DAC and/or any Pre-amplifier.
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D1-Driver just received here too. Set up today and will leave it for a while to burn in, relax and get settled.

I think this has been raised but I use a passive pre amp.

Its a very new one and not really fully available yet but it is quite remarkable what it has done to my system.

My question is - would you suggest the D1-Driver before or after the passive pre. I need some kind of pre for my Phono / analogue. Until the Driver arrived I was using the D-1 Direct straight into the passive then into my mono blocks but felt something was lacking. Not the air, or space or relaxed nature, but in a bit of presence. I am hoping the Driver does this but if it can sit well after the passive pre I assume the Turntable will also benefit??

thanks for your views

I think that you should try both!
Starting to sound very interesting. Listening to Manu Katche’s Unstatic album. Still a few more days of burn in before i can crystallise my thoughts. My feet are tapping more than usual though.
I think that you should try both!
Tried both now. Definitley better D1 driver then Passive Pre in my set up. Passive widens the sound stage and gives more front to back layering. Driver after the passive closes things down. Best i have ever heard my system though.

Also been reading about pre-amps on other threads. Nagra Hd and others. I have listened to these plus many others at shows and in other systems but to my ears this D1 Driver and the passive pre is something very special and i would put it against any active pre amp at any cost.

The combo has taken my power amps and speakers to another level which goes to show how i have not got the best from them
In the past.
Tried both now. Definitley better D1 driver then Passive Pre in my set up. Passive widens the sound stage and gives more front to back layering. Driver after the passive closes things down. Best i have ever heard my system though.

Also been reading about pre-amps on other threads. Nagra Hd and others. I have listened to these plus many others at shows and in other systems but to my ears this D1 Driver and the passive pre is something very special and i would put it against any active pre amp at any cost.

The combo has taken my power amps and speakers to another level which goes to show how i have not got the best from them
In the past.

Thank you JayDee!
Most passive transformer based preamps are in fact very difficult to drive because the transformer load is not linear.
Also maybe its galvanic isolation and transformer RF filtering helps your amplifier.
So the d1-driver makes the good drive capabilities and prevents the speaker back wave going back from the amplifier to the DAC.
Did test D1 Drivers. 2 Mono XLR s.
it is unfortunate but they will have to stay in the system.
I was hoping to test them and if improvement was small to send it back.
I cannot do it. It is to good and improvement is very big.
Vincent designed the device that everyone should have.
No wonder Emile and Matey were impressed with addition of the Drivers in their systems.
So am I.

TotalDac Druver brings so much more and deliveres the things that were covered before.
top level recommendation !
Did test D1 Drivers. 2 Mono XLR s.
it is unfortunate but they will have to stay in the system.
I was hoping to test them and if improvement was small to send it back.
I cannot do it. It is to good and improvement is very big.
Vincent designed the device that everyone should have.
No wonder Emile and Matey were impressed with addition of the Drivers in their systems.
So am I.

TotalDac Druver brings so much more and deliveres the things that were covered before.
top level recommendation !

Thank you, at last a preamp is welcome in your system!:)
Thank you, at last a preamp is welcome in your system!:)

its not preamp clearly but just its active stage with no gain.

By comparing Stand alone Totaldac 24 with and without Kondo preamp
Totaldac alone sounded better.
But with totaldac drivers it is very clear advantage .
I think isolating the DAC from my 8 amps did a great job.
Before drivers is was direct and unbuffered.
Dear Vincent,
Thank you so much for making a pair of xlr version Drivers and send to Ben Lau, the Totaldac HK dealer for demo!
I am a silver Bespoke passive preamp user and very much want to know how the Driver can improve the performance of my Bespoke.


They arrived almost 2 months ago and I went for a listen then.
I thought that they were not ready yet and needed serious burn-in.

Several days ago I received call from Paul, a Bespoke user friend of mine who had been to the showroom twice and told me that the Drivers were ready. Paul also said that they were mind-blowing!

Therefore I took a day-off to audition them 2 days ago.
It so happened that there were both copper version and silver version Bespoke preamps there for a detailed audition of the various configs.


The Bespoke copper version :

The Bespoke silver version :
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The dac used was Totaldac Direct+Reclocker.
Poweramps were Westminster Labs monoblock.
Speakers were Volent VL-3.5

I auditioned and compared the following configurations :
A) Direct DAC > copper Bespoke > poweramp
B) Direct DAC > silverr Bespoke > poweramp
C) Direct DAC > Drivers > poweramp
D) Direct DAC > Drivers > copper Bespoke > poweramp
E) Direct DAC > Drivers > silver Bespoke > poweramp

My conclusion is exactly that of my Besopke owner friend Paul :
The best config is E) dac > xlr Drivers > Bespoke Silver > mono poweramps.

We concur 100% with Emile' findings and don't want to repeat again here.
Please refer to his post #1 on this thread.

In fact the performance is so good that both Paul and I have taken the plunge and decided to buy the xlr version Drivers!
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Paul and I have noticed some interesting points :
1) This pair of xlr Drivers are with Livepower PSU and internal copper base-plates. Must be the latest and best version mentioned by Emile.
Vincnet must have pulled all the stops out, after Emile said that he was unimpressed by the early version of Driver.

2) The Livepower PSU needs a long burn-in period. Probably more than a month of continuous turned-on. The internal circuit needs music playback for burn-in.
Therefore, be patient!

3) When I did the audition 2 days ago, the Drivers and their PSUs were stacked together only.
Also, only entry grade studio type of powercords were used.
There must be huge ground for improvement! Much tweaking can be done!

Last but not least, I have to thank Vincent again!
The Totaldac xlr Drivers are great products, as always!
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I will go to the Totaldac HK dealer and place my order for two xlr Drivers this week.
I aim at the aluminum silver faceplate version.

Two other frds of mine in HK will buy xlr Drivers too.
Both prefer the black colour acrylic faceplate version.

One of them Paul got a Totaldac Twelve Mk2 dac already so he is asking Vincent to put the two psu of his coming Drivers together with the 3 psu of his Twelve Mk2 into one "psu chassis".
This will save space and only 1 powercord is needed for both the dac and Drivers.
I guess he is willing to trade a little bit of sonic performance off for convenience.
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I will go to the Totaldac HK dealer and place my order for two xlr Drivers this week.
I aim at the aluminum silver faceplate version.

Two other frds of mine in HK will buy xlr Drivers too.
Both prefer the black colour acrylic faceplate version.

One of them Paul got a Totaldac Twelve Mk2 dac already so he is asking Vincent to put the two psu of his coming Drivers together with the 3 psu of his Twelve Mk2 into one "psu chassis".
This will save space and only 1 powercord is needed for both the dac and Drivers.
I guess he is willing to trade a little bit of sonic performance off for convenience.

Thank you CKKeung for you order!
I don't think that the large one-box live-power for DAC + d1-driver is a little bit of sonic performance OFF. The only limit it that it forces the use to use only one type of power cord for the DAC and driver. I ended up with a Echole Infinity power cord and it is easier to afford the best power cord when you need only one.
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Thank you CKKeung for you order!
I don't think that the large one-box live-power for DAC + d1-driver is a little bit of sonic performance OFF. The only limit it that it forces the use to use only one type of power cord for the DAC and driver. I ended up with a Echole Infinity power cord and it is easier to afford the best power cord when you need only one.
Hello Vincent,
Agree with you.
From another angle, if using only 1 powercord, Paul will be able to invest and use a better powercord such as your Echole Infinity!
Be great to hear more about people´s ongoing listening experiences with TotalDac D1-Drivers.
I have enjoyed Vincent´s TotalDac products for many years now, from my first D1-Dual to the D1-Direct that I have today.

Discovering more about the importance at this level of impedance ratios, phase consistency, minimizing feedback from the power amps and speakers back to the Dac, and capability to drive the voltage signal levels to the power amplifiers accurately at all frequencies and loudness dynamics without any waveform distortion or excessive load on the DAC. Not so much material online about this, and not possible to travel and listen to things in these difficult times!

The D1-Direct does seem to benefit in my system from having a pre-amp in place. I have a temporary solution in place but am looking for a balanced solution that would take things further.

What are people´s longer term impressions of the D1-Driver in their systems?
Does anyone have experience of alternative high input impedance balanced preamps with the D1-Direct?

Looking forward to hearing more, to help with my decision process
Be great to hear more about people´s ongoing listening experiences with TotalDac D1-Drivers.
I have enjoyed Vincent´s TotalDac products for many years now, from my first D1-Dual to the D1-Direct that I have today.

Discovering more about the importance at this level of impedance ratios, phase consistency, minimizing feedback from the power amps and speakers back to the Dac, and capability to drive the voltage signal levels to the power amplifiers accurately at all frequencies and loudness dynamics without any waveform distortion or excessive load on the DAC. Not so much material online about this, and not possible to travel and listen to things in these difficult times!

The D1-Direct does seem to benefit in my system from having a pre-amp in place. I have a temporary solution in place but am looking for a balanced solution that would take things further.

What are people´s longer term impressions of the D1-Driver in their systems?
Does anyone have experience of alternative high input impedance balanced preamps with the D1-Direct?

Looking forward to hearing more, to help with my decision process
Hello David,
May the WBF brothers know the components of your audio system?
Hello CKKeung,
Of course! I am currently running:
TotalDac ( D1-Streamer, D1-Direct, LivePower, Ethernet Cables), ATC SCM45A active monitors, Tellurium Q Silver Diamond XLR digital and analog cables, PSAudio PowerPlant P15
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Hello CKKeung,
Of course! I am currently running:
TotalDac ( D1-Streamer, D1-Direct, LivePower, Ethernet Cables), ATC SCM45A active monitors, Tellurium Q Silver Diamond XLR digital and analog cables, PSAudio PowerPlant P15
Understand your situation now.

Using the internal volume to drive the active ATC must have compromises.
The D1-Driver is perfect for your system.

I personally have a view a bit different from some of the Driver owners. They think that Totaldac dac internal volume + Driver is the best combination but my preference is to have a passive transformer/autoformer preamp placed downstream of the Driver.
Pls test both options in your system.

The passive preamp can be not an expensive Bespoke. MFA Baby Ref V2 or an Emia silver model are very good too.
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Hello David,
BTW please consider to get separate Livepower psu for the streaming section and Reclocker section of your D1-Streamer.

And have the Streamer and Direct DAC got the copper base plate option?

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