Back OT, are we saying that ss amps will never sound better or equal to what tube amps bring to the table? Is it not possible that at some point an ss amp/preamp can do absolutely everything a tube amp/preamp can do and perhaps more? Thereby, relieving one of all of the "issues" associated with owning and maintaining tube gear and hence making tube gear obsolete.
Dear DaveyF: I read it your posts and other gentlemans posts on the thread's subject and I wonder why we music lovers are questioning if the SS technology could sometime " sound better or equal to what tube amps " or the other way around because we can ask for it too ( why not? ).
IMHO what have to define about " better " sound is what is right or wrong in what we are hearing, I repeat: what's right or wrong, not what we like it but what's right or wrong. Seems to me that for almost all of you the " reference " is tube's sound instead LIVE MUSIC that btw is my " reference ": not tube sound or SS sound.
I support that what makes the difference in between different audio systems is the distortions ( any kind and any where. ) level on each one audio system. We all are accustom not only to some kind of distortions but to differente distortion levels.
Distortions that comes in different ways: colorations, frequency deviations, room relationship, noises, electrical pollulation, speaker feedback, wrong match between cartridge/toneaqrm, etc, etc. When I talk of distortions I'm saying that.
I think that today SS makes right " things " a lot better than tubes that IMHO makes wrong " things " in higher grade than SS.
There are several areas where tubes fail to fulfill the music reproduction home audio systems needs and the first and main one is about synergy/matching all over the audio chain. Let me explain a little here:
first I 'm not talking of the wrong kind of synergy when we use a bright amp for my speakers that are to dull/warm, this kind of synergy is wrong because we want to compensate an speaker wrong design with an amp that's a wrong design too: we try to compensate an " error " adding other " error". No, I'm not talking of this wrong kind of synergy but true synergy.
Fortunatelly or unfortunatelly an audio system first main target is to match it electrically, this means firat than all that we have to take care matching electrical impedances in between electronics/speakers. Ohms's Law is very specific about and we can't avoid it.
Any audio system needs that the preamp output impedance can match with the amplifier input impedance. If this is not accomplished provoque distortions/colorations and one of them is frequency deviations.
The ones of you that like are LP advocates knows very well the critical importance to match the cartridge internal impedance with the phono stage impedance, if that impedance " match " is not the right one then we have here distortions/colorations coming from ferquency deviations.
But the main tube technology failure comes when we try to match the tube amp output impedance with the speakers electrical impedance/phase curve, you can take any Stereophile speaker reviews and look at the speaker real mesurements and in the graphic that shows the speaker impedance/phase you can see that electrical curve over the frequency spectrum/range.
Well for any amplifier ( SS or tube one. ) can handle can match that speaker impedance/phase curve with out any single frequency deviation that amp must has a very low output impedance, 0.1 ohm or lower is desired. Tube amps has very high output impedance .
No one tube amp can do it and it's not because amp design failures but because a tube technology failure/drawbacks. So what are we listening trhough our speakers that are runned by a tube amp ( any )?: heavy and higher distortions with high frequency deviations. Frequency deviations and distortions that are not on the LP or in the CD. Yes all the tube advocates are accustom and like those high distortions but unfortunatelly even that you like it what you are hearing is wrong and can't honor the LP/CD what's in the recording.
SS technology provide low output impedance on amps and phonolinestage preamps with no frequency deviations/colorations. Yes, there are other SS advantages too.
That " tube magic " that you like does not exist, what exist are very high distortions that you like it/you are accustom but IMHO are plain wrong and certainly can't honor the LIVE MUSIC Reference.
I can " dissect " several other tube drawbacks but this one is enough at the moment.
Today has no sense to me that some speakers that have a complex and very hard to handle impedance/phase curve as Wilson/YGA/TAD been running through tube amps and that the owners and the owner's friends be satisfied with those very high distortions and trumpeted that " lovely experience ".
No one of us has the culprit that all those still today is happening and that we are " suffering " that. Problem is that we audio customers are ignorant about because no one informed us: no one of the audio dealers, no one of the profesional audio reviewers and almost no one audio manufacturer.
IMHO all them are the responsables that we stay with our " eyes closed ". The pity and sad subject is that IMHO all of them has a main responsability with we customers and this responsability MEANS to mantain informed, with the true and hidden nothing, to we all audio customers and they did not
Regards and enjoy the music,