Dear DaveyF: I read it your posts and other gentlemans posts on the thread's subject and I wonder why we music lovers are questioning if the SS technology could sometime " sound better or equal to what tube amps " or the other way around because we can ask for it too ( why not? ).
No one tube amp can do it and it's not because amp design failures but because a tube technology failure/drawbacks. So what are we listening trhough our speakers that are runned by a tube amp ( any )?: heavy and higher distortions with high frequency deviations. Frequency deviations and distortions that are not on the LP or in the CD. Yes all the tube advocates are accustom and like those high distortions but unfortunatelly even that you like it what you are hearing is wrong and can't honor the LP/CD what's in the recording.
SS technology provide low output impedance on amps and phonolinestage preamps with no frequency deviations/colorations. Yes, there are other SS advantages too.
That " tube magic " that you like does not exist, what exist are very high distortions that you like it/you are accustom but IMHO are plain wrong and certainly can't honor the LIVE MUSIC Reference.
Today has no sense to me that some speakers that have a complex and very hard to handle impedance/phase curve as Wilson/YGA/TAD been running through tube amps and that the owners and the owner's friends be satisfied with those very high distortions and trumpeted that " lovely experience ".
No one of us has the culprit that all those still today is happening and that we are " suffering " that. Problem is that we audio customers are ignorant about because no one informed us: no one of the audio dealers, no one of the profesional audio reviewers and almost no one audio manufacturer.
IMHO all them are the responsables that we stay with our " eyes closed ". The pity and sad subject is that IMHO all of them has a main responsability with we customers and this responsability MEANS to mantain informed, with the true and hidden nothing, to we all audio customers and they did not
Regards and enjoy the music,
silviajulieta, I think you are showing a bias towards ss gear. While I think most if not all members here would agree with your statement that we need to compare our systems to the "absolute sound" or "live unamplified music", I do NOT think your thoughts on why tube gear is preferred by some member's, including myself, is entirely accurate.
I DO NOT believe that we prefer the distortions that tube gear supposedly gives off when connected to the speaker's that you mention. I recently had the pleasure of hearing fellow member Steve William's system, with his Wilsons and Lamm amps. I can tell you that IMHO IF there were any distortion to be heard it was certainly NOT coming from the Lamm amps. If anything, the Lamm tube gear was perhaps the biggest strength in Steve's system. A very nice synergy with his Wilson speakers.
Your comments actually make me question whether you have heard some of the better tube gear that is on the market connected with appropriate speakers.