Your question reminds of a demo of Revel B1 subwoofer at CES a couple of years ago. It was in a small room and they were playing it at pretty high SPL with tracks that had really deep bass. There was a magazine reviewer who after a minute left in disgust because it was all too loud for him! My pant legs would flap in the wind with every bass note as it does in every type of reproduction of deep bass in other rooms of this type. Most people in the room were uncomfortable with such high SPLs at low frequencies. Of course, I loved it.
Most people have not heard such bass. And if they think they have, they really haven't unless they can report experiences like above. The rooms with best bass are usually designed for movie experiences where artificial low bass is easily generated and readily available. Play the Tron movie and watch the fight and it will throw you off your chair when there is such subsonic playback (16 Hz content from what I recall).
I don't hear such bass at rooms at high-end suites in audio shows. You have to be a fan of playing music at very high levels as our perception of bass is very low. By then the rest of the music will also be hugely loud. Half the time I have to ask these vendors to turn it up to drown out background noise let alone hearing this kind of reproduction.
So long winded answer is: do you listen to your music ultra loud now? If not, then I am not sure this kind of experience is necessary.