Why is it fair to gain advantage by having better equipment, better teammates, better coaching, better nutrition etc etc but unfair to gain advantage by taking drugs?
It shouldn't be! It isn't any different.
They all take performance enhancing drugs in all the sports. They all lie about it. Some get caught, some don’t. Everybody lies. Some to themselves, others to everybody else. They will end up giving Lance Armstrong's awards to the #2 person who was probably also doping! I know, I know, I'm a cynic, but I am also realistic. This will level the playing field and the players can then just concentrate on being great.
THEY SHOULD LEGALIZE ALL THE PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS. The courts and Congress (the baseball fiasco) should stay the hell out of this.
Let the athletes take them just like vitamins. They still have to maintain a disciplined physical training program.
If these drugs are required to win, and the top competitors believe winning is so important, let them just be part of the training program.
Are there long term detrimental health benefits, absolutely. Men develop breasts, baldness, shrunken testicles, infertility. Women may develop a deeper voice, increased body hair, baldness and an enlarged clitoris (which some couples may find beneficial
). Men and women may experience severe acne, tendon rupture, liver disease, pathologic cholesterol levels, hypertension, circulatory problems, aggressive behavior, psychiatric disorders, drug dependence, and decreased longevity, among others.
The top competitors make real sacrifices in their lifestyle when they train. The above list is just a few more sacrifices they may need to and are willing to make.
HOWEVER, THE REWARDS FOR MAKING THESE SACRIFICES ARE GREAT. You get recognition you might otherwise never receive, you get financial rewards, fame, “rewards” from the opposite sex, you are seen as an authority in your field, and people look up to you. Winning is very important and athletes should be given whatever they need to achieve their goals. Besides, the crowds love to see records broken and great feats accomplished.
If you think this is a joke, it isn’t I am dead serious. They should legalize these drugs and just get on with the sports.