V.Y.G.E.R indian signature & VYDA cables.

sorry I missed, are you getting the vyger speakers? They are extremely good.
right now it's not planned, maybe some day in the future after i hear them again. i remembered how amazed we were from pino room.

i have "Clarisys audio studio plus" in order - https://www.clarisysaudio.ch/Studio-Plus/
like the VYGER in Munich and the Boneicke w22 - the Clarisys audio speakers blew my mind and split my heart open. i ordered a pair on the flight home. at last we can have a real Apogee with none of their "problems".
i have done so with videos comparing AF3p. Blind testing, over 15 people sent to over WBF and WhatsApp, most preferred 4/4 vyger, lowest scores being 3/4 in favour of vyger, all for the same reasons the owner and I preferred in room.

vess had the continuum and vyger, he sold the continuum. Bob owned both AF1p and vyger though some would caveat his opinion as distro, but he sold the AF1p as well. Both he and Chris of Rhapsody Dallas own the vyger and the Kondo Ginga so you could get their opinion if you want to.

i have compared AF1p, AF1, to other tables, not vyger. But overall after hearing both a few times I prefer Vyger.

Separately the best analog experiences Bill and O have had have been with vyger. But you need to have a signal path and recordings where the nuances of the superb vyger linear tracking arm over many pivoted arms can be highlighted.
I don't like to comment on a brand(s) that I formerly represented and no longer represent, I think that is cheesy. All I would say is that as soon as I heard the VYGER I no longer had interest in listening or representing other TTs.

I do have a Kondo Ginga ( no longer produced by Kondo), as does Chris in Dallas. We both love the Ginga aesthetics and it works well in our all Kondo systems.

Imho the VYGER is a bargain and sonically a true A+ performer, ESPECIALLY with the new Titan/pump. I know I've said this about the Titan/new pump I think three times in this thread. My apologies.
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"ESPECIALLY with the new Titan/pump. I knowi guess I've said this about the Titan/new pump I think three times in this thread. My apologies."
i guess it's truly matter. and Bjorn and Pino succeed to go above and beyond with the Titan
I don't like to comment on a brand(s) that I formerly represented and no longer represent, I think that is cheesy. All I would say is that as soon as I heard the VYGER I no longer had interest in listening or representing other TTs.

I do have a Kondo Ginga ( no longer produced by Kondo), as does Chris in Dallas. We both love the Ginga aesthetics and it works well in our all Kondo systems.

Imho the VYGER is a bargain and sonically a true A+ performer, ESPECIALLY with the new Titan/pump. I know I've said this about the Titan/new pump I think three times in this thread. My apologies.
Bob, what is the difference from before and after Titan, is it sound or just reliability ? I was trying to figure out exactly what the Titan system does from Björns posts, it was not temperature adjustment or speed control, but maybe it was lost in translation. :oops: Please be specific, you have mentioned its superiority a few times now !;)
Bob, what is the difference from before and after Titan, is it sound or just reliability ? I was trying to figure out exactly what the Titan system does from Björns posts, it was not temperature adjustment or speed control, but maybe it was lost in translation. :oops: Please be specific, you have mentioned its superiority a few times now !;)
It is arm/platter air pressure and vacuum control.

it is microprocessor controlled. Very accurate and stays constant to where you set it.

it also learns your environment regarding air pressure and humidity and adjust accordingly.

I cannot tell the pump is on standing next to it.

Prior you had to really look at the control interface and make sure everything was working properly now you just press the button and don’t think about it and don’t look at it as you know it is going to be constant with air pressure and vacuum as to where you had set it.
It is arm/platter air pressure and vacuum control.

it is microprocessor controlled. Very accurate and stays constant to where you set it.

it also learns your environment regarding air pressure and humidity and adjust accordingly.

I cannot tell the pump is on standing next to it.

Prior you had to really look at the control interface and make sure everything was working properly now you just press the button and don’t think about it and don’t look at it as you know it is going to be constant with air pressure and vacuum as to where you had set it.
So a VYGER without Titan is a little unstable with regards to air pressure with changing humidity, and needs to be adjusted manually , like many air pressure arms do ?
So a VYGER without Titan is a little unstable with regards to air pressure with changing humidity, and needs to be adjusted manually , like many air pressure arms do ?
Let’s say that prior to the titan it was manual control, and now it is automatic.
I figured it may be ok for someone from Vyger to chime in on the conversation.

First off, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support, especially Aviad, Bob, Roger, Ked and Ron (sorry if I forgot anyone, it is all love), without the support of which it would not have happened.

I would also like to thank Pino, he has kept this dream alive for many years and I thank him for challenging me again… it has been a while.

That over, the Titan, simply put is a world first, it can produce over 2bar of pressure silently and is controlled with machine learning.

As explained in the previous post it is a linear regressive and decision branch algorithm that is predictive based on vectors.

The aim is to keep the air laminar and constant, once the set point is reached it is solid, and will not deviate.

I recently returned from Italy during the heatwave, so Pino and I set the rig up outside to see how it would perform under extreme conditions, and at 42(c) ambient the Titan ran for over 8 hours STABLE.

It has a 20A linear power supply with a C(equiv) of over 2 FARAD! Very low ripple, I had to break out my Techtronix scope to see it (the Rigol just did not cut it), test criteria was 5A load.. ALL of the components are hand picked and tested for ESR etc before they are placed.

The compressor chassis is designed with a specification from the Acoustical Society of America and uses composites to provide acoustic dampening.

It is my humble opinion that the Titan is the icing on the cake of an already exceptional and world class product.

Thanks guys!

Thank you Bob and Björn ! :)
It all started a long time ago, I'm 45 now but my journey with analog and vinyl started when CDs popped out to the world.
I had some of my parents' vinyls, some old stuff that everyone had. and some old Thorens (166) that my dad refurbished out of nothing
with a Marantz receiver and USA Beckers speakers. I was into music! playing. studying and listening to music almost 24H 7 day a week.
from there to the rabbit hole and when i had some money of my own (much later) the "audiophile" thingy snuck in and that was it, t
he never-ending pursuit of "happiness" in the form of metal boxes, shiny cartridges, turntables and speakers....
Now, almost 40 years later I'm 97% satisfied (you can see my recent set up on my signature)
but as you know, the enemy of good is excellent and keeping going every year to the Munich show and seeing what is the latest and best in the world will "hurt" (mainely your wallet).
my last analog adventures was base on Japanese turntable and such,
from my "Brinkmann balance" to a "clear audio master innovation" to "TechDas af3"
to "Techdas AF3P" and now the CSport TAT2M2 with their linear arm and a SAEC4700 in second position.
that to my ears demolished the Techdas TT i had... (never heard the af1 at my place though)
.... several CR in rotation - DS audioW3, Kondo IO-xp, Sumile, MSL, AIDAS, Kouetso, top wing, Etsuro Urushi.... you name it.
all connected to the "best" phono i know- the CH precision P1 and i'm a happy camper.
billing myself to death with records from around the world and listening to music without a care in the world... until....you guess it!
Munich 2023 comes again

.... on Saturday noon we (my best friend and I) decided to walk around the smaller show (HIFI DELUX) at the Marriott Hotel, where the more boutique company and somewhat special brands are in several rooms out there. This show is always special, without the constant noise of the MOC and the endless talking from the long corridors of business doing. and we enter one of the most Amazing sounding rooms we ever heard in any of our visits in any show!
It was VIVA equipment (that we know very well) with two large white speakers and an analog set up from V.Y.G.E.R all connected with VYDA cables.
The sound was clear! crisp, with authority, big and punch bass and low end with fluidity and musicality that we did not encounter ever in shows.
The guy who played music over there on records was none other than PINO! the owner and the genius mind from VYGER italy. We sat there for quite some time and with a split decision I got up and approached Pino and started talking to him in a broken Italian part English part Mime... and ordered an INDIAN SIGNATURE full system with their new TITAN electronics. i NEVER heard something that played like this! and i think it was my fastest buy in the AUDIO realm ever.
View attachment 115047
I am waiting for PINO and BJORN (pino partner at VYGER that is responsible now for the perfection of the new electronics and computers that were developed for this system!) to finish the production for my set up and delivered it to ISRAEL with the surprisingly visit of Pino himself to set up the entire system at my Home.
Furthermore, i obiusely contacted Enrico Datti from VYDA cables to work with us and prepare a very special phono cable and power cords for this system. and with luck some other cables that i can evaluate in my system to connect the rest of it!
Meanwhile Enrico sent me the phono cable during his summer vacation! and as i mentioned i am waiting for pino to come back from his vacation to complete the Indian signature and prepare it to ship over. I guess you all can read the sheer excitement i in to.
View attachment 115048
I will update more when they get here and with luck and some time write about my thoughts, posting pictures and more!

Until then, if anyone has some experience with those systems or Vyda cables I would be happy to hear about it, privately or in this thread of course :)

Congrats on an amazing table! Wishing you many years of great enjoyment!
Best wishes,
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I should make a correction in my previous post as to the specification of the Drivers used in the new VYGER Amagosa Loudspeakers. These use Skaning Audio Technology drivers of Denmark. These are special drivers developed specifically for the Amagosa Project at the direction of Giuseppe Viola of VYGER. Their development has been a labour of love over the last Ten years or more. However, although I think they are amazing Transducers, don't take my word for this. If you are a serious audiophile, you really need to have a listen to them yourself. Remember "the wider you open the window the more dust flies in". They are very revelatory.
i cant wait to see it in person standing in our listening room.

if it’s the Indian, it walks on those legs. You might occasionally see it in other rooms too, especially when you wake up and it is there looking at you
240kg packed in three wood crates for one turntable.... this is not the heaviest construction we wednace in our industry but it's freaking heavy nonetheless.

It arrived with our courier that picked it up from VYGER in Italy after Pino gave us the thumb up, and after three days it was at my door. forklift from the track to the elevator and neer my door in 10 minutes... and then a two days journey for setting this bad boy up.
Initially Pino and Bjorn promised me that one of them would come to set it up with me, but in our conversations across the months I waited they understood that I'm not in need of any help (not in that department anyway, i guess no one will say i'm sane but that for another thread)... my 20++ experience in audio and analog in particular with A LOT of different turntables, tonearms and cartridges and several Linear arms among them; "Clear audio" different models, Kuzma air, Rockport, and recently CSPORT to mentioned some... so i have a good grasps of this topology and understanding with set up this kind of arms. f
or the turntable itself we guessed it would be ok... the Manual, with Pino and Bjorn attending on their phones for any questions about set up quirks and it was a breeze.
The first day was the Heavy lifting part. 3 big crates full with all the turntable parts, packed carefully by Pino, and lying between many kinds of rapping metrialls.
We took everything out little by little (except the biggest part - the turntable itself with the arm already assembled in the factory), trying to figure it out, but after a few minutes doing that, we saw it was pretty easy and self explanatory.

we continued for the legs first (filling them with quart?z send) and configure them in the listening room with the pistons inside the absorbers system, then with a help from a third person we lifted the turntable part and mounted it on the three pillars. leveling the whole construction with a digital leveling thingie and on with setting up the TITAN electronics and pumps in their place (i bought some double platform with wheels for that stack).
At this moment as Pino mentioned repeatedly through the days we need to stop.

The whole construction needs 24-48 hours to rest and saddle in place before the "final" setup will start again. so, we stopped.
The day after I was starting again.... (48 hours is a very long time for a restless audiophile moron).
The air tubes between the dec and the TITAN are already made by VYGER and were numbered as for the "ins" and "outs" on the TITAN back... so nothing to it. Just run with the diagram on the VYGER manual and you're done.

The "hardest" part is to level everything, set up the arm and the cartridge. but as mentioned above, i had the experience so with Pino help in video chat we achieved the final set up in 1 hour (VERY FAST). checking everything is working properly as easy as pie. The Titan computer does the work and everything appears on its screen, you just enter the desired numbers for tonearm pressure, vacuum etc, and you are done.

The platter is free on air, the arm is the best I've seen and it moves like nothing else I've encountered before. the whole deck plays the first record PERFECTLY on my first try! This last sentence is not common to anyone who had experience with linear arms before.

the sound of the VYGER indian signature is like nothing i heard before, from any turntable! The first cartridge I chose for setting up the new system was the "Sumile" by Murasakino. I thought I'd go with one of my "oldies" until I figured everything was perfect and could move on and test others CR i have in my collection. ending up with the "red sparrow" from Top wing for "end game" to pair with it for the foreseen future. The Sumile is a GREAT cr and it fit the overall VYGER sound wonderfully. every detail is heard loud and clear, trackability is Unbelievable, bass is pounding and amazingly, full of texture and every note, piano, violin or trumpet just flows with such a staddy image! it's almost unreal.

the arm connected to my CH Precision P1 phono stage with VYDA cable ive got from Enrico, all i can say from the little time i had till now, before of any tests for different ones- that this cable is a different league of its own, as the Indian signature is. I hope in the upcoming weeks I will get more and different cables from Enrico to evaluate them on my system and maybe to saddle it up also pairing with my analog.
I have yet to make any comparison with my CSPORT system that I've got next to it, but for now I'm just enjoying my new wonderful "dream" come true.
I'm afraid It will be a very tight month to come, with the new "Clarisys" speaker that will arrive soon, some travels I have soon includinng the Warsaw high end show at the end of october. So I guess the winter will bring "time" to make some more evaluation for different cartridges, analog systems, deveral tonearms I have in hand, cables etc. so more to come, I hope.

some personal notes i need to vent out if i may,
this acquisition was spontaneous as hell! in may when we prepared for munich show i was bummed from the financial and business situation locally in 2023 (post covid inflation and politic problem we have). I didn't think I would get new brands to our portfolio. actually i traveled to the show as i do every year for the last 14... to meet some friends and to be seen. but actually ended up with three four great brands that I am very excited to have. all special and all with some of the greatest people i had the pleasure to call friends after just a few months.
Florian from "Clarisys audio, Felix and Raul from "Fono acustica" Enrico from VYDA cables and of course Pino and Bjorn from VYGER international that started this all self movement for me this year with their turntable i experienced at the show and was amazed! .
I know maybe some of the dealers and customers around the world might look away from VYGER here and there mainly because of some writing and rumors that this behemoth is VERY difficult to set up and run. but no more!
The whole setup might take some time (mostly because it is heavy and needs some time to saddle for all its parts) but there is nothing to it. If you pay attention, have some experience setting up turntables especially with linear arms you will be fine! more so with Pino and Bjorn available all hours of the day for video chatting and help up the wazoo to make you happy and everything.
so i would like to Thank them! they did an AMAZING job and this system is just another league from anything i've heard of had the pleasure of owning.
This is a truly FORMULA 1 experience, nothing short of that. I guess you need to hear it to understand.

In the meantime, it didn't happen if there were no pictures right?!
So here are some :)


Congratulations! The Indian looks amazing!
we continued for the legs first (filling them with quart?z send) and configure them in the listening room with the pistons inside the absorbers system, then with a help from a third person we lifted the turntable part and mounted it on the three pillars. leveling the whole construction with a digital leveling thingie and on with setting up the TITAN electronics and pumps in their place (i bought some double platform with wheels for that stack).
At this moment as Pino mentioned repeatedly through the days we need to stop.

The "hardest" part is to level everything, set up the arm and the cartridge. but as mentioned above, i had the experience so with Pino help in video chat we achieved the final set up in 1 hour (VERY FAST). checking everything is working properly as easy as pie. The Titan computer does the work and everything appears on its screen, you just enter the desired numbers for tonearm pressure, vacuum etc, and you are done.

Here are some set up videos of the leveling you mention.

The Sumile is a GREAT cr and it fit the overall VYGER sound wonderfully. every detail is heard loud and clear, trackability is Unbelievable, bass is pounding and amazingly, full of texture and every note, piano, violin or trumpet just flows with such a staddy image! it's almost unreal.

Bill first heard the Vyger with the Sumile when he loved it. The Sumile then got replaced by the Red Sparrow (which is when I started listening to it) and Bill said the RS smoked the Sumile (on the Vyger that iis, because the RS is highly compatible with the Vyger arm).

Can you please try some old mono records? You will be surprised at how well the Vyger plays monos with a stereo cartridge. At least it did with the RS
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I figured it may be ok for someone from Vyger to chime in on the conversation.

First off, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support, especially Aviad, Bob, Roger, Ked and Ron (sorry if I forgot anyone, it is all love), without the support of which it would not have happened.

I would also like to thank Pino, he has kept this dream alive for many years and I thank him for challenging me again… it has been a while.

That over, the Titan, simply put is a world first, it can produce over 2bar of pressure silently and is controlled with machine learning.

As explained in the previous post it is a linear regressive and decision branch algorithm that is predictive based on vectors.

The aim is to keep the air laminar and constant, once the set point is reached it is solid, and will not deviate.

I recently returned from Italy during the heatwave, so Pino and I set the rig up outside to see how it would perform under extreme conditions, and at 42(c) ambient the Titan ran for over 8 hours STABLE.

It has a 20A linear power supply with a C(equiv) of over 2 FARAD! Very low ripple, I had to break out my Techtronix scope to see it (the Rigol just did not cut it), test criteria was 5A load.. ALL of the components are hand picked and tested for ESR etc before they are placed.

The compressor chassis is designed with a specification from the Acoustical Society of America and uses composites to provide acoustic dampening.

It is my humble opinion that the Titan is the icing on the cake of an already exceptional and world class product.

Thanks guys!

Hi Björn,

Great info, thank you!

Small question though… Can the Titan be used with other air-supported / vaccum turntables, or air-suppoted tonearms, or is it strictly a product made only for the VYGER turntables?

/ Jk
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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