I was in for answering myself from the knowledge I have, but I saw Dr Bjorn ran me to it, so, I humbly step aside, as he is the mind and master for this TITAN monster.
all i can say is: this system is BIG in dimensions but acts like a russian ballerina. The filtering system with the extra tank for condensing, and filter for any air pollution act as an extra for a Very well already thought and working system with ZERO noise or any fluctuation. the Titan is right there in line with my rest of the system and not a sound of air, pressure, vacuum, electricity or anything like that. you see the desired configuration and the exact measure of air coming out, and that is. on/off and you're done. The Titan does all the work!
regarding humidity and dust... I live in Israel, so dust and humidity are plenty!
But, the listening room 99.9% of the time is air conditioned, cleaned everyday and we have an air purifier that works 24/7 sucking air and puffs it clean. So after Bjorn's explanation, we have 5 filtering systems working now
Thanks so much for everybody's warm welcome and words.
We are very excited to have the Indian signature with the Titan aboard.