Useless question to you maybe. Lampi has more flow and can better match gain to the preamp than many phono chains. So you can take the source file, and then play it back with more energy than it was being played through the analog chain.
He hasn't rolled all valves on his GG though, he is already excited and getting Pacific (though I prefer GG to Pac)
Then the answer can be also misleading. If the phono chain is a poor mismatch to the preamplfier it is not a fair comparison. I remember that Musical Fidelity also sold a tube buffer to be inserted at the output of SS DACs to add some tube noise and distortion in the chain. They claimed it added flow and drive ...
My be it is possible to use the Lampi just as a buffer to the phono, bypassing the digital stage. Unfortunately we do not have access to technical details on the Lampi.