Well, you asked for a general impression, and I gave it

Without "overthinking", both sources are truly capable of awe-inspiring performances.
I might get killed for this, but once you have good vinyl as a reference, indeed most digital will remind you that you're listening to digital, and there will always be a difference. Even MSB's previous generation DACS (IV, V, etc.). And, again, if your reference is vinyl, that difference is likely not going to be for the better (to your ears).
That's why listening to the SELECT was such a groundbreaking moment in my life. All of a sudden, it was not "digital", not even "good digital".
There was no difference. It was something else. As I said earlier, for all the buzz and words that get written online, one can only appreciate what these DACs do by listening to them, properly set up, in a synergistic system. So I truly hope you can come over at some point and get a good listen, as your reference, like Ron's, is vinyl, and it'd be interesting to see what you think!