Hi Everyone,
As promised a few pages back, I managed to connect with Filip from AER loudspeakers and asked whether he might comment about his design philosophy especially in relation to the unparalleled high frequency performance. Filip kindly provided me with a statement that I attach herein verbatim - hope this is of use and thank you very much Filip for taking the time to provide these insights - we really like to hear from manufacturers:
“AER loudspeakers are different to all other loudspeakers and drive units.
This loudspeakers create and reproduce absolutely wonderful high-range and
treble, because the cone is optimized for that within almost 4 decades.
In contrary to all other loudspeakers the high frequencies are only emitted
by the inner portions of the membrane so that the outer portions are not
affected by that and the high frequencies are reproduce extreme fast without any
interferences with the outer areas of the diaphragm.
To make this conception fully work took me 40 years of my life and about €2.7 million.
Because the highest frequencies are only emitted from the center portions, the speed and velocity of the reproduction of mid- and high-range -to my knowledge- is the fastest known to man.
The extreme strong motor of our drivers can accelerate the coil and the center portions -which are emitting the highs- to speed way beyond the speed of sound, so we have a reproduction that is ultrafast and ultra beautiful, no other tweeter conception can compete with this. Because it’s that ultrafast, we not only have an extreme high upper maximum frequency bandwidth, we also have extreme low distortion, for the efficiency is ultimately high and we have dynamics and resolution of the sound completely unknown to other loudspeakers -no matter what design the were made of.
The reason for that is, that even ribbon tweeters or Ion-tweeters have only
a fraction of the efficiency of our drivers and so they have a much bigger
excursion of the sound emitting areas,
so that their distortions are 10 times higher then ours. That is one of the reasons why also our mid range is so beautiful and fine.
I worked on that almost daily approx. 5 hours; on every portion of the cone,
of the magnet and the frame, matching every part to each other and do it again, and do it again, and do it again, -for 40 years.
Thank you for reading.
Filip Keller
For further questions and answers:
+49 711 841077”