I have used the AER BD3B driver in a RD Acoustic Evolution speaker for a long time.
For sure , this is not the Pnoe level of music reproduction, but it is a good start to learn "working" with a single driver system and a back loaded bass. Room Integration, listening distance and damping factor of the Amplifier are vital to be considered as important in a much more effecting way to the overall performance than with standard multi driver speakers.
AER does use very often DSP in their Demo Systems to overcome this "problem". Even not preferring DSP usage at all, I liked to use a DSP on my system to get a first impression, how the back loaded bass could sound "integrated".
With the DSP performance as reference it was (at least for me) more easy to challenge myself to find the best position for the speakers and myself.
Very helpful was, that for the RD-Acoustic Evolution a small front loaded horn exists as option, so you can fine-tune the long distance capability of the AER driver. Over 6m listening distance I prefer a front loaded support , at least for the BD3 driver.
AER has done it similar to the Pnoe. The original Arcadia version comes without any front loading or front "reflection" .
The AER version of the Pnoe has a so called "Excenterhorn" on the front (optional), which will help to further fine-tune this parameter.