Wadax Reference Dac and Server arrive


now we are in another place.

got home and been listening for 45 minutes. evidently the Qpoints have had 24 hours to settle and have taken things higher. maybe the resonance aligning takes some time to finish? or maybe other pieces/cables have reached nirvana level of break-in too. could be multiple things. in any case some beautiful cohesion.

it's subtle but profound. there is now an eerie sense of real air and real space around vocalists and instruments. deeper, finer, more real textures. like the lights came on and the window opened. mostly suspension of disbelief territory on many recordings. it's not there 100% of the time, but on these reference tracks it is mostly there in a way never before noticed.

these are still mostly digital recordings, not analog. so i have to slow walk the bigger implications. and will i hear this again tomorrow night?

i heard a hint of this stuff in my brief listening this morning while i was focused on posting. but this is more. another thin layer removed from the onion for Master Tang.
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What is a Qpoint? That's a new one to me. Is it different from Qsource?
a Qpoint can be powered by a Qsource (with a cable purchased separately). 4 of them can be. as i had purchased a Qsource LPS for my QNET switch, and so already had the power supply, it made sense to try the Qpoints. tried 2, one under each Wadax chassis. now i have another coming for my dart pre.

in my particular system the ROI is outstanding.

Mikey likey.

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FYI there is in the current TAS April a report on the Wadax Server by Robert Harley
a Qpoint can be powered by a Qsource (with a cable purchased separately). 4 of them can be. as i had purchased a Qsource LPS for my QNET switch, and so already had the power supply, it made sense to try the Qpoints. tried 2, one under each Wadax chassis. now i have another coming for my dart pre.

in my particular system the ROI is outstanding.

Mikey likey.

I just got my LPS and limo cable today to put back in my system and the difference is very easy to hear.
FYI there is in the current TAS April a report on the Wadax Server by Robert Harley
And what a review it is: the Wadax team and in particular Javier must be thrilled!
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It stops when
> Your budget runs out

and / or

> You come to personal realisation of the upgraditis affliction and actively make the decision to pull out of the madness


> You die

Or you can simply do this to your system - that's a gun he is using to cue the tonearm, btw. On the sofa you see those who criticised his system

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Or you can simply do this to your system - that's a gun he is using to cue the tonearm, btw. On the sofa you see those who criticised his system.
only if it's part of your plan.

i'm sure it's just an insurance scheme to be able to build a new stand alone room. and those Lp's are only the digitally sourced ones. it is sad about the tt though. the guys on the sofa would not stop talking during the music.....actions have consequences o_O .

the movie does look like a fun watch, so i'm downloading it to my Kaleidescape. i will have to be in the right mood.
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Or you can simply do this to your system - that's a gun he is using to cue the tonearm, btw. On the sofa you see those who criticised his system

Must have been a KISS album.
Mike, as you have added all the digital infrastructure, have you inadvertently made the Wadax sound more digital. Are you loosing the natural life and beauty to gain something else.

I am in a round about way alluding to, if its getting better, when will Redbook surpass vinyl. When I was there, the server was sitting on a stool. It was not dialed in. And I found it shockingly similar to vinyl. I only knew you had vinyl on because of the surface noise.
Mike, as you have added all the digital infrastructure, have you inadvertently made the Wadax sound more digital. Are you loosing the natural life and beauty to gain something else.
not at all. with each deeper step the realism and 'life' increases. more liquid and flowing, more holographic and dimensional....more involving and immersive. as far as 'natural'....that's a loaded question. it's certainly not getting less natural sounding.

but i would not say it's more analog per se.....more that it's less processed and less reproduced sounding. more a sense of an event in 3 dimensional space with weight and action when the recording has captured it.
I am in a round about way alluding to, if its getting better, when will Redbook surpass vinyl. When I was there, the server was sitting on a stool. It was not dialed in. And I found it shockingly similar to vinyl. I only knew you had vinyl on because of the surface noise.
at the end of the day, if you directly compare digital to vinyl/analog sourced, the better analog sourced has more meat on the bones and a higher upside of nuance and immersion, and it's not a subtle difference.

but unless i directly compare it, i'm not feeling like i'm missing anything. my left brain knows the vinyl is better and i should maybe try it, my right brain does not care as nothing is telling my senses that i'm missing anything. of course; not every recording is equally real sounding. and as i go down the worm hole of optimization it's more and more this way by degrees.

my plan is soon to step by step remove these optimizations and then add them back to see how that goes and so i can put this behind me with confidence. how real are these steps i'm hearing? skepticism is healthy.
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Nobody is a wonderfully entertaining film if you’re into violence. I like the scene on the public bus the best.

It is like John Wick but better than John Wick
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not at all. with each deeper step the realism and 'life' increases. more liquid and flowing, more holographic and dimensional....more involving and immersive. as far as 'natural'....that's a loaded question. it's certainly not getting less natural sounding.

but i would not say it's more analog per se.....more that it's less processed and less reproduced sounding. more a sense of an event in 3 dimensional space with weight and action when the recording has captured it.

at the end of the day, if you directly compare digital to vinyl/analog sourced, the better analog sourced has more meat on the bones and a higher upside of nuance and immersion, and it's not a subtle difference.

but unless i directly compare it, i'm not feeling like i'm missing anything. my left brain knows the vinyl is better and i should maybe try it, my right brain does not care as nothing is telling my senses that i'm missing anything. of course; not every recording is equally real sounding. and as i go down the worm hole of optimization it's more and more this way by degrees.

my plan is soon to step by step remove these optimizations and then add them back to see how that goes and so i can put this behind me with confidence. how real are these steps i'm hearing? skepticism is healthy.

Mike, I would not say I am skeptical, but I have a comment regarding your description of the sound which I highlighted in bold above. I agree with you that "natural" is a loaded term, at least in the sense of how controversial it seems to be on WBF. Some of this controversy comes from people's different opinions about whether a sound or image seeming holographic and dimensional is in fact more or less natural.

I have gone back and forth on this in the past few years. I used to like a holographic image of a woman playing the guitar right there in front of me in my listening room. It is very enjoyable and can be very engaging. I thought it reminded me more of the live experience. I no longer think that. That impression of the woman with guitar sitting there is our mind's eye imagining the image from when we heard something similar during a live performance. The impression is based on the combination of our eyes and ears experiencing this in the past. It now seems to me that the sound itself is not so holographic and dimensional in reality, so I no longer try to recreate that in my listening room. I now try to create the sense of energy expanding from a location in space. That energy carries with it the information I need to recognize it as a guitar and voice in a specific space. I think these two different notions are distinct in nature and can be recreated to a greater or lesser extent by the gear and set up choices one makes when putting together a system. You are doing it now with this new digital source.

Your response is very interesting to me because I read it and think that what you describe is moving away from natural, by enhancing the sense of imaging, but I am fully aware that others reading this will think I am nuts and completely disagree. These listeners will relate to your comments and think you are moving away from reproduction and toward a more realistic and convincing presentation. And I get that.

I do not think this has anything to do with vinyl versus digital but everything to do with the type of presentation one is after and which he prefers and likely thinks sounds most realistic. The first sentence in your post is exactly why I think this hobby is so fascinating and why the forums are worth reading. I appreciate that you are exploring these things to a very high level in your system and spending the time to share your impressions and progress with the rest of us.
FYI there is in the current TAS April a report on the Wadax Server by Robert Harley
I wish he would have talked a little more about the usb output and using the server with some other DAC. The way he wrote the review is althgouth the server is good and usb is good don't bother unless you are going all out with the DAC and the Optical connection.
Mike, I would not say I am skeptical, but I have a comment regarding your description of the sound which I highlighted in bold above. I agree with you that "natural" is a loaded term, at least in the sense of how controversial it seems to be on WBF. Some of this controversy comes from people's different opinions about whether a sound or image seeming holographic and dimensional is in fact more or less natural.
personally when you or anyone uses the term 'natural' to me it refers primarily to tonal rightness and lack of any sort of sterility or bleached presentation, yet not over-ripe and obviously colored either. further for my own self, i relate it to how organic food tastes 'right' and non organic food is a little not quite right.

anyway you are right to think that i don't typically use that term any more as it's too political here on WBF; i have switched to 'sounding human' many times as my descriptor meaning the same thing. not that it's any better or even as good as natural, but it's not typically followed by 2 thread pages of angst.
I have gone back and forth on this in the past few years. I used to like a holographic image of a woman playing the guitar right there in front of me in my listening room. It is very enjoyable and can be very engaging. I thought it reminded me more of the live experience. I no longer think that. That impression of the woman with guitar sitting there is our mind's eye imagining the image from when we heard something similar during a live performance. The impression is based on the combination of our eyes and ears experiencing this in the past. It now seems to me that the sound itself is not so holographic and dimensional in reality, so I no longer try to recreate that in my listening room. I now try to create the sense of energy expanding from a location in space. That energy carries with it the information I need to recognize it as a guitar and voice in a specific space. I think these two different notions are distinct in nature and can be recreated to a greater or lesser extent by the gear and set up choices one makes when putting together a system. You are doing it now with this new digital source.
i'm of a mind that i'm a musical omnivore. i'll take everything that the recording might give me that get's the music more real to me, and expect my system will relate it all. everything. it's then up to me to absorb it. my system is tuned to not miss a lick. my proof of concept is the system being a complete chameleon.

if my digital path makes these multiple decade familiar recordings more alive with information, including a more complete holographic image and sense of actual events coming alive before me, i go with it.

it's absolutely not that i have an agenda of attaining a particular sonic attribute or 'artifact' in and of itself, but i'm trusting what i hear was always there to be found. was it the recording technique? the mic set-up? is it a weird assembly of multi-track magic? Q-sound? don't care, i go with it. nothing changed except i'm going deeper. i judge it by how i feel, how the music affects me. i don't over-think it.
Your response is very interesting to me because I read it and think that what you describe is moving away from natural, by enhancing the sense of imaging, but I am fully aware that others reading this will think I am nuts and completely disagree. These listeners will relate to your comments and think you are moving away from reproduction and toward a more realistic and convincing presentation. And I get that.
you have every right to interpret my path in your own way. i do not think that 'natural' or 'human' conflict with the things i'm hearing. clearly you seem to. we don't need to agree. i'd love it if you lived down the street and you could spend time in my room and then connect my words to what you hear and resolve the differences for yourself.
I do not think this has anything to do with vinyl versus digital but everything to do with the type of presentation one is after and which he prefers and likely thinks sounds most realistic. The first sentence in your post is exactly why I think this hobby is so fascinating and why the forums are worth reading. I appreciate that you are exploring these things to a very high level in your system and spending the time to share your impressions and progress with the rest of us.
Peter; we both take our passions very seriously and i likewise appreciate your efforts to find your own musical reproduction truth.
I wish he would have talked a little more about the usb output and using the server with some other DAC. The way he wrote the review is althgouth the server is good and usb is good don't bother unless you are going all out with the DAC and the Optical connection.
that is not real world mostly in the hifi press. direct compares are very hard to do, create winners and losers, and come with lots of baggage.
that is not real world mostly in the hifi press. direct compares are very hard to do, create winners and losers, and come with lots of baggage.
I agree I think to many expect everything to be compared to everything. I am really not sure what is the point and purpose of this. These items are designed to be used together. Imagine if every part of every car was to be compared before someone buys. There is a total lack of trust and respect IMO for the companies that do the work and design the gear. Would you pull out the parts of your speakers and compare? There is a limitless amount of things one could do but these will only lead you away from the music not towards it. This is terminal audiophilia.
I know the Wadax guys for a while now and have many conversations about the products and what they want to achieve and you either take the trip with them or with someone else all of which are fine.
From a reviewer's point of view there is very little to be gained in doing that and at the end they have a business to run and make money as well.
We suffer from trying to find the words to express not only what we hear, perceive and emotionally connect too. My words will be different than say Mike's or Peter's or Marty's etc. We may be saying similar things but trying to express them with a non descript and non precise verbiage. We may be trying to say different things using those words as well. I personally find trying to describe personal passion in words usually fails miserably.
What words fit that perfect meal, the great bottle of wine, that amazing sexual encounter? I think words fail much more often than they succeed. Perhaps a best selling author might be able to get them right but I don't see any of them in the audio world

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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