Wadax Server PSU unit has now arrived


Everything works perfect for two days but today I saw that the reference PSU is powered ON and The Reference Server is powered Down.
I try to restart everything and re-connecting the DC cable again but still not working !
In order to check what is the problem I try connect the Server with the internal power supply and the server is powered ON so the problem is looks like a problem with the Reference PSU or with the Akassa DC cable.
the PSU is Powered ON but will not power the Server.
Also, I sent email to Wadax

Please try to help ne ASAP !
Hi Oren - I sent the manuals this morning so you should have them. Have you contacted your dealer with any of these questions or issues? I ask because they should be local to you and available to respond quickly. This sounds like a connectivity issue but it is difficult without being there and seeing how everything is connected. As you have my email you may also ask me questions.
Hi Oren - I sent the manuals this morning so you should have them. Have you contacted your dealer with any of these questions or issues? I ask because they should be local to you and available to respond quickly. This sounds like a connectivity issue but it is difficult without being there and seeing how everything is connected. As you have my email you may also ask me questions.
I will contact my dealer but it's very strange because everything works and stop working without any reason.
I will contact my dealer but it's very strange because everything works and stop working without any reason.
It is strange; I sent you an email requesting some information so we can better assist you with this issue.
It is strange; I sent you an email requesting some information so we can better assist you with this issue.
after reconnecting all the wadax components.
Here are all the use cases:
1. When using Server without PSU - works perfect without any problem.

2. When using Server with PSU set to O - the PSU and Server are powered ON without displaying on the server, the roon is UP and ready but there is a black screen in the Server Display.

3. When using Server with PSU set to 180 - works perfect without any problems.

4 When server powerd down from the front panel,
PSU settings is set to O, switching the PSU to OFF and ON, powered ON the server from the front panel, the server display appears for 5 minutes and turned OFF automatically and there is a black screen on the server display.
after reconnecting all the wadax components.
Here are all the use cases:
1. When using Server without PSU - works perfect without any problem.

2. When using Server with PSU set to O - the PSU and Server are powered ON without displaying on the server, the roon is UP and ready but there is a black screen in the Server Display.

3. When using Server with PSU set to 180 - works perfect without any problems.

4 When server powerd down from the front panel,
PSU settings is set to O, switching the PSU to OFF and ON, powered ON the server from the front panel, the server display appears for 5 minutes and turned OFF automatically and there is a black screen on the server display.
Hi Oren - our team is already working on this as I have forwarded your last email to them. It’s quite an unusual situation, but we will figure it out.
Just wondering about variations in the downloads and whether the lack of sexiness, delicacy and bloom could be dependent on source quality, or is this a consistent difference.

Congrats on your soon to be acquisition btw :)
ask me a month after i acquire these 3 Akasa cables for myself, and do much more comparative listening. at this point i'm not hearing distinctive differences between streaming sources and files where they are separating themselves and not listening to direct compare vinyl. i've been more trying to just listen to music for the musical merits and get the big picture as to how i'm connecting. i expect to hear more differences but it's evolving and i'm going to run out of time to really sift through that stuff in the next few days.

thank you. as you mention.....not yet actually acquired them, just a test drive, but i expect to do it shortly. :)
over the last day i've noticed an up-tic in sound quality. today was day 6 for the 3 Akasa DC cables, so about 140-150 hours in. a degree more energy projection, a touch more see into transparency, a touch more scale and ease. less reproduced, more musical engagement. quite small but moves the enjoyment needle. i suppose a combination of further settling, and actual cable break-in. nice.
it's now at about 350 hours in on the 3 Akasa DC cables. it's a slight higher point now compared to a week ago. a little more flow, more sure footed and more expressive. probably a touch quieter too, a touch more ambient space. stuff pops! not as big a step as the for 150 hours compared to brand new was. but i can feel it in the musical connection.

@dcathro there is a slight correlation between quality of recording and the effect of the Akasa DC cable step up, but could be somewhat that i'm so familiar with my long term references that it's making a more profound impression on me. better recordings have more musical essence to work with. but it also pulls more from ordinary recordings. when i'm playing unfamiliar streaming classical pieces the up-tic in musical essence seems to be higher, consistent with the boost to my classical files. so i'm not seeing any difference in the up-tick from files to streaming, or good, better, best recordings.....files to streaming.

now that i'm probably past the point where break in is much of a factor, i do need to go and work on my Wadax Power Supply "Digital Waveform Control" adjustments for each source and see if i can move the needle. i'll need to be in the right frame of mind for that. not my favorite type thing to do.

"a set of three rotary knobs that allow users to adjust/compensate for errors in the rise-time and amplitude of the sent signal as well as the spacing on the return channel."
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One of Roy Gregory’ s reviews provides the users of the Wadax reference server with valuable suggestions how to use the three rotary knobs on the right side of this server (for those who employ the Akasa interlink between the reference server and dac).

Although to my ears not a night and day difference the sonic benefits are nevertheless absolutely worthwhile.

Because I play only locally stored files ideally I should change the settings for every new file. However, I am too ‘lazy’ for such an approach: I have found a setting that I generally like very much and leave it at that.

But you should definitely try it out: it is fun to do and the sound will - after some experimenting - become better for sure.
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One of Roy Gregory’ s reviews provides the users of the Wadax reference server with valuable suggestions how to use the three rotary knobs on the right side of this server (for those who employ the Akasa interlink between the reference server and dac).

Although to my ears not a night and day difference the sonic benefits are nevertheless absolutely worthwhile.

Because I play only locally stored files ideally I should change the settings for every new file. However, I am too ‘lazy’ for such an approach: I have found a setting that I generally like very much and leave at that.

But you should surely try it out: it is fun to do and the sound will - after some experimenting - become better for sure.
There is also a description here on the forum regarding the DWC for the Atlantis Reference server:

There is also a description here on the forum regarding the DWC for the Atlantis Reference server:

I somehow missed this. Thanks for turning my attention to this description.
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As I have already mentioned in the Tidal La Assoluta thread, last Saturday I inserted the third Akasa reference dc cable between the Wadax reference server and its dedicated PSU. I preferred this (not broken in) dc cable immediately to the standard (and fully broken in) standard dc cable. Have played it now for around 45 hours and can clearly hear it is getter better (and better). I am currently experiencing the same as when I added two Akasa dc reference cables to my LA system about 4-5 months ago. With the latter I could hear improvements in say the first 100-200 hours of breaking in. Cannot remember that I actually experienced any sonic improvements after the first 200 hours of playing.

Was wondering Mike, did you notice any changes for the better after say 200 hours of playing the Akasa reference dc cables?
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As I have already mentioned in the Tidal La Assoluta thread, last Saturday I inserted the third Akasa reference dc cable between the Wadax reference server and its dedicated PSU. I preferred this (not broken in) dc cable immediately to the standard (and fully broken in) standard dc cable. Have played it now for around 45 hours and can clearly hear it is getter better (and better). I am currently experiencing the same as when I added two Akasa dc reference cables to my LA system about 4-5 months ago. With the latter I could hear improvements in say the first 100-200 hours of breaking in. Cannot remember that I actually experienced any sonic improvements after the first 200 hours of playing.

Was wondering Mike, did you notice any changes for the better after say 200 hours of playing the Akasa reference dc cables?
Rudolf, congrats on the 3rd Akasa DC cable.

i never had a single Akasa DC cable in the system as an addition or by itself. with all three brand new, i saw a steady improvement over the first 100 hours; then a very slight further improvement after that. i cannot really say it ended at 200 hours, as with a DC cable which is powered 24/7, the hours build quickly. probably for a month or so it continued to improve and whether after that i just was not aware or it stopped i cannot say really. it might still be creeping higher. i know i am loving it.

how much is our understanding more, and actual change?
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