WestminsterLab Re-imagining Amplification

I agree with your point regarding context. In an attempt to provide a better reference I attached a couple of photos of the Westminster Rei's when they were in my room. While they don't appear in the same photo together, two (2) Rei's fit on the same Franc Audio amp stand as the Classe Delta Stereo amp they are replacing. I definitely appreciate the small form factor of the Westminster Rei.View attachment 110882View attachment 110883
Thanks. btw, I love that diffuser you have there on your wall, did you make it yourself? It looks like a beautiful piece of art instead of what most look like they belong in a recording studio.
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Hi All, Angus and I are pleased to announce WestminsterLab will be premiering the Quest preamplifier MC/MM phono card at The Show in Irvine CA June 9-11. The Show venue will also be the US premiere of the WestminsterLab Rei amplifiers in bridged mode configuration generating 800 watts into 4 ohms. Used with the phono stage card will be Hear This latest offering, the Ars Machinae turntable and tonearm from Germany. We will be joined by Raihdo TD 3.2 loudspeakers, the Berkeley Alpha DAC 3 and clock used with an Aurender N30A server provided by my friends Bruce Ball and Thomas Kiss of AV International.

WestminsterLab Rei amplifiers and the Ars Machina turntable will also be prominently displayed with the wonderful Wolf Von Langa field coil/AMT hybrid loudspeakers in room This 2023 Show promises to be the best show in years so please support the organizers and exhibitors with your attendance.
That is perfect Gary, thanks for your reply and posting the pics. They look really well made. I'm using an old Class D (or rather Class 'T' as ESLabs call it, as they use a Tripath module to drive the MoSFet output devices), and it sounds good with my Maggie 1.7i's, but a pair of these may soound great. Now all I have to do is get one, or a pair, for a home demo:)
Davetea. The Rei amplifiers consist of two monoblocks for use side by side on a standard size single rack shelf or typical amplifier stand. Feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss more or arrange a demo.
That is perfect Gary, thanks for your reply and posting the pics. They look really well made. I'm using an old Class D (or rather Class 'T' as ESLabs call it, as they use a Tripath module to drive the MoSFet output devices), and it sounds good with my Maggie 1.7i's, but a pair of these may soound great. Now all I have to do is get one, or a pair, for a home demo:)
Thanks. btw, I love that diffuser you have there on your wall, did you make it yourself? It looks like a beautiful piece of art instead of what most look like they belong in a recording studio.
I wish I were capable of building such a wonderful device. It is designed and manufactured by RD Acoustics in the Czech Republic. It is a hybrid diffuser that has helped transform our multipurpose listening space. Most people who see it view it as a piece of art not realizing the important function it plays in the room.
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Hi All,

Angus and I are wanted to let visitors know WestminsterLab will be premiering the Quest preamplifier with the MC/MM phono card (balanced and single-ended versions shown), along with the Ultra series phono cable at The Show in Irvine CA June 9-11. Along with new Westminster analog offerings Hear This will debut the impeccable Ars Machinae turntable and tonearm from Germany.

The Show will also be the US premier of the WestminsterLab Rei amplifiers shown in bridged mode configuration. Bridged Rei amplifiers generate a massive 800 watts of Class A power into 4 ohms! Thanks to AV Luxury International we will be joined by Raihdo TD 3.2 loudspeakers, the Berkeley Alpha DAC 3 and clock with an Aurender N30A server handling streaming duties.

Please come out and support The Show organizers at what promises to be a terrific event. MC-MMphonostage.jpgWLphonocable.jpgBM1_071_social (2).jpg
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Hi All. A brief write up about the Bridged Rei setup with the Borresen 05 SSE. Very interesting to read before attending the show!

Bridged Rei from HiFiStatement

P.S. Review is in German, but google translate does a fine job.

Hi All, Just letting folks know who will be at Axpona that we will be featuring WestminsterLab Electronic in two rooms.

Room #1506
Von Schweikert Audio Endeavor SE with Critical Mass footers
Westminster Rei monoblocks (custom Falken Ohr amplifier platform)
WestminsterLab Quest Balanced preamplifier
WestminsterLab and MasterBuilt Cables
Lampizator Horizon
Small Green Computer i9 server with Sonore Ultra Rendu

Room# 731
Raihdo TD 2.2's or TD 3.2's depending upon the room
WestminsterLab Rei monoblocks (with custom Falken Ohr)
WestminsterLab Quest balanced preamplifier
Aurender N30SA server
Berkeley Alpha Reference DAC 3 and clock
A mixture of WestminsterLab Ultra and Shunyata Omega cables

Special event Saturday afternoon 5:30 pm -6:30 pm Room #1506
Meet Angus Leung and ask questions about WestminsteLab technology.
At this time a bridged set of Rei amplifiers (4) producing 400 Class A watts in 8 ohms and that double down to 800 watts at 4ohms will be making their world premiere!

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What are those racks under the Reis?
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Hi All. Several Members have reached out via PM and email asking about the Rei monos configured for bridged operation (four amplifiers). For example, some were concerned that bridging may degrade, rather than improve performance as is the case in some amplifiers. For those of you who follow our thread, Angus and I decided to publish our response so more people can be informed the benefits of bridging our amplifiers.

Q1: Are the Rei designed to work this way?

Q1A: Yes, at the outset of developing the Rei we designed them with a bridged operation in mind. The circuit operates in this mode without compromise and has several performance advantages over the standard two monoblocks operation.

Q2: I notice power quadruples in bridged mode from 100 watts/channel @8 ohms to 400 watts/channel
@8 ohms, and from 200 watts/channel @4 ohms to 800 watts/channel @4 ohms. Can you explain how that works?

Q2A: Double the voltage, quadruple the power. P=V^2/R.

Q3: What sonic advantages can one expect in a four vs. two amplifier comparison other than an increase in power?

Q3A: In bridged mode headroom doubles, output impedance is halved and the damping factor increases by a factor of two. So it is more than gaining the ability to play louder. Bridging further reduces the noise floor and control over the loudspeaker. Sonically, bass detail and power are improved, an additional and an even more lifelike soundstage is revealed and black space between the notes and micro details are more readily apparent.
Q4 Will four amplifier run hotter than two?

Q4A: The heat generated by each amplifier is roughly the same; however, we find that customers tend to listen at higher levels due to the more effortless and immersive sound four amplifiers produces and run hotter, but still comparatively cool as a result.

Q5: Will I need another set of speaker cables?

Q5A: No, a single set of speakers wires is all that is needed. You will however, need a second pair of inverse phase, balanced signal cables and a short ground wire strap to create a common ground between each set of paired amplifiers
Excerpts from Dirk Summer's review in Hi-Fi Statement, Germany:

WestminsterLab manages the feat of making its power amplifiers sound even smoother, more harmonious, and more elegant thanks to the bridge circuit and despite the quadrupling of power that goes with it. Paradoxically, with four monos, you hear less technology and – even more – more music."

Observations noted by Steve Williams after his demo of the bridged Rei taken from earlier in this thread:

"The texture of the soundstage was from side to side and top to bottom was filled with music and ambient sound. This created such as sense of presence that I felt I was there as I was tapping my toes and snapping my fingers or conducting the symphony. I have to admit I couldn't stop listening as it that good. The amount of headroom seemed endless as there was such an ease to even the most complex music."


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Sharing a liltte pet project that took longer than expected, and of course my experience using it with the Westminster REI Monoblocks.

This week I had the pleasure of recieving some new custom built speakers, for a second listening parlor. Big three ways, with the big RAAL tweeter, Audio Technology mid and woofers. Cost no object xovers. Aston Martin Skyfall Silver, front Mappa burl sides, mirror finished. 92.5db.

I immediately hooked them up to the Horizon direct to the Westminster REIs, with the Taiko handing transport duty. The results have been nothing short of stunning. Tonality is spot on. Dream With Dean has a holographic image that's eerily real, Dynamics on the Pink Panther soundtrack are startling. In short, a well balanced resolved presentation, I don't get fatigued from.

These speakers are about the 7th or 8th pair i've heard with Westminster REI monos. What impresses me most about these amps, is their ability to excell with so many different speaker designs. AudioNec Evo 2s, GT audio works panels, Von Schweikert E-3 SEs, Tobian 15FH, 12FH, and 12SE are some of our recent configurations (shows and listening rooms). Of all the amps i've heard on these different speakers designs, the Westminsters have been by far the most impressive.
Sharing a liltte pet project that took longer than expected, and of course my experience using it with the Westminster REI Monoblocks.

This week I had the pleasure of recieving some new custom built speakers, for a second listening parlor. Big three ways, with the big RAAL tweeter, Audio Technology mid and woofers. Cost no object xovers. Aston Martin Skyfall Silver, front Mappa burl sides, mirror finished. 92.5db.

I immediately hooked them up to the Horizon direct to the Westminster REIs, with the Taiko handing transport duty. The results have been nothing short of stunning. Tonality is spot on. Dream With Dean has a holographic image that's eerily real, Dynamics on the Pink Panther soundtrack are startling. In short, a well balanced resolved presentation, I don't get fatigued from.

These speakers are about the 7th or 8th pair i've heard with Westminster REI monos. What impresses me most about these amps, is their ability to excell with so many different speaker designs. AudioNec Evo 2s, GT audio works panels, Von Schweikert E-3 SEs, Tobian 15FH, 12FH, and 12SE are some of our recent configurations (shows and listening rooms). Of all the amps i've heard on these different speakers designs, the Westminsters have been by far the most impressive.
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@DSG Rob your REIs appear to be levitating in mid air! :D

What are you using for stands?
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I will write a more thorough description of my experience with the Westminster REIs but in brief, I auditioned them courtesy of @LampiNA Fred a while back; was extremely impressed, but did not have the budget to purchase them.

Recently decided to put my money where my heart was and pull the trigger, and purchased a pair of REIs through @LampiNA (thanks so much Fred)!

Although they are still settling in, they are even better (significantly so) than I remembered from my audition, but more to come on that!!

In the meantime, @lscangus Angus - thanks for creating these works of art. Question for you, what interface/connector can we use to take advantage of the 12V trigger on the REIs?

I am not planning on triggering them with my DAC (Horizon) as it does not have the custom option, but more to have a remote control way of turning the REIs on as they will be located behind my speakers for the shortest cable length.

Is there any impact to audio quality using a 12V trigger to turn on/off? There are modules that have optoisolators so nothing is electrically connected.

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I will write a more thorough description of my experience with the Westminster REIs but in brief, I auditioned them courtesy of @LampiNA Fred a while back; was extremely impressed, but did not have the budget to purchase them.

Recently decided to put my money where my heart was and pull the trigger, and purchased a pair of REIs through @LampiNA (thanks so much Fred)!

Although they are still settling in, they are even better (significantly so) than I remembered from my audition, but more to come on that!!

In the meantime, @lscangus Angus - thanks for creating these works of art. Question for you, what interface/connector can we use to take advantage of the 12V trigger on the REIs?

I am not planning on triggering them with my DAC (Horizon) as it does not have the custom option, but more to have a remote control way of turning the REIs on as they will be located behind my speakers for the shortest cable length.

Is there any impact to audio quality using a 12V trigger to turn on/off? There are modules that have optoisolators so nothing is electrically connected.

Why not just leave them on all the time. They idle low with sliding bias.
seatrope, Angus and I cannot thank you enough for your positive comments. We are thrilled you are loving your Reis and no doubt, Fred is a great channel partner and one of the best audio professionals working in the high-end today.

Keith is correct, you can leave them on and they will have a low power draw. As you may already know, the Reis take approximately 30-35 minutes of dynamic signal running through them to reach their optimum operating temperature and best sound, so on or off at idle is similar from a performance perspective.

There is no detriment to the sound quality using the optional 12v trigger feature. I will leave it to Angus to comment on alternative methods to trigger them outside of your Lampizator DAC. Thanks again!
I believe DSG Rob's amplifier stands are from Sistrum. I am looking forward to hearing those bespoke speakers when I get to the east coast later in October!

Below, is my latest at home system set-up including Westminster Rei amplifiers (custom Falken Ohr amplifier stand), Quest pre-amplifier, Lampizator Baltic 4 DAC and Ars Machine turntable/tonearm with Goldenberg Maestro cartridge.

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I like the Tizio light. I have one myself.
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I am testing Quest and Makua-so transparent and Brighton, Quest fuller and more tubey, guess what I prefer


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Why not just leave them on all the time. They idle low with sliding bias.
I was always taught (by my dad decades ago who is (was) also a hifi buff) that "Amps last on, first off". My concern is that turning on and off the Horizon and having the REIs always on will be detrimental, perhaps in the rare occurrence that a tube fails?

Also, I have Homeseer smart home integration. I have a wall button to turn on the movie computer, lower the projector screen, send IR signal to Horizon to turn on, and dim the lights. With 12V trigger I can integrate the REIs into this scheme too :)

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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