Cable lengths depend on how you configure your bridged pairs. Two methods.
Method one: Use two pairs of discrete XLR cables driven directly from your pre-amplifier outputs. Cable set one is standard phase and cable set two inverted phase. This constitutes one channel. Left or right of a bridged pair, four interconnects make up both channels. In that case, the interconnect length is whatever you choose from pre-amplifier to amplifier.
The next thing needed is the "ground bridge wires" connecting the grounds of each left and right channel pair of amplifiers. Generally, we offer them in 20'' lengths unless for some reason, you do not place the amplifiers side by side which is usual and customary. Longer lengths can, of course, be provided.
In bridged mode, your speaker cables' hot and ground legs are connected to the + binding post of each amplifier pair. No special speaker cable modification is needed.
Method Two:
When using only one set of standard phase interconnects (left and right), connect each channel's left and right cables to the lead amplifier. We then supply two, one each for left and right bridged channels inverted phase interconnects to accomplish the bridging between the amplifiers (also approx. 20" in length).
We can also discuss why and how we decide between these options. For now, suffice it to say that both work splendidly and accomplish the goal of perfectly bridging each channel without fuss or complication.
I am running to an out-of-office meeting but will post a schematic of both methods later today, illuminating how Westminster elegantly accomplishes the goal.
On shelving for your application, carbon fiber is always a suitable material, although it is a bit overkill. Either 1/2" MDF or fabricated sheet plexiglass will work perfectly, providing a stable platform for the top set of amplifiers and the needed clearance. Since we have a machine shop stateside, we can fabricate this for you, and you can purchase a set of bridged amplifiers at no cost.
Note: The Reis is not highly susceptible to air and floor-borne vibration, especially when not placed near your speakers. MX116 has his Reis placed between his powerful Magico S5s; therefore, I suspect the extra steps taken with isolation to be beneficial.
Fun fact: Angus originally designed the Reis for bridged operation. Unlike many amplifiers available for stereo and monoblock operation, the Reis was optimised from day one to be electrically perfect when using a single or a bridged pair of monoblocks.