WestminsterLab Re-imagining Amplification

It’s been 5 days since the REI’s have been bridged, and as expected the sound improves substantially daily. The power is so effortless and the soundstage is unlike I have ever heard because it is TOTALLY involving and covers my entire room and even around corners and in places sound waves shouldn’t be going. The detail is so amazing I have to regularly look to see if the musicians are hiding somewhere. I cannot hear any noise, but can hear so much detail that it is the most believable any of my many systems during the past 65 years

I know the system is not at full potential yet, but there is a clear and evolving trend of an amazing evolving soundstage, that does not sound like a system, with detail and subtly unlike I have heard certainly in my many systems, and very possibly anywhere! There is such a special synergy between the Ultra 7’s, Shockwaves and the entire Westminster Lab electronics I have. It is so much more than having 4 REI’s bridged with 800 WPC. The bass is the best I have heard, rivaling what I heard in the New St Mary’s Cathedral in SF when the organist was showing off for his mentor.tI can finally say I have achieved my bucket list system, and it is so much better than I ever imagined was possible.

Thank you so much Damon, Gary, Angus, Steve Williams, Jonas Miller and everyone along the way that helped me be able to appreciate what now resides in my house. Who knows where this is going to go, but I am beyond thrilled. What I do know is that I am a very lucky person to have this. If interested, please come by and have a listen, but you may leave wanting some of the parts of my system.

The audio higher power has blessed me!!!!
Your enthusiasm is nearly palpable for me, Russ. I can identify with what you are experiencing in aggregate, the common denominator being the WestminsterLab equipment. My WestminsterLab gear is the foundation of the entire system. Any change I make is revealed without doubt or ambivalence. I look forward to the time when I add another pair of Rei's and operate the amps in their intended bridged configuration. Continue to enjoy every musical moment.
It’s been 5 days since the REI’s have been bridged, and as expected the sound improves substantially daily. The power is so effortless and the soundstage is unlike I have ever heard because it is TOTALLY involving and covers my entire room and even around corners and in places sound waves shouldn’t be going. The detail is so amazing I have to regularly look to see if the musicians are hiding somewhere. I cannot hear any noise, but can hear so much detail that it is the most believable any of my many systems during the past 65 years

I know the system is not at full potential yet, but there is a clear and evolving trend of an amazing evolving soundstage, that does not sound like a system, with detail and subtly unlike I have heard certainly in my many systems, and very possibly anywhere! There is such a special synergy between the Ultra 7’s, Shockwaves and the entire Westminster Lab electronics I have. It is so much more than having 4 REI’s bridged with 800 WPC. The bass is the best I have heard, rivaling what I heard in the New St Mary’s Cathedral in SF when the organist was showing off for his mentor.tI can finally say I have achieved my bucket list system, and it is so much better than I ever imagined was possible.

Thank you so much Damon, Gary, Angus, Steve Williams, Jonas Miller and everyone along the way that helped me be able to appreciate what now resides in my house. Who knows where this is going to go, but I am beyond thrilled. What I do know is that I am a very lucky person to have this. If interested, please come by and have a listen, but you may leave wanting some of the parts of my system.

The audio higher power has blessed me!!!!
Congratulations Russ! Bridged Rei's are "ne plus ultra" in our book! It's just like you described, the music just flows with all of the detail and control you could ever want. Enjoy your bucket list system!

It’s 5:30 AM Friday night and instead of sleeping I am listening my to my newly completed “BucketList System” and it is 5 days after Damon Von Schweikert (mostly) and I performed the latest update yo my 65 year quest for Audio Nirvana. I am totally blown away by what I now have.. Two recent changes have transformed my already impressive system: 1) Installation of Von Schweikert Ultra 7 speakers and VSA Shockwave 12” subs tuned to totally cancel any standing waves in my asymmetrical room with lots of connected air space via the open design of my house and large volume with high ceilings., especially when my sliders are open onto the my, backyard which is waterfront; and 2) adding two more Westminster Lab REI amps to my existing Westminster suite of electronics (Quest V2 Preamp, Monologue Phono stage and power supply and two REI monobloc amps, connected with reams of Masterbuilt Ultra cabling and Angus Leung’s best cable offerings for bridging my now 4 REI amps and opening a new sonic environment I thought I understood after my 65 year quest for audio perfection, but am now realizing the sonic improvement is so vast on so many fronts, that I have to rethink what I believe is “audio nirvana”.

I will keep this short since my system is still improving every day and my cleaning lady is coming in 2 1/2 hours. Also my thinking is clearly rapidly evolving. With the REI bridging I gained a number of things that together have transformed my thoughts about my ultimate audio goals. First I think the VSA Ultra 7’s and their new tunable Shockwave woofers are simply the best speakers currently on the market regardless of price because they can use the Shockwaves environmental tuning that VSA is so famous for and used in my Ultra 7’s and my previous Ultra 9’s circuitry to cancel any standing waves making my sonic environment much like having my system on a large open field on a windless day.. Second, I like to listen a concert levels when I am deep into a listening session, except I doubt that there is a concert that would have the level of sound reproduction that I now call my Bucket List System. I have pushed many of my previous amps, both AB and Class A monoblocs and multi blocs, and typically find myself running about 3 db below where I want to be because I am at the maximum output I can tolerate without clipping and other distortions. Bridged my REI’s are 800 watts into 4 ohms, which gives me the power I have sought, although I did shut down three of four during a particularly loud listen session about an hour an a half ago. BTW they came back on in 15 seconds and sounded wonderful after about 5 minutes of high level stabilization.

So now the cleaning lady is coming in 2 hours and I do not feel like going to bed, so I will be short about what is blowing me away. The noise floor of this system is hands down the lowest I have ever heard or even realized was possible. Years ago when I listened to Jon Iverson's fabled force field speakers for 5 hours and I heard what I believed to be uncharted a sense of essentially no noise floor, it was amazing because all of the sonic components where so distinct and easily to define while being part of a very complex musical scenario. Amazing what I have now is that same low noise floor but with much more detailed signal and an amazing expansion of soundstage.

The net result is that this is not merely a massive sonic improvement, but rather a totally new sonic experience/environment. I cannot consider it a system any longer because it is so believable and it is literally everywhere in my house, even upstairs due to my open staircase. So the best thing about this is that the sound is so dramatically better than anything I have ever had and probably ever heard. So now I have a new totally emersive environment where I can listen to my favorite music and be moved by it like never before.

I realize most audiophiles will discount what I have written as the ranting of a high end audiophile, but if any of this makes sense to you and you are in the area (half way between NYC and Philly) come by to have a a jaw dropping experience.
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It’s 5:30 AM Friday night and instead of sleeping I am listening my to my newly completed “BucketList System” and it is 5 days after Damon Von Schweikert (mostly) and I performed the latest update yo my 65 year quest for Audio Nirvana. I am totally blown away by what I now have.. Two recent changes have transformed my already impressive system: 1) Installation of Von Schweikert Ultra 7 speakers and VSA Shockwave 12” subs tuned to totally cancel any standing waves in my asymmetrical room with lots of connected air space via the open design of my house and large volume with high ceilings., especially when my sliders are open onto the my, backyard which is waterfront; and 2) adding two more Westminster Lab REI amps to my existing Westminster suite of electronics (Quest V2 Preamp, Monologue Phono stage and power supply and two REI monobloc amps, connected with reams of Masterbuilt Ultra cabling and Angus Leung’s best cable offerings for bridging my now 4 REI amps and opening a new sonic environment I thought I understood after my 65 year quest for audio perfection, but am now realizing the sonic improvement is so vast on so many fronts, that I have to rethink what I believe is “audio nirvana”.

I will keep this short since my system is still improving every day and my cleaning lady is coming in 2 1/2 hours. Also my thinking is clearly rapidly evolving. With the REI bridging I gained a number of things that together have transformed my thoughts about my ultimate audio goals. First I think the VSA Ultra 7’s and their new tunable Shockwave woofers are simply the best speakers currently on the market regardless of price because they can use the Shockwaves environmental tuning that VSA is so famous for and used in my Ultra 7’s and my previous Ultra 9’s circuitry to cancel any standing waves making my sonic environment much like having my system on a large open field on a windless day.. Second, I like to listen a concert levels when I am deep into a listening session, except I doubt that there is a concert that would have the level of sound reproduction that I now call my Bucket List System. I have pushed many of my previous amps, both AB and Class A monoblocs and multi blocs, and typically find myself running about 3 db below where I want to be because I am at the maximum output I can tolerate without clipping and other distortions. Bridged my REI’s are 800 watts into 4 ohms, which gives me the power I have sought, although I did shut down three of four during a particularly loud listen session about an hour an a half ago. BTW they came back on in 15 seconds and sounded wonderful after about 5 minutes of high level stabilization.

So now the cleaning lady is coming in 2 hours and I do not feel like going to bed, so I will be short about what is blowing me away. The noise floor of this system is hands down the lowest I have ever heard or even realized was possible. Years ago when I listened to Jon Iverson's fabled force field speakers for 5 hours and I heard what I believed to be uncharted a sense of essentially no noise floor, it was amazing because all of the sonic components where so distinct and easily to define while being part of a very complex musical scenario. Amazing what I have now is that same low noise floor but with much more detailed signal and an amazing expansion of soundstage.

The net result is that this is not merely a massive sonic improvement, but rather a totally new sonic experience/environment. I cannot consider it a system any longer because it is so believable and it is literally everywhere in my house, even upstairs due to my open staircase. So the best thing about this is that the sound is so dramatically better than anything I have ever had and probably ever heard. So now I have a new totally emersive environment where I can listen to my favorite music and be moved by it like never before.

I realize most audiophiles will discount what I have written as the ranting of a high end audiophile, but if any of this makes sense to you and you are in the area (half way between NYC and Philly) come by to have a a jaw dropping experience.
Congrats! And if you are still awake...I would love to know how much of this is VS' ability to set the speakers up with the Shockwave subs to work to 'clear out' some of the issues we all have in our rooms...standing waves and room configuration.

Given the fact that you used to have Ultra 9s with [REL?],,,I wonder whether the ability to have Damon VS and his preferred system in your room being set up by Damon is what made the magic. Yes, of course, powered by REI, etc, etc...but ultimately if the movement is that far forward, I wonder if the VS 'system' of utilizing speakers as mains combined with the same designer then also having his own subs designed to be integrated into a setup is what makes this magic.

Naturally, the reason I ask of course is because I am also a big fan of subs...and have been investigating upgrading from the Velodyne DD18+...an excellent separate sub in its own right...and thinking about better and/or dual subs...but ALSO now starting to think about how VS is doing it which is utilizing more than just excellent subs or dual subs...but subs designed to be worked together in the room with the mains.
It’s 5:30 AM Friday night and instead of sleeping I am listening my to my newly completed “BucketList System” and it is 5 days after Damon Von Schweikert (mostly) and I performed the latest update yo my 65 year quest for Audio Nirvana. I am totally blown away by what I now have.. Two recent changes have transformed my already impressive system: 1) Installation of Von Schweikert Ultra 7 speakers and VSA Shockwave 12” subs tuned to totally cancel any standing waves in my asymmetrical room with lots of connected air space via the open design of my house and large volume with high ceilings., especially when my sliders are open onto the my, backyard which is waterfront; and 2) adding two more Westminster Lab REI amps to my existing Westminster suite of electronics (Quest V2 Preamp, Monologue Phono stage and power supply and two REI monobloc amps, connected with reams of Masterbuilt Ultra cabling and Angus Leung’s best cable offerings for bridging my now 4 REI amps and opening a new sonic environment I thought I understood after my 65 year quest for audio perfection, but am now realizing the sonic improvement is so vast on so many fronts, that I have to rethink what I believe is “audio nirvana”.

I will keep this short since my system is still improving every day and my cleaning lady is coming in 2 1/2 hours. Also my thinking is clearly rapidly evolving. With the REI bridging I gained a number of things that together have transformed my thoughts about my ultimate audio goals. First I think the VSA Ultra 7’s and their new tunable Shockwave woofers are simply the best speakers currently on the market regardless of price because they can use the Shockwaves environmental tuning that VSA is so famous for and used in my Ultra 7’s and my previous Ultra 9’s circuitry to cancel any standing waves making my sonic environment much like having my system on a large open field on a windless day.. Second, I like to listen a concert levels when I am deep into a listening session, except I doubt that there is a concert that would have the level of sound reproduction that I now call my Bucket List System. I have pushed many of my previous amps, both AB and Class A monoblocs and multi blocs, and typically find myself running about 3 db below where I want to be because I am at the maximum output I can tolerate without clipping and other distortions. Bridged my REI’s are 800 watts into 4 ohms, which gives me the power I have sought, although I did shut down three of four during a particularly loud listen session about an hour an a half ago. BTW they came back on in 15 seconds and sounded wonderful after about 5 minutes of high level stabilization.

So now the cleaning lady is coming in 2 hours and I do not feel like going to bed, so I will be short about what is blowing me away. The noise floor of this system is hands down the lowest I have ever heard or even realized was possible. Years ago when I listened to Jon Iverson's fabled force field speakers for 5 hours and I heard what I believed to be uncharted a sense of essentially no noise floor, it was amazing because all of the sonic components where so distinct and easily to define while being part of a very complex musical scenario. Amazing what I have now is that same low noise floor but with much more detailed signal and an amazing expansion of soundstage.

The net result is that this is not merely a massive sonic improvement, but rather a totally new sonic experience/environment. I cannot consider it a system any longer because it is so believable and it is literally everywhere in my house, even upstairs due to my open staircase. So the best thing about this is that the sound is so dramatically better than anything I have ever had and probably ever heard. So now I have a new totally emersive environment where I can listen to my favorite music and be moved by it like never before.

I realize most audiophiles will discount what I have written as the ranting of a high end audiophile, but if any of this makes sense to you and you are in the area (half way between NYC and Philly) come by to have a a jaw dropping experience.
I can only imagine thee quality od bass with the addition of the Shockwave
Congrats! And if you are still awake...I would love to know how much of this is VS' ability to set the speakers up with the Shockwave subs to work to 'clear out' some of the issues we all have in our rooms...standing waves and room configuration.

Given the fact that you used to have Ultra 9s with [REL?],,,I wonder whether the ability to have Damon VS and his preferred system in your room being set up by Damon is what made the magic. Yes, of course, powered by REI, etc, etc...but ultimately if the movement is that far forward, I wonder if the VS 'system' of utilizing speakers as mains combined with the same designer then also having his own subs designed to be integrated into a setup is what makes this magic.

Naturally, the reason I ask of course is because I am also a big fan of subs...and have been investigating upgrading from the Velodyne DD18+...an excellent separate sub in its own right...and thinking about better and/or dual subs...but ALSO now starting to think about how VS is doing it which is utilizing more than just excellent subs or dual subs...but subs designed to be worked together in the room with the mains.
It’s 5:30 AM Friday night and instead of sleeping I am listening my to my newly completed “BucketList System” and it is 5 days after Damon Von Schweikert (mostly) and I performed the latest update yo my 65 year quest for Audio Nirvana. I am totally blown away by what I now have.. Two recent changes have transformed my already impressive system: 1) Installation of Von Schweikert Ultra 7 speakers and VSA Shockwave 12” subs tuned to totally cancel any standing waves in my asymmetrical room with lots of connected air space via the open design of my house and large volume with high ceilings., especially when my sliders are open onto the my, backyard which is waterfront; and 2) adding two more Westminster Lab REI amps to my existing Westminster suite of electronics (Quest V2 Preamp, Monologue Phono stage and power supply and two REI monobloc amps, connected with reams of Masterbuilt Ultra cabling and Angus Leung’s best cable offerings for bridging my now 4 REI amps and opening a new sonic environment I thought I understood after my 65 year quest for audio perfection, but am now realizing the sonic improvement is so vast on so many fronts, that I have to rethink what I believe is “audio nirvana”.

I will keep this short since my system is still improving every day and my cleaning lady is coming in 2 1/2 hours. Also my thinking is clearly rapidly evolving. With the REI bridging I gained a number of things that together have transformed my thoughts about my ultimate audio goals. First I think the VSA Ultra 7’s and their new tunable Shockwave woofers are simply the best speakers currently on the market regardless of price because they can use the Shockwaves environmental tuning that VSA is so famous for and used in my Ultra 7’s and my previous Ultra 9’s circuitry to cancel any standing waves making my sonic environment much like having my system on a large open field on a windless day.. Second, I like to listen a concert levels when I am deep into a listening session, except I doubt that there is a concert that would have the level of sound reproduction that I now call my Bucket List System. I have pushed many of my previous amps, both AB and Class A monoblocs and multi blocs, and typically find myself running about 3 db below where I want to be because I am at the maximum output I can tolerate without clipping and other distortions. Bridged my REI’s are 800 watts into 4 ohms, which gives me the power I have sought, although I did shut down three of four during a particularly loud listen session about an hour an a half ago. BTW they came back on in 15 seconds and sounded wonderful after about 5 minutes of high level stabilization.

So now the cleaning lady is coming in 2 hours and I do not feel like going to bed, so I will be short about what is blowing me away. The noise floor of this system is hands down the lowest I have ever heard or even realized was possible. Years ago when I listened to Jon Iverson's fabled force field speakers for 5 hours and I heard what I believed to be uncharted a sense of essentially no noise floor, it was amazing because all of the sonic components where so distinct and easily to define while being part of a very complex musical scenario. Amazing what I have now is that same low noise floor but with much more detailed signal and an amazing expansion of soundstage.

The net result is that this is not merely a massive sonic improvement, but rather a totally new sonic experience/environment. I cannot consider it a system any longer because it is so believable and it is literally everywhere in my house, even upstairs due to my open staircase. So the best thing about this is that the sound is so dramatically better than anything I have ever had and probably ever heard. So now I have a new totally emersive environment where I can listen to my favorite music and be moved by it like never before.

I realize most audiophiles will discount what I have written as the ranting of a high end audiophile, but if any of this makes sense to you and you are in the area (half way between NYC and Philly) come by to have a a jaw dropping experience.
There is no doubt that the shockwaves in the rear corners helps, but they are used to subtract energy from the Ultra 7"S to remove standing waves. That was a huge gain and one I idid not get with JL f 113's because the new shockwaves have all of the environmental VSA circuitry from the 7''s and the 9's, and they are used via output levels and targeted frequencies to eliminate the standing waves, which greatly improves the overall sound of the 7"s.

However, bridging the REI's made huge sonic improvements, beyond my wildest dreams and I am sure the seriously reduced noise floor helped greatly to produce the overall sound. I am very lucky to have Damonand Gary as a close personal friends and he knows these speakers better than anyone. Even Damon said he could not believe the overall sonic improvements from bridging the REI's., Like most high end audio systems the end sound is driven by so many factors and clearly Damon's speaker building experience.and the combination of Gary and Damon's audio knowledge all contributed and with my 65 years of audio experience Gary and I used all of the tricks we could to make this incredible sound beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. BTW it should be incredible because I have addressed all aspects of the signal path, no matter how small to let this amazing sound shine through.
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Thank you! Very clear. Sounds like the VSA environmental circuitry and flexibility of setup is pretty powerful. Good to know! Enjoy!
I can only imagine thee quality od bass with the addition of the Shockwave
It makes sense physically, but the sonics are on the edge of unbelievaeble.. If you have a chance to hear it in a true high end system, you will be gob-smacked. It is that good.

Arif, I am using Masterbuilt cabling throughout. Mostly ultra throughout my system and some MB reference for the bridging of the REI's. They are bridged according to Angus' design. The system PC's are all MB Ultra and the Shockwave PC's are reference because of the length and the Ultra's would be prohibitive. Please call Gary Leeds of Hear this or Damon Von Schweikert of VSA because they know the details better than me. As I said in my post, the Shockwaves are out of phase and tuned using the same environmental tunnig circuits in the 9'sand 7's that are also in the new Shockwaves. This alone raised the caliber of the 7's by removing all of the standing waves. It was the bridging of the REI's that made the biggest changes by so seriously dropping the noise floor so that the true clarity of the REI's came through plus they were ideally designed to have 4 OHM input impedance, and the brillliant designs of the 7's and Shockwaves and all of the WL equipment, have a true harmony which is protected by close to $400K MSRP of the Master built system cabling throughout my system, not to mention the upgrades I made to the power from the pole. I know you live far away, but you have an open invitation to hear the system if you are ever in the area or in Hong Kong where WL is made and Angus is located.

The same principles I used for cancelling the standing waves can be used if you have the proper circuitry in your subs, and if not should talk to Damon about options like the their mini 7's, the VR30's and their soon to be released minishockwave subs, It is not a cheap hobby, but I spent 65 years getting to where I am now, and am honored to have the system I do, and very pleased that I own all of the equiipment. and have long forgotten about the cost along the way.

Gary and Damon are both wonderful resources and they are copied on my reply to you
I hope that this helps and makes sense.

Feel free to reach out going forward.

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It makes sense physically, but the sonics are on the edge of unbelievaeble.. If you have a chance to hear it in a true high end system, you will be gob-smacked. It is that good.

Arif, I am using Masterbuilt cabling throughout. Mostly ultra throughout my system and some MB reference for the bridging of the REI's. They are bridged according to Angus' design. The system PC's are all MB Ultra and the Shockwave PC's are reference because of the length and the Ultra's would be prohibitive. Please call Gary Leeds of Hear this or Damon Von Schweikert of VSA because they know the details better than me. As I said in my post, the Shockwaves are out of phase and tuned using the same environmental tunnig circuits in the 9'sand 7's that are also in the new Shockwaves. This alone raised the caliber of the 7's by removing all of the standing waves. It was the bridging of the REI's that made the biggest changes by so seriously dropping the noise floor so that the true clarity of the REI's came through plus they were ideally designed to have 4 OHM input impedance, and the brillliant designs of the 7's and Shockwaves and all of the WL equipment, have a true harmony which is protected by close to $400K MSRP of the Master built system cabling throughout my system, not to mention the upgrades I made to the power from the pole. I know you live far away, but you have an open invitation to hear the system if you are ever in the area or in Hong Kong where WL is made and Angus is located.

The same principles I used for cancelling the standing waves can be used if you have the proper circuitry in your subs, and if not should talk to Damon about options like the their mini 7's, the VR30's and their soon to be released minishockwave subs, It is not a cheap hobby, but I spent 65 years getting to where I am now, and am honored to have the system I do, and very pleased that I own all of the equiipment. and have long forgotten about the cost along the way.

Gary and Damon are both wonderful resources and they are copied on my reply to you
I hope that this helps and makes sense.

Feel free to reach out going forward.

Thank you very much Russ for the extremely generous answer to my question which clarified many things. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I will follow your suggestions and if you ever visit Kyoto/Japan please do let me know. Thanks again!
It makes sense physically, but the sonics are on the edge of unbelievaeble.. If you have a chance to hear it in a true high end system, you will be gob-smacked. It is that good.

Arif, I am using Masterbuilt cabling throughout. Mostly ultra throughout my system and some MB reference for the bridging of the REI's. They are bridged according to Angus' design. The system PC's are all MB Ultra and the Shockwave PC's are reference because of the length and the Ultra's would be prohibitive. Please call Gary Leeds of Hear this or Damon Von Schweikert of VSA because they know the details better than me. As I said in my post, the Shockwaves are out of phase and tuned using the same environmental tunnig circuits in the 9'sand 7's that are also in the new Shockwaves. This alone raised the caliber of the 7's by removing all of the standing waves. It was the bridging of the REI's that made the biggest changes by so seriously dropping the noise floor so that the true clarity of the REI's came through plus they were ideally designed to have 4 OHM input impedance, and the brillliant designs of the 7's and Shockwaves and all of the WL equipment, have a true harmony which is protected by close to $400K MSRP of the Master built system cabling throughout my system, not to mention the upgrades I made to the power from the pole. I know you live far away, but you have an open invitation to hear the system if you are ever in the area or in Hong Kong where WL is made and Angus is located.

The same principles I used for cancelling the standing waves can be used if you have the proper circuitry in your subs, and if not should talk to Damon about options like the their mini 7's, the VR30's and their soon to be released minishockwave subs, It is not a cheap hobby, but I spent 65 years getting to where I am now, and am honored to have the system I do, and very pleased that I own all of the equiipment. and have long forgotten about the cost along the way.

Gary and Damon are both wonderful resources and they are copied on my reply to you
I hope that this helps and makes sense.

Feel free to reach out going forward.

Thanks, Russ. We appreciate your comments.
It makes sense physically, but the sonics are on the edge of unbelievaeble.. If you have a chance to hear it in a true high end system, you will be gob-smacked. It is that good.

Arif, I am using Masterbuilt cabling throughout. Mostly ultra throughout my system and some MB reference for the bridging of the REI's. They are bridged according to Angus' design. The system PC's are all MB Ultra and the Shockwave PC's are reference because of the length and the Ultra's would be prohibitive. Please call Gary Leeds of Hear this or Damon Von Schweikert of VSA because they know the details better than me. As I said in my post, the Shockwaves are out of phase and tuned using the same environmental tunnig circuits in the 9'sand 7's that are also in the new Shockwaves. This alone raised the caliber of the 7's by removing all of the standing waves. It was the bridging of the REI's that made the biggest changes by so seriously dropping the noise floor so that the true clarity of the REI's came through plus they were ideally designed to have 4 OHM input impedance, and the brillliant designs of the 7's and Shockwaves and all of the WL equipment, have a true harmony which is protected by close to $400K MSRP of the Master built system cabling throughout my system, not to mention the upgrades I made to the power from the pole. I know you live far away, but you have an open invitation to hear the system if you are ever in the area or in Hong Kong where WL is made and Angus is located.

The same principles I used for cancelling the standing waves can be used if you have the proper circuitry in your subs, and if not should talk to Damon about options like the their mini 7's, the VR30's and their soon to be released minishockwave subs, It is not a cheap hobby, but I spent 65 years getting to where I am now, and am honored to have the system I do, and very pleased that I own all of the equiipment. and have long forgotten about the cost along the way.

Gary and Damon are both wonderful resources and they are copied on my reply to you
I hope that this helps and makes sense.

Feel free to reach out going forward.

Thanks for the invitation. Aviation has gotten so much better. That's still a long ride.
i have heard the Ultra 7, Maybe VS will bring the 7 plus Shockwave to CAF 2025 this year. Hint.:)

How many people would like that in the ballroom after hours demo. I would spend the night for that.
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Reactions: gleeds and lscangus
Thanks for the invitation. Aviation has gotten so much better, Thams's still a long ride.
i have heard the Ultra 7, Maybe VS will bring the 7 plus Shockwave to CAF 2025 this year, Hint.:)

How many people would like that in the ballroom sfter gours demo. I would send the night for that.
Hmmm....... VSA will have the Shockwaves for sure.
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Reactions: Gregadd
Russ, congratulations on your addition of the Shockwaves as well as going to a fully bridged quad of REIs! Wow - your system must be sounding sublime.

I just wanted to jump in with a note of appreciation for the REIs and Quest. They have been truly the heart of my system and I see them bring out so much musicality and nuance with just about everything they are paired with.

@lscangus was also amazing at helping me out with a minor issue with my nanocon triggers that I experienced a few months ago. I shot him a question and he replied and we solved the issue together in less than 48 hours. Really world class service on top of stunning sound - thanks to @LampiNA for introducing me to this exclusive club :)
It’s 5:30 AM Friday night and instead of sleeping I am listening my to my newly completed “BucketList System” and it is 5 days after Damon Von Schweikert (mostly) and I performed the latest update yo my 65 year quest for Audio Nirvana. I am totally blown away by what I now have.. Two recent changes have transformed my already impressive system: 1) Installation of Von Schweikert Ultra 7 speakers and VSA Shockwave 12” subs tuned to totally cancel any standing waves in my asymmetrical room with lots of connected air space via the open design of my house and large volume with high ceilings., especially when my sliders are open onto the my, backyard which is waterfront; and 2) adding two more Westminster Lab REI amps to my existing Westminster suite of electronics (Quest V2 Preamp, Monologue Phono stage and power supply and two REI monobloc amps, connected with reams of Masterbuilt Ultra cabling and Angus Leung’s best cable offerings for bridging my now 4 REI amps and opening a new sonic environment I thought I understood after my 65 year quest for audio perfection, but am now realizing the sonic improvement is so vast on so many fronts, that I have to rethink what I believe is “audio nirvana”.

I will keep this short since my system is still improving every day and my cleaning lady is coming in 2 1/2 hours. Also my thinking is clearly rapidly evolving. With the REI bridging I gained a number of things that together have transformed my thoughts about my ultimate audio goals. First I think the VSA Ultra 7’s and their new tunable Shockwave woofers are simply the best speakers currently on the market regardless of price because they can use the Shockwaves environmental tuning that VSA is so famous for and used in my Ultra 7’s and my previous Ultra 9’s circuitry to cancel any standing waves making my sonic environment much like having my system on a large open field on a windless day.. Second, I like to listen a concert levels when I am deep into a listening session, except I doubt that there is a concert that would have the level of sound reproduction that I now call my Bucket List System. I have pushed many of my previous amps, both AB and Class A monoblocs and multi blocs, and typically find myself running about 3 db below where I want to be because I am at the maximum output I can tolerate without clipping and other distortions. Bridged my REI’s are 800 watts into 4 ohms, which gives me the power I have sought, although I did shut down three of four during a particularly loud listen session about an hour an a half ago. BTW they came back on in 15 seconds and sounded wonderful after about 5 minutes of high level stabilization.

So now the cleaning lady is coming in 2 hours and I do not feel like going to bed, so I will be short about what is blowing me away. The noise floor of this system is hands down the lowest I have ever heard or even realized was possible. Years ago when I listened to Jon Iverson's fabled force field speakers for 5 hours and I heard what I believed to be uncharted a sense of essentially no noise floor, it was amazing because all of the sonic components where so distinct and easily to define while being part of a very complex musical scenario. Amazing what I have now is that same low noise floor but with much more detailed signal and an amazing expansion of soundstage.

The net result is that this is not merely a massive sonic improvement, but rather a totally new sonic experience/environment. I cannot consider it a system any longer because it is so believable and it is literally everywhere in my house, even upstairs due to my open staircase. So the best thing about this is that the sound is so dramatically better than anything I have ever had and probably ever heard. So now I have a new totally emersive environment where I can listen to my favorite music and be moved by it like never before.

I realize most audiophiles will discount what I have written as the ranting of a high end audiophile, but if any of this makes sense to you and you are in the area (half way between NYC and Philly) come by to have a a jaw dropping experience.
Amazing! Thanks for the comments, Russ. I feel honored to be a part of the process even for a little bit :)
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...I'm looking forward to hearing those VR50s next week @spm360

I would need to listen from the next room if I had Russ' system and gear in here! Probably would still sound great from a room-away.
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...I'm looking forward to hearing those VR50s next week @spm360

I would need to listen from the next room if I had Russ' system and gear in here! Probably would still sound great from a room-away.
Me too, Mark. Things are getting warmed up.. Got the bridged cable kit in from MasterBuilt today, and the REIs are sounding sweet! PXL_20250126_014257073.jpg

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