WestminsterLab Re-imagining Amplification

I recently switched to the WL Ultra Carbon speaker cables, and I'm thrilled with the results. The improvement in clarity compared to my previous cables is remarkable. While the Ultra PC cable isn't available here in Japan, I'm currently using the Hijiri Takumi and like it very much—it’s an exceptional alternative.
Agree that Nagra preamps work great with the REIs. I run Organic by Argento for cables and preferred them to Cardas Clear Beyond. (For much less $)
Thanks for the tip Keith. I can understand/foresee the reason why Argento flow would add. I’ll share my views after sample audition.
Which DAC do you use ?
Hello, and happy to help. What is your name, Sir? It sounds like you are a customer of Rob and Fred's.

For Rei amplifiers, our top choices are WestminsterLab Carbon Ultra power cords and Ultra Carbon XLR interconnects. It is a perfect match for your system, albeit it would be helpful to know what your speakers are for a more complete picture. I have no concerns that WL's solid core, hand-polished vari-twist cables will offer significant performance benefits, especially on the amplifiers. Sample cables are available without cost or obligation. To present them, I generally ask to speak by phone with interested parties to obtain further details and will need your home address, e-mail, and phone #.

Angus and I appreciate your interest.

My best regards,

Hi Gary,

First of all I want to thank you for your many contributions to this thread. I owe you, Steve, Mobiusman & friends the discovery of WML!! Thanks for scouting the way Angus opened for us. It is simply astounding, feel good, closest IMHO to what I think I have been seeking for for the last 4 decades with hifi systems design.

I understand my English betrayed my frenchness hence de reference to Rob & Fred whom I believe are your Canadian colleagues... correct?

So, Gary: “excuse my French!” (With a huge friendly smile on my face as I am typing this! ). Excuse my French for now and ever since my main listening room is nested in the South of France overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and I am French.
More seriously, I don’t think you’d easily ship sample cables across the pound but I really appreciate yor dedication to the brand and your offer here. I am in touch with the French distributor and am well taken care of.
I recently switched to the WL Ultra Carbon speaker cables, and I'm thrilled with the results. The improvement in clarity compared to my previous cables is remarkable. While the Ultra PC cable isn't available here in Japan, I'm currently using the Hijiri Takumi and like it very much—it’s an exceptional alternative.
Thanks a lot Arif,
Hiriji Takumi is a brand I have been aware of for some time now but never properly sampled. Which PC model are you using?
Have you tried their interconects and if yes, why would you recommend to consider them?
Agree that Nagra preamps work great with the REIs. I run Organic by Argento for cables and preferred them to Cardas Clear Beyond. (For much less $)
Just wanted to reinforce your feedback here Keith.

Two of us (neighbors audiophiles) with very different systems but the Nagra HD preamp in common, decided to replace our great Dan DAgostino stereo power and Thrax Monoblocks when the REI were tested in our our systems, over the same WE.

The test & compare were ran with the same bunch of 5 audioolcolics (200+ years cumulated passion for music and audio in the listening rooms that days) including a local legendary reputable pair of ears and voice.

What struck us is that there was a consistent “overall sound signature” across both systems (with Nagra HD preamp + WML REI “backbone”, even though from DAC (Playback vs Lampi), to DC, interconnects and speaker cables, to loudspeakers (Alsyvox vs PeLeon Signature - an amazing French brand most of our US and Asia friends most probably won’t be aware of), nothing really compares in our systems, listening rooms, musical preferences… there was that amazingly musical and “with ease/no effort” naturalness, etc. I will spend more time to share my impressions when we receive the REIs in roughly a month time (Angus, we count on you !!! )

We indeed could also sample the Quest vs the Nagra and direct from Lampi Horizon and the difference in both cases was substantial.

What I would probably recommend if asked is:
- if you already possess a Nagra HD Preamp, then you really must try the REI and make an opinion for yourself at home. Steve Williams has been too clear too many times and too rightly for me understate this recommendation!!
- If you don’t have a Preamp and use the Horizon volume control, then try with the Quest between Horizon and REIs, then, if it is within you budget allocation priorities, sample with the HD Preamp in place of the Quest and you’ll find out for yourself if the x2 budget is worth it. Adding the Quest already made a very positive difference in my experience.

Here is probably the only point upon which I have to disagree with Lukasz, very humbly but as far as my system is concerned, steadily.

I have been an absolutely blinded fan of Lampizator for many years (I currently still own an Horizon in my main system, a Golden Gate 2 in my office system and an Amber 3 in my country house, a kraftwerk, etc…) and wouldn’t seriously consider changing my Horizon if only through an upgrade to 360!

NB: if you were wondering, the full WML (Quest + REI) didn’t work for me (a bit less musical and a step too high in my system). The Quest - Thrax combo better met my expectations.

So as a synthesis, in my system:
#1 set-up: Horizon- Nagra HD + REI (head & shoulders above the sand box)
#2 Horizon - WML Quest - Thrax Héros monoblocs (clear gain in clarity, staging and dynamics)
#3 Horizon - Thrax monos or REI (I think the difference of this set-up between WML and Thrax is really down to personal preferences: both compromises are great but different put aside weight and heat dissipation, (footprint is very similar)

Don’t get me wrong, #3 already delivers amazingly emotionally engaging, easy, non fatiguing, highly musical, very well staged musical image with great tonal balance, harmonics et all.

Then you guys all know as well as I do what it means to always be looking for the next “optimization”, the next “there” where it sounds you “you are here”, an amazing never ending quest.

In that regard, I can confirm that the REIs, when added to HD Preamp went IMHO far beyond an optimization.

I would rather talk of a paradigm shift. A whole new dimension of my system. Revealed rather than added (highly debatable but again only the HD-REI chain created that).

For what it’s worth.

Now time to party !!

Talk next year !!
Just wanted to reinforce your feedback here Keith.

Two of us (neighbors audiophiles) with very different systems but the Nagra HD preamp in common, decided to replace our great Dan DAgostino stereo power and Thrax Monoblocks when the REI were tested in our our systems, over the same WE.

The test & compare were ran with the same bunch of 5 audioolcolics (200+ years cumulated passion for music and audio in the listening rooms that days) including a local legendary reputable pair of ears and voice.

What struck us is that there was a consistent “overall sound signature” across both systems (with Nagra HD preamp + WML REI “backbone”, even though from DAC (Playback vs Lampi), to DC, interconnects and speaker cables, to loudspeakers (Alsyvox vs PeLeon Signature - an amazing French brand most of our US and Asia friends most probably won’t be aware of), nothing really compares in our systems, listening rooms, musical preferences… there was that amazingly musical and “with ease/no effort” naturalness, etc. I will spend more time to share my impressions when we receive the REIs in roughly a month time (Angus, we count on you !!! )

We indeed could also sample the Quest vs the Nagra and direct from Lampi Horizon and the difference in both cases was substantial.

What I would probably recommend if asked is:
- if you already possess a Nagra HD Preamp, then you really must try the REI and make an opinion for yourself at home. Steve Williams has been too clear too many times and too rightly for me understate this recommendation!!
- If you don’t have a Preamp and use the Horizon volume control, then try with the Quest between Horizon and REIs, then, if it is within you budget allocation priorities, sample with the HD Preamp in place of the Quest and you’ll find out for yourself if the x2 budget is worth it. Adding the Quest already made a very positive difference in my experience.

Here is probably the only point upon which I have to disagree with Lukasz, very humbly but as far as my system is concerned, steadily.

I have been an absolutely blinded fan of Lampizator for many years (I currently still own an Horizon in my main system, a Golden Gate 2 in my office system and an Amber 3 in my country house, a kraftwerk, etc…) and wouldn’t seriously consider changing my Horizon if only through an upgrade to 360!

NB: if you were wondering, the full WML (Quest + REI) didn’t work for me (a bit less musical and a step too high in my system). The Quest - Thrax combo better met my expectations.

So as a synthesis, in my system:
#1 set-up: Horizon- Nagra HD + REI (head & shoulders above the sand box)
#2 Horizon - WML Quest - Thrax Héros monoblocs (clear gain in clarity, staging and dynamics)
#3 Horizon - Thrax monos or REI (I think the difference of this set-up between WML and Thrax is really down to personal preferences: both compromises are great but different put aside weight and heat dissipation, (footprint is very similar)

Don’t get me wrong, #3 already delivers amazingly emotionally engaging, easy, non fatiguing, highly musical, very well staged musical image with great tonal balance, harmonics et all.

Then you guys all know as well as I do what it means to always be looking for the next “optimization”, the next “there” where it sounds you “you are here”, an amazing never ending quest.

In that regard, I can confirm that the REIs, when added to HD Preamp went IMHO far beyond an optimization.

I would rather talk of a paradigm shift. A whole new dimension of my system. Revealed rather than added (highly debatable but again only the HD-REI chain created that).

For what it’s worth.

Now time to party !!

Talk next year !!
Knowledgeable friends indicate that the Horizon is a subpar preamplfier compared to the Poseidon which I own. It was designed as an SOTA DAC. It sounded extremely dynamic and out of the box sounding with an old EAR 912 preamp but tonally thinner than I like (line stage pre-amp fault). However, using it with a Quest or Audible Illusions pre-amp (SS or tube) will bring a fantastic combination with the Horizon. This is with the WL Rei amps. I heard the Nagra and EAR 912 pre-amp side by side and the Nagra was a different flavor but still not my cup of tea with Acora Acoustics SRC-2 speakers. The Poseidon pre-amp is wonderful, especially to my analog gear. I will try a Quest in my system in the future as it has more than two inputs (I have an EAR 324, Technics 1500, Nakamichi zx-7 cassette deck, VPI 78 rpm table, Alexis Masterlink and eventually a streamer).
Hi Gary,

First of all I want to thank you for your many contributions to this thread. I owe you, Steve, Mobiusman & friends the discovery of WML!! Thanks for scouting the way Angus opened for us. It is simply astounding, feel good, closest IMHO to what I think I have been seeking for for the last 4 decades with hifi systems design.

I understand my English betrayed my frenchness hence de reference to Rob & Fred whom I believe are your Canadian colleagues... correct?

So, Gary: “excuse my French!” (With a huge friendly smile on my face as I am typing this! ). Excuse my French for now and ever since my main listening room is nested in the South of France overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and I am French.
More seriously, I don’t think you’d easily ship sample cables across the pound but I really appreciate yor dedication to the brand and your offer here. I am in touch with the French distributor and am well taken care of.
It is our great pleasure. WestminsterLab has a new and wonderfully accommodating distributor in France. Ask for Mark and tell him Angus and I sent you:)
Of course, we will visit the next time we are in the South of France. It is absolutely among my favorite regions in the world!

Happy New Year!

France & Monaco

Prestige Audio Diffusion

6 allée le clos des chants
31 470 Fontenilles



Tel: +33 6 49 89 68 88
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Steve Williams has been too clear too many times and too rightly for me understate this recommendation!!

I think I was the first to hear both the mono version and then the bridged version in my system. It was a staggering and humbling experience. I think there’s a photo at the top of this thread with little old me holding both amps under each arm. The bridged version was even light years ahead in sound. Yet having said this if one never hears the bridged version you would be eternally happy with the mono version. These are truly giant slayers. If I were younger and not committed to tubes and had the brains to save money there is no question that I would have these and the Quest and the new phono stage in my system. I’ve read the arguments re true class A or not. Once you hear these all you can say is “who gives a $**t. They really are game changers. I have to commend Gary for doing his due diligence and finding Angus and WML. And once again you have to hear them in your own system

Happy New Year everyone. Be safe and happy listening
The real question is whether the Westminster has caused a crack in the Von Schweikert /VAC marriage. Of late I think they have been sleeping in separate beds/ Happer new year!
The real question is whether the Westminster has caused a crack in the Von Schweikert /VAC marriage. Of late I think they have been sleeping in separate beds/ Happer new year!
One crack is mine as I've heard the Ultra 9 and 11 with a huge bank of VAC 450s in large rooms at audio shows. Superb indeed. TOO MANY TUBES. After 50+ years with tube amps, I chose the WL Rei amps for the VS VR9 SE Mk2 upgraded. Sounds much like the best Ultras I heard and no more tubes, heat or higher power bills. Plus, I keep my REIs on 24/7, always ready. I wouldn't do that with a pair of VAC 450s.
One crack is mine as I've heard the Ultra 9 and 11 with a huge bank of VAC 450s in large rooms at audio shows. Superb indeed. TOO MANY TUBES. After 50+ years with tube amps, I chose the WL Rei amps for the VS VR9 SE Mk2 upgraded. Sounds much like the best Ultras I heard and no more tubes, heat or higher power bills. Plus, I keep my REIs on 24/7, always ready. I wouldn't do that with a pair of VAC 450s.

VS makes outstanding speakers. I’m considering one of their higher end sets. I’ve heard the REIs in my present system. Excellent indeed, but they don’t outperform my present system. Still excellent though.

I haven’t heard the Ultra 9s though with the REIs. But I will soon. Maybe that is the ultimate match!
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Thanks a lot Arif,
Hiriji Takumi is a brand I have been aware of for some time now but never properly sampled. Which PC model are you using?
Have you tried their interconects and if yes, why would you recommend to consider them?
Hi Fabien,
I am using the Takumi Maestro as the PC (https://www.combak.net/pdf/harmonix_hijiri_takumi_maestro367_e.pdf) and also use several insulators from the million series offered by Harmonix/combak. I have not used the interconnects yet since I am saving up for the WML ultras. From what I have heard in other systems, the Kiwami interconnects are very good and would be my second choice. I hope you can find a dealer to try them.
I just wanted to take a moment to give a HUGE thank you to Angus from WML for the incredible Christmas present—my Quest V2 upgrade! Not only was the upgrade done with lightning speed, but the craftsmanship and attention to detail are just outstanding. Angus, you are a truly wonderful human being, and it’s clear that your heart and soul go into your work. The service you provide to us buyers is absolutely unparalleled, and I feel so fortunate to have experienced it firsthand.

I also upgraded my speaker cables to the Ultra/Carbons, and wow—what a game-changer! The combined effect of the Quest V2 upgrade and the new cables has transformed my listening experience to an even higher level. It’s like hearing my favorite music for the first time all over again—there’s so much clarity, depth, and emotion in every note.

To anyone who hasn’t tried the WestminsterLab systems or upgrades yet—do yourself a favor and give them a shot. I promise you, it’s worth every penny and more. Angus, thank you again for your exceptional work and for being such a shining example of how great service should be. You’ve truly made my Christmas (and beyond!) special.
I think I was the first to hear both the mono version and then the bridged version in my system. It was a staggering and humbling experience. I think there’s a photo at the top of this thread with little old me holding both amps under each arm. The bridged version was even light years ahead in sound. Yet having said this if one never hears the bridged version you would be eternally happy with the mono version. These are truly giant slayers. If I were younger and not committed to tubes and had the brains to save money there is no question that I would have these and the Quest and the new phono stage in my system. I’ve read the arguments re true class A or not. Once you hear these all you can say is “who gives a $**t. They really are game changers. I have to commend Gary for doing his due diligence and finding Angus and WML. And once again you have to hear them in your own system

Happy New Year everyone. Be safe and happy listening
Steve, your support and that of the WBF community have made 2024 a memorable year for Angus, his partner Felix, and me. Enjoy the season, and make sure to get some more time in your sound room. Listening more is a new years resolution for me as well:)
I just wanted to take a moment to give a HUGE thank you to Angus from WML for the incredible Christmas present—my Quest V2 upgrade! Not only was the upgrade done with lightning speed, but the craftsmanship and attention to detail are just outstanding. Angus, you are a truly wonderful human being, and it’s clear that your heart and soul go into your work. The service you provide to us buyers is absolutely unparalleled, and I feel so fortunate to have experienced it firsthand.

I also upgraded my speaker cables to the Ultra/Carbons, and wow—what a game-changer! The combined effect of the Quest V2 upgrade and the new cables has transformed my listening experience to an even higher level. It’s like hearing my favorite music for the first time all over again—there’s so much clarity, depth, and emotion in every note.

To anyone who hasn’t tried the WestminsterLab systems or upgrades yet—do yourself a favor and give them a shot. I promise you, it’s worth every penny and more. Angus, thank you again for your exceptional work and for being such a shining example of how great service should be. You’ve truly made my Christmas (and beyond!) special.
Arif, as you likely know, Angus is humble but deserves the accolades presented for his commitment to his customers and craft. In five decades of immersion in high-performance audio, he stands on the shoulders of giants, many of whom helped teach me what high fidelity is all about. I am proud to be his partner in the US!
The real question is whether the Westminster has caused a crack in the Von Schweikert /VAC marriage. Of late I think they have been sleeping in separate beds/ Happer new year!
Greg, there is no rift with VAC whatsoever. Kevin has supported VSA in ways too numerous to count, beginning with his friendship with Albert and then carrying on with Damon after Albert's passing. After showing exclusively with one another for the past ten years and winning dozens of Best in Show awards, both firms have benefitted more recently, showing with differing products; in VAC's case, the excellent Acora granite speakers and, in VSA's case, WestminsterLab solid-state amplification. VSA will always remain supporters and close colleagues with Kevin and will no doubt show with him again:)

Happy New Year!
That id great to hear.
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After a break in production to nail down the details of Westminster's forthcoming (Q2) integrated amplifier, Angus and Felix are back at it, fulfilling orders for Reis, Quests, and Monologue phono stages. Below is a batch of amplifier channels being readied to complete Rei amplifiers bound for the US, Canada, Germany, and France.

As many know, space is at a premium in HK. WLs production facility is best described as a model of efficiency and how one refers to the Rei amplifiers - small and mighty!

IMG-20241218-WA0001 (1).jpg
I'm catching up on some posts today.

Quad Reis is catching on:
This configuration, as opposed to an afterthought, was part of the original design topology for the Reis. Given its small footprint, Angus launched the monoblock pair first and later followed up with the "quadra-blocks." With the Reis now well established, those seeking even more of the Westminster sound have been exploring four bridged amplifiers. With 4X the power on tap, one would be led to believe that is why one would want to explore this configuration, but that would be missing the big part of the story, which is a further lowering of the noise floor, great micro detail, and amplification, of other SQ attributes the Reis are know for. Below is an excerpt from Hi-Fi Statement, Germany, that I think best describes the effect of adding two more amplifiers.

"WestminsterLab has managed to make its power amplifiers sound even smoother, more harmonious, and more elegant thanks to the bridge circuit despite the quadrupling of the power. Paradoxically, with four monos, you hear less technology and - even - more music. Of course, improvements at such an extremely high level require a corresponding amount of effort and, as a result, an equally high investment. Nevertheless, If your budget allows, you should definitely try out this quartet!"

Angus with bridged monos.jpg

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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