Lee, I have had Transparent speaker cables and interconnects for 20 years. My impression is very positive. I never have had any desire to consider other cables.
But I am not “into” cables, and I consider cables to be a highly problematic and financially offensive morass. I can understand and I can “see” where the cost goes into a product
My impression has no value of general applicability, however. I purchased Transparent cables all those many years ago not because of a careful sonic cable comparison, but because both the manufacturer of my amplifiers and the manufacturer of my loudspeakers used Transparent cables, and those two votes of confidence were good enough for me. I never swapped in alternative cables, so I never performed any direct comparison with my Transparent cables.
Network boxes containing one or more of a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor are, to me, tuned circuits. A low pass filter on MIT cables to attenuate any RF output of Spectral amplifiers makes sense to me to deal with that unique Spectral issue, but in general I do not want tuned circuits on my interconnects. It just does not make any sense to me, except as some sort of tone control or low-pass filter.
I found ludicrous and offensive the recent top-of-the-line Transparent network boxes formed into the swoopy shape of an exotic car. Does Transparent really think we audiophiles consider ourselves to be so pathetically uncool that we would spend a fortune to purchase McLaren-shaped network boxes to regain some semblance of masculine self-esteem? I would love to hear the sonic or technical justification for network boxes having front and rear swoopy fenders!