Peter asked Frank this:
"Frank, what do you think accounts for this? I wonder if it had anything to do with the digital source, which I did not notice the name of. The TT was not playing."
Frank's reply:
"Yes, most likely the digital source - ambitious systems can highlight all the negatives of digital playback so easily, and are then impossible to listen to for any length of time."
If it would have been an analog source (which in fact was, tape), it wouldn't have made much difference, I believe, from Frank's reply.
Listen, this ain't the end of the world; we are commenting on comments made from a video. We know that it ain't the real deal but only a very small illusion.
If Frank can see in it something that not everyone see, purely video sound speaking...forget about being there because it's different, it is an analysis from a different perspective, in comparison to other rooms and their own sound from always the Nexus 6's microphone.
To me it's not about even the most remotely illusive music reproduction; it's a simple correlation heard from a phone's mic with one of the guy's own interpretation/analysis.
In that methodology, I would venture (and I did couple times in the past) to have an interpretation too, and by being fully aware, on my overall impression from the sound of a video camera...but not from the Nexus 6 android, more like from Peter's own video camera and microphone(s). And this, purely on the level of a guy watching a video/audio recording of a showroom @ an audio show where music is playing through the speakers in that room and with the source (music recording...analog or digital or both), and the preamp and amp.
This is in no way like being there, but it is permissible to analyse, evaluate, comment, giving a tentative of our overall impression/illusion, and by being fully aware that in real life in our own room @ home, prepared for will always sound totally different than even being there in real life in a dealer room.
When I auditioned speakers in the past @ audio dealer rooms/stores, and that I demo the same speakers in my own various rooms, they always sounded different. Plus! The gear was never exact the same, and neither the audio cables for that matter. :b ...But the room, and the speakers in the room...that's the main sound signature...big big time.
Anyway, I see it as an exercise, not an exorcism.

...And I learn in the process too; like it was a tape playing (R-2-R). And the video recording was shot with an android. :b I take the best side of it...the relaxed humor...and not the seriousness.
Additionally, it feels better to have my mind talking about that stuff than all the bad news recently and the very distorted reality of some of our politicians...
Amen. :b