Thank you for bringing your question over here, Marc. I appreciate it!
Dissecting my state of mind when I visited Keith . . . I was not focused on individual audiophile sonic attributes like resolution or frequency extension or dynamics. I was hoping simply to discern if there was any basis on which I would prefer one amplifier over the other.
I jumped immediately on the greater liquidity (which to me means more natural and more real and more human and greater suspension of disbelief) on Jennifer's voice with the LTA. I did not think about which amplifier resolved information more finely -- which amplifier resolved more finely the sound of Jennifer's voice.
I am totally fine with Peter and TimA, on the one side, considering naturalness and realism to be inextricably linked with resolution, and with me (and maybe Tang) , on the other side, who, at the moment, considers resolution to be a narrower and simpler concept. I think resolution and naturalness or accuracy to musical instrument tonality (Peter's violin versus viola example), etc., simply to be different sonic parameters (just like in the engine context horsepower is a different engine parameter than torque; just like in the television context contrast is a different parameter than brightness).
I hoped my red rose that appears orange analogy would help, because it, to me, highlights the difference between naturalness or realism versus native resolution.
You are a very experienced videophile. Does my video analogy about native resolution make any sense to you as applied to this audio context?