Does Tonal Balance Affect Perceived Pace and Perceived Resolution?

I agree that if one is coming to the party with a SET under their arm, then speakers that are appropriate for them is a good idea.

But if one already has hard to drive speakers, then a SET is not something that they should have under their arm when walking out of the shop.

There are a number of “high end”speakers that have 4 ohm drivers, and difficult crossovers.
These make life pretty challenging for many amps.
It is certainly a lot easier to find a solution with having easier to drive speakers, and avoid being railroaded into the esoteric/arcane amps.
Hard to drive speakers are not good for solid state power house amps either. Regardless of the amplifier technology it will always make more distortion into lower impedances. So 4 Ohms will not allow you to get the most out of your amplifier dollar investment.

Phase angles should not be ignored either- they cause amps to make more distortion too. Finally, speakers that are 4 Ohms in the bass but 8 Ohms elsewhere tend to make amps produce more distortion in the bass region (where the power is) which harms the ability of the system to be natural/accurate in the mids and highs.

Speaker designers really don't like to hear this sort of thing, but they should probably be looking at this from the perspective of the amplifier rather then the other way 'round, and if working with an amp designer, do so with one who will be honest with them and himself.

The amp should be loafing for a job, kicked back on the beach with an iced limeade in hand. What is thus essential and is really the case even with hard to drive speakers, is a very good first Watt (harder to drive speakers might need a really good first 5 Watts...).

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