And just like Steve, I won't be responding to it. I actually have an engineering degree and I could set you straight on a lot of stuff you believe that is absolutely wrong, but I'm sure I'd be wasting my time.
Dave, I’m intrigued how it seems everybody in these forums, especially guys like you, get to be vibration experts except me. You said earlier I was misguided and full of BS.
Let’s talk real performance, Dave. You may recall a few posts ago, I mentioned installing a make-shift mini-rack for my passive line conditioners out of spare parts lying around that’s only a remnant of my real rack, yet the performance gains received thus far total to about 45 – 50. I also mentioned that my new amps last summer experienced over 120 distinct audible improvements using a far more extreme mounting method.
Well, that’s that not even half of it. As of last December I estimated a conservative 281+ distinct audible performance improvements just in my current system. What does last December have to do with anything? That was when I hosted an event for 12 area audiophiles entitled “Building on the Right Foundation – Part 4 - Redbook format – Perfect Sound Forever?”
If you wanna’ know why I hosted such an event and the feedback received, you can read about it here.
There you’ll see various feedbacks (remember, not everybody has well-trained ears) and below is a feedback I received via email,
“Hi John. First, I have to say, you outdid yourself yesterday. I really think you've neared perfection with your system. …”
Of course all feedbacks need to be taken with a grain of salt and I can assure you some were unaware of what they really heard. I think it worth noting that I get a kick out of demo’ing my technology with 1960’s pop music that others wouldn’t dare when putting their best foot forward. Something nobody would dare try with their PB system when attempting to put its best foot forward.
Since December, the number of distinct audible improvements went up from about 281 to about 335 - 340 and I’ve not even touched my system since October of 2014. Why? Because when extreme forms of resonant energy transfer are employed, it’s just like the foundation of a building that is always settling in more as time goes by. Even now, I still receive maybe one improvement per week even though I’ve not touched my system since October of 2014.
Now let’s take that quantity of 335+ distinct audible improvements and give it a bit of a reference.
1. I estimate 11 gains attributed to new product burn-in, 15 significant gains attributed to what I call proper electrical mgmt., and the remaining of today’s 300+ to proper vibration mgmt.
2. I’d venture that each distinct audible improvements I attribute to vibration controlling methods, I estimate the average improvement equating to maybe 1/3rd of a significant component’s burn-in completion process. IOW, maybe 3 of the 300+ improvements equate to one significant burn-in improvement after you purchased say a $10k CDP.
3. In 2011, I exhibited at 3 audio shows. At each show, the most common response from visitors was, “this is the best sound I’ve heard” or “this is the best sound I’ve heard at the show.”
Here are two links that barely substantiate that:
For one show Audiogon listed my system in their top 10 favorites, but their show links disappeared a while back.
Since my vibration mgmt. products take at least 5 days before improvements even start to kick in implies when I exhibited my system only had maybe 26 or at most 30 distinct audible improvements under its belt (burn-in and electrical mgmt). And even that was just enough to be slightly more musical than perhaps the very best SOTA-level systems at the show. Moreover, the components and especially my product I exhibited with in 2011 were significantly less musical off-the-shelf than the components I employ even though the newer components retail for only 1/3rd of those in 2011. So while other “SOTA-level” PB systems at a show are nearing their full performance potential, my own system hasn’t even begun the long journey to achieve its full potential.
IOW, you could pick out the very best SOTA-level PB system in this forum (or perhaps anywhere for that matter) and compared to my humble but well-thought-out PB system’s level of musicality with say just 50 improvements under its belt and my system should easily surpass that SOTA-level system’s musicality. Once the other 285+ distinct audible improvements are added in, it’s pretty much a guarantee my PB system should be running musical circles around that “SOTA-level” PB system of your choosing.
There’s feedback from Audio Horizons who in 2010 licensed a small product from me they sold for $159 and perhaps every one of their 10 – 20 clients claimed that small product was the best kept secret in high-end audio.
Then there’s Audio Exotics of Hong Kong who distribute some of the better and more expensive product who on their first day of install (before any settling in) wrote to the president of Zanden,
“Dear Yamada, It is very very important to let you know. If you want to listen to the maximum performance of your Zanden system. Please come. No Doubt, it will be a new experience even for you--the inventor of Zanden. This orange thing is monster!! I am sure!”
AE also has my product in both of their $500k showroom systems and buried elsewhere on their website they claim my product is their greatest find in recent years. And the version they have is only maybe 35 – 40% the performance potential of my current version.
Moreover, I’ve not even touched on the lengthy list of specific benefits my technology brings that no other component nor collection of components could ever do without first employing a similar method of vibration control. Nor have I touched on the folklore and the many disputes my technology puts to bed once and for all. Nor have I touched on the fact that every last PB systems' precision and accuracy has been severely crippled by the two very sources of vibration you can't even acknowledge as having anything to do with anything, i.e. air-borne and internally-generated. Exactly like a severe performance-limiting governor.
Perhaps most important, the benefits of my technology exposes who really knows what they’re talking about and who doesn’t.
Speaking of which, where is even a shred of evidence that you know the foggiest about real performance or true vibration mgmt., or even that you’ve been able to apply anything of significance from your supposed engineering education? Or are you just another paper tiger whose system sounds wonderful over the internet?
But here’s the point I want to make sure you walk away with, Dave. You obviously haven’t a clue the inferior quality of music you listen to when you sit down in front of your system, (otherwise you’d be asking for help in these forums). But every time you do listen to reproduced music, I want you to think there’s a system out there that could probably play the MP3 version of whatever you’re listening to that may well sound as musical or perhaps even more musical.
And that’s due almost solely to the unique vibration mgmt. I employ.