What is high end audio all about?

Nyal Mellor

Industry Expert
Jul 14, 2010
SF Bay Area, CA, USA
In one paragraph or better yet one sentence, what is high end audio about for you?

It's an open ended question on purpose :)
Hello and good evening to you Nyal. To answer this question, please refer to the first part of my signature. It has nothing to do with high end audio. It has everything to do with all aspects of the accurate reproduction of music itself.

It's all about having a passion and dedication for the ultimate sound reproduction, with the means (financial) to get there regarding the electronic audio equipment, the loudspeakers, and the room's acoustics.
At the end it's all about quality music sound reproduction in your own dedicated listening room.
...Like Steve's system, and Mike's system, and Jack's system, and Bruce's system, in their own rooms.
..Very high fidelity. ...For example with them four audio systems from these four individuals.
...And of course there are other members here who fit into that high-end calibrated audio/music category.
Being able to get lost in the music without the use of mind altering substances. :D
part high fidelity ... part brand building ... part inflated markups .
High End audio is about performance not necessarily money. I think money gets too much emphasis because the bottom line is you don't have to mortgage the house for good sound. Sure you can pull the last 5% argument and all the money it takes to get there but in my mind that more about personal taste and bias than anything else

Sheer enjoyment of musical skill, without having to play, just listen.
I completeley agree with Jack, it is all about the trip and the enjoyment I get from music. Now the better the system, the more I enjoy it and unluckily, the most expensive systems tend to sound better!

I have a couple of newbie friends, they asked me to point them to a site where high end audio can be explained as a whole, I am having trouble finding such info, anyone can help me?


I have a couple of newbie friends, they asked me to point them to a site where high end audio can be explained as a whole, I am having trouble finding such info, anyone can help me?


Your friends don't need a special site for that; they simply have to talk to the right people, and them people aren't at one place in particular but they 'roundabout'.
For me, it comes down to being able to enjoy more information from a favorite recording.
Many good comments so far. For me it's a very short single sentence:

High end audio is the pursuit of high fidelity.


So what separates high end audio from mass market dreck?

You've already told us that a $200 CD player is as good as it gets.
High End audio is about performance not necessarily money. I think money gets too much emphasis because the bottom line is you don't have to mortgage the house for good sound. Sure you can pull the last 5% argument and all the money it takes to get there but in my mind that more about personal taste and bias than anything else


I think a lot of people get fooled that high end is about uber expensive gear because that's what everyone is talking about (technical name for this is "availability bias"). A thread on this site about the dcs vivaldi or a an article on the cover of TAS draws flies. In reality, Dcs may sell 100 vivaldis over a few years, mostly to upgraders who already like their sound.
In one paragraph or better yet one sentence, what is high end audio about for you?

It's an open ended question on purpose :)

As anything complex, the answer is: IT DEPENDS!

To some it’s about arguing…

To the science minded crowd, it’s about “saving the audiophile’s soul”. It’s about “busting” the confidence men who manipulate audiophile insecurities, seeing them biddable, easily confused, motivated by a huckster salesman such as valin or Harley, which is to say a huckster mounting a soapbox and inflaming our passions. But these well-meaning, science minded folks promise to relieve us of the burden through their commitment to science or technical excellence, claim to hold the Magic Beans are nothing but charlatans of a different order. Their emergence is inevitable and they need to be exposed as just another bunch blatant hucksters. Just kidding, of course! Sort of!!! I do, occasionally, appreciate that perspective, as narrow as it is!

But for most, it’s about sitting back and relaxing! In the scheme of things, the best systems let you do just that. Hearing them, you don't focus on the quality of sound, you just let go and enjoy. We all live busy, stressful lives. Similarly, you can go to the park or go to the beach, sit back, lean your head back, and relax! Lower your guard and float away!

It’s really about finding that State of Flow, a state of bliss that a closer connection to the music provides.
Many good comments so far. For me it's a very short single sentence:

High end audio is the pursuit of high fidelity.


I know it's been discussed here before, but "high fidelity" to what? The master tape? The sound in the studio (where most listeners have never been)? The sound in the concert hall (where different seats usually have dramatically different sound)?

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