Buy a tube preamp with many tube rolling options, e88cc/6922, 6sn7 ..., so you can tailor the sound to your taste.I am shopping for a tube preamp. Some interesting thoughts popped into my noggin.
What is the point of purchasing and running tube preamps, or integrated/power amps that don't sound tubey?
If there is no signature tube sound why not just go solid state and get the benefit of no heat and zero maintenance?
I have a VAC SigMKIIa that uses 2 e88cc/6922. Currently rolling 60's Siemens e88cc and the sound is neutral, transparent, dynamic ... If I want a warmer sound, roll some Mullards, Mazda ... I avoid tube preamps with limited tube rolling options. What's the point having a tube pre if you can't roll tubes
Actually I find matching tube pre is more critical especially to SS amp. If a tube preamp cannot drive (low output impedance) an amp properly, sound is limited on both ends, lifeless, flat ...The best property of tube preamplifiers is avoiding the sound signature of solid state preamplifiers ...
I have the feeling that tube preampfliers represent better value for money in terms of sound quality - e.g. you can get two ARC REF5Se for the price of a DartZeel NH18. I have also found that tube preamplifiers are less critical of matching - usually solid state preamplifers ask to be connected to amplifiers of the same brand. Just MHO.