The impedance of the ribbon driver is suggested by Brad to be a fairly flat and relatively easy to drive 6ohm load with 89dB sensitivity.
Many amplifiers can make sound come out of the Pendragons. But with the option of 150w from a single 833 tube why should Incomsider any other SET?
So Wavac it is going to be? The biggest Wavac power amp is still for sale in Holland.
Btw, the mentioned sensitivity and impedance curve of your Pendragons imply that a 50 watt set amp will do the trick unless you are going to use a huge room and wanna play incredible loud. Your new amps do not have to drive your bass towers; therefore the quality of the set power would for me be more important than the (absolute) numbers of watts.
In my 65m2 room I use with my comparable Genesis 1.1 loudspeakers less than 30 watts (Kondo Gakuoh), albeit pp power.