sorry Bob, next time I will upload smaller ones
They look like the mother ship has landed.
sorry Bob, next time I will upload smaller ones
Anyone still using this design ,besides me that is.
Can you spot the halo in the's telling us something
When did Linn switch from the “ribbed for her pleasure” plinth to the smooth wood plinth? The wood on the smooth plinth is much prettier by the way.
You betcha....I love my LP12. I'm using the Naim Aro tone arm and the new Benz Ruby ZH on mine.
I think the fluted plinth gave way to the solid plinth when they intro'd the 25th anniv ed. in '97. i agreee the solid plinth looks better.
No Regrets,
I see a piece of BelCanto SET40 on the left of your Linn!
Use to have three ... at one time. Those 845 tubes were bright enough to light the entire room and generate enough heat for the cold and wet Seattle winter nights...
No Regrets, that's a very nice LP12 you have there. I think the Aro is probably one of the best, if not the best, arm for this table. Have to agree that the smooth plinth looks better than the ribbed version, although the wood of my ribbed version is very nice also, you just have to look closer at it.
Nice looking preamp just above (Gold on Black). Luv the name too: Presence Audio.
Hi DaveyF,
Thank you for the compliments on my plinth. I've been very happy with the Aro desire to change that at all. I still love the look of the ribbed version too. It's very "classic"! Which arm are you using on your LP12?
Hello NorthStar,
Thank you for the compliment on my line stage. It is indeed called the Presence Audio by First Sound Audio. Here is a link to the technical specs for anyone that may be interested in learning more about it. It is a completely dual mono tubed line stage that is extremely quiet, but has explosive dynamics and great body. It has been my favorite for probably around 18 years or more. Emmanuel Go, the designer and CEO of First Sound is a first rate kind of guy too. A true gentleman in every sense of the word and is an asset to the High End Audio World.
No Regrets, I am using a Black WTA arm with Van Den Hul silver wiring. This arm is an improvement over the Linn Ittok 11 I used to own but not as nice as your Aro. The WTA has some very interesting attributes, best of them is the fact that you hear no bearing noise, worst is that there really is no repeatable adjustability and the arm tends to wander off adjustment. Only issue I have with Linn's is that you are pretty restricted with the type of arm you can mount, the SME's and most of the Graham's and other heavier arms are out. I'm beginning to think that this issue may push me away from my beloved Linn.
What amps did you end up switching too?
Used to drive a pair of Brentworth Sound Labs - highly sensitive single driver speakers and later used it to power a pair of Klipschorns.
I had gone through the vintage tube amp stage after the BelCantos with two pairs of HK Citation IIs in monos and a Marantz 8B...then went into the SS phase with Brystons when I had the Maggies and now I am settled in with a pair of MBL 9008As.
I should have kept at least one SET40... but I see them on Audigon once in a while.