Hi Shane, the vyger with the red sparrow has been my favourite analog for over 4 years now. Previously i heard it sound excellent on all Thomas Mayer gear including a very low 1ish watt 46 amp with crossover less speakers, but now listening to that combination in a 5 way system with large amps and different gear and confirming it retained all the virtues kind of closed my search on sonic decisions. Have to do a compare there of the DaVa Vs the vyger red sparrow, but the vyger can be modded to add a pivot arm for the Dava anyway.
In my posts above showing the pics separately I have provided one link to vyger Atlantis playing some jazz, one classical, and both mono and stereo. The other link has compare videos between vyger red sparrow and Techdas AF3 with the 3012r and the vdh master signature. The 3012r was preferred to the Graham elite with the identical cartridge.
I have now named the videos with what gear is playing, but the test was done blind on WBF earlier and on WhatsApp without naming the gear, and with almost 15 people surveyed the lowest score is 3/4 in favour of vyger, mostly 4/4, with people choosing it for the same reason we did in room. So much for video skepticism.
The phonos were thrax Orpheus mk2 Vs Thomas Mayer partial silver. The thrax was clearly preferred on both vdh and red sparrow.