Daniel Avery – Ultra Truth. nothing like buying and listening to brand new music - gets those juices flowing when soaking up the music. brand new album from Daniel - mighty fine.
Kanye West – Donda - Kanye's new album is a 4LP mega set. half way thru so far and its superb. more surprising is the recording and pressing quality - both first rate. Sterling Sound & MPO did a great job.
I absolutely love every track on her first album, have the MOFI 45rpm box, but have not been able to get through a side of anything else after that. Just checked her current discography and just realized she has put out a ton since I stopped checking.
New Order – Low-life - 1985 original Aussie pressing. must have played this 500 times over the years and it sounds better than when I bought it!!
Probably my fav New order album. Has the superb synth, the bass from Hooky, the amazingly fast drums and drum machines from Stephen but what it has the best is Bernard's guitar. Ig you listened to any NO album from the past 30 years you would think he has forgotten how to play the guitar.
On Lovelife his guitar playing is sensational - aggressive, attacking and incisive. Oh how I wish he started playing guitar again and stopped trying to sing and went back to speaking the words again.
Grant Green – Feelin' The Spirit + Oren Ambarchi – Sagittarian Domain -two wonderful releases separated by 50 years but both magnificently reissued in 2022