This album had great audiophile education relevance for me. I was in college and worked part time at Paul Heath audio in Rochester NY. Instead of salary, I was paid in gear, at employee accommodation pricing! I bought Tympani I-U's, ARC SP3 and D76 amps. One night, I was at an audiophile buddy's house, who had Marantz 7 and 9 gear, and he just bought Tympani I-U's as well. He then showed me something amazing, which was that the best sound from those speaker came from listening to them on the back side, not the front! He turned the speakers around so his listening room faced the rear of the speakers. He played this album and I was stunned- he was right! The reason was obvious. The magnets of the 1U''s were only on the front side. No magnets on the rear of the panels allowed more transparent sound if you listened to their backside!. Uglier indeed, but it was quite a revelation. Later Maggies (1C and 1D) used magnets on both sides, but I was impressed that a Magneplanar owner used his ears and his brain and figured this out by himself (it was truth Magenpan always denied)! Those early audiophile years were the good old days in many ways. As the Nobel laureate Albert Szent Gorgyi said "discovery is seeing what everybody else sees, and thinking what nobody else thinks".