Thanks Andre! I really like this disc and I'm also a huge Motown fan. 90% of it is on vinyl though, and now I'm looking to enhance my digital library on the genre.
Discovering a very good Brasilian Artist : Roberta Se... The recordings I have of her are compressed as it has become the norm in modern recordings and that robs the music, the audiophile is bothered but the music is sooo beautiful one has to remove this caveat and just focus on the music .. Immensely enjoyable .. Discovered her, thanks to Pandora and Spotify.
I don't speak a word of Portuguese but Loooooove Brasilian Music... Varied and beautiful . Brasilian singers seems to have a very unique style .. singing from the chest, almost out of breath .. very particular and unique ..Listen to Joao Gilberto for example or Bebel Gilberto or to one of the best singer the World has known Elis Regina to have a good idea ... For those versed in music theory, brazilian make it a point to master the half step and Elis Regina is likely one of the best ever in this regard .. Conisdered amongst one of the best 50 best singers of all time by NPR.... So much music to listen to so much music !!!! And they are for the most part on CD
I'm a huge fan of the French "chansonniers", people like Gilbert Becaud, Charles Aznavour to name but two. Although I speak french, I'm not bothered by langauge in music. Good music is good music!
I'm a huge fan of the French "chansonniers", people like Gilbert Becaud, Charles Aznavour to name but two. Although I speak french, I'm not bothered by language in music. Good music is good music!
Re-discovering these people now and looking at them with a different pair of glasses ... I am a big fan of Jacques Brel myself( I know he's not French, he's from Belgium but ...).. if you're a fan of Becaud you must get the Olympia Album.
. It has been a while I have been removed from the french"chansoniers" time to plunge back in .. BTW back in the days I was a big fan of your very own Diane Tell. We were so big on her that she actually came to Haiti for a few concerts we so much enjoyed ... I haven't heard form her for a while .. TIme to dig for her records especially her self-tiles first one "Diane Tell" ... So much music ...
Re-discovering these people now and looking at them with a different pair of glasses ... I am a big fan of Jacques Brel myself( I know he's not French, he's from belgium but ...).. if you're a fan of Becaud you must get the Olympia Album.
. It has been a while I have been removed from the french"chansoniers" time to plunge back in .. BTW back in the days I was a big fan of your very own Diane Tell. We were so big on her that she actually came to Haiti for a few concerts we so much enjoyed ... I haven't heard form her for a while .. TIme to dig for her records especially her self-tiles first one "Diane Tell" ... So much music ...
Diane there's someone who's name I haven't heard in decades. Will have to go searching. Luckily there is a store in downtown Toronto that actually has a decent selection of "Quebecois" artists.
Re-discovering these people now and looking at them with a different pair of glasses ... I am a big fan of Jacques Brel myself( I know he's not French, he's from Belgium but ...).. if you're a fan of Becaud you must get the Olympia Album.
. It has been a while I have been removed from the french"chansoniers" time to plunge back in .. BTW back in the days I was a big fan of your very own Diane Tell. We were so big on her that she actually came to Haiti for a few concerts we so much enjoyed ... I haven't heard form her for a while .. TIme to dig for her records especially her self-tiles first one "Diane Tell" ... So much music ...