I must have a dozen pairs of cans if not more.
I got a pair of Sennheiser (forgot the model #) that I like; but don't use any of them now.
...And for many many years as I have my own space.
* Right now I am listening to a French female folk singer from the analog r.a.d.i.o. (Espace Musique).
It's from my analog vintage Tuner (Marantz) in my bedroom; the speakers are omnipole, so the sound reaches me just fine in the open living room/kitchen area. ...That way I feel relax when I communicate on the Internet.
It is Louise Forestier and I know pretty much all the tunes she is singing as they are traditional from Quebec.
{She's good friend of Robert Charlebois, and I met them both before, in person.}
And when I was younger I used to play several of their tunes; on the flute and on the harmonica.
They are beautiful songs, and very peaceful and romantic. And she has a nice voice too.
By the way, music's playing on average 18 hours a day at my place. And never with headphones.
Also, I never get bored musically, as I got several systems, loudspeakers, components,
and several musical instruments for personal creativity. Plus with all my music software (CDs, SACDs, DVD-Audios, LPs, Tuners (analog, digital, HD), DVD & Blu-ray music concerts).
I'm also a huge Cinema lover; but I'm sure you knew that. Dunno yet what I'll be watching tonight.
With me it's always a last minute impulse, or an earlier inspiration, suggestion, idea, ...
Peace & Freedom (liberty) are my best companions.
I am totally & comfortably numb; in the now, in my life, and hope to always remain.