dont miss the stuff she did on the danish steeplechase label when she was 'exiled' in many under appreciated US jazz muscians, shirley and the likes of chet baker, archie shepp, dexter gordon, jackie mclean, ben webster et al went abroad to earn a living wage and occasionally record some superb music.
fame often doesnt touch the most deserving, not my quote but wish it was:b "id rather hear shirley horne fart than diana krall sing"
* Listen to the trumpets, the drums, the percussions, the rhythm; all well recorded and tight!
And perfect summer music with a cold drink while relaxing in the shade of the sun (Juniper tree) by the ocean (or lake). :b ...And the piano ... the flutes ... acoustic bass ... acoustic guitar ...
--> For me, right now, it's under a parasol, on my patio, in front of the lake, with a cold lemonade.
Just perfect! :b ...I'm in heaven man! ...And for the last one million years! Please don't disturb.
Diana Krall may not be everyone's cup of tea but for me ANYTHING that's smooth is my cup of tea, in my early years i was a fighter today i'm more of a lover.
I have had that SACD of Diana Krall for years. It has only been in the system maybe twice so far. At first, I could not stand her raspy voice but over the years of getting glimpses of her performing on different systems, I guess I have slowly become appreciative of the uniqueness of her voice. I never really had any issues with the music that accompanied her singing, just her voice. I guess she's grown on me a little bit. The same thing happened to me with Ricky Lee Jones and her song "The Moon is made of Gold" and Rebecca Pidgeon's "Spanish Harlem". Basically, I didn't like the songs or the singing when I first heard them but over time, I have come to yearn to listen to those tracks now. Not as an audiophile but as a listener.
I guess one could say that my musical tastes are "growing up" a bit. Well, now that Diana's SACD is done playing, I'll go ahead and slap in the SACD below and listen to one of the aforementioned artists, Rebecca Pidgeon. Then on to listen to the rest of the album as I cook breakfast for the family. Ain't life great?
Fed Ex just showed up at my door so these two LPs will be spinning tonight. Also, I bought another bottle of my favorite RCM solution, the Mobile Fidelity Super Wash. Good thing because I'm almost out of it.