Lloyd, That's an interesting question. My recollection of the UK CD, which I also own, is that they are actually fairly similar. The original recording IMO isn't that great to start with...it was a CBS production and I think that says it all.
The MFSL is superior to the US standard pressing and it does have its great points. To me, the MFSL is the way to go, simply because I think you get better packaging and If I remember it has a little more top end extension than the UK re-issue ( BUT that's about it). I think it's a brilliant piece of music. Which leads to me an interesting point, my sister-in-law brought up: This music isn't the kind of thing that the newer generation will likely take to....because it doesn't lend itself to the "quick download" that is so popular with them. You do have to listen to the whole CD from start to finish to get what the message is...something that isn't that popular today.