I am open to trying everything...and basically have.
That said:
Basically, all but one of my audio friends here in Europe use tubes (the one that doesn't uses Class A SS) and all but one of those use SET (the other has Nagra VPA PP 845 amps). They ALL came from large SS and high power tube PP amps...including me. We have also all been through the Class D of several types, PP triode, PP high power UL tube, OTL , Class A SS, Class AB SS, Mosfet, Bipolar, hybrid, SET hybrid etc. etc. We are all on SET now...because of the sound. It is experience, not religion. I am always open to listening to new technologies or implementation (I have owned three OTLs, three different Class D amps...have you?). There is no dogma, just listening and thinking about what is heard.
One of my friends recently decided to try the Plinius SA-102 MKIII Class A SS amp with his 91dB Dynamikks speakers. It actually sounded "OK". However, one could easily hear where it deviated from realistic sound (flattish images, a bit gray tonality). He has now gone back to his Ayon Helios (Parallel SET with 6C33C) and recently I brought him my Horning SATI 520B amp to play with and it simply blew away the Plinius and was significantly better than they Ayon as well. It's not that we don't try other tech...we do and then we reject it because...it SOUNDS inferior.
There are a couple of non-SET amps that I could easily live with. One is the Ypsilon Phaeton integrated hybrid. The other is the Thrax Spartacus all 300B push pull amp (but this is very expensive). The Alieno and TLA amps have also sounded good at shows. Finally, Aries Cerat has their new single element amplifier, which somehow "welds" a tube and transistor for a single stage amp...these sound probably better than just about anything out there (it is still single ended though).